Using the Scene node

Use the Scene node to show 3D content in your Kanzi application. The Scene node can contain light nodes, Camera node, and all other Kanzi 3D nodes.

Once you import or create content in a scene, move the content around the scene graph to place the content where you want it to appear in your Kanzi application. Note that for all inheritable properties (for example, transformation), a change in a parent node affects all its children. See Property system.

Creating a Scene node

Only the Viewport 2D node can render a Scene node. However, you can create a Scene node in the Prefabs and instantiate it when you want to show the content of that Scene in your application.

To create a Scene node:

  1. In the Project press Alt and right-click the RootPage and select Viewport 2D.
  2. In the Project press Alt and right-click the Viewport 2D and select Scene.
    When you create a new scene it contains only a Camera and a Directional Light.

See also

Property system

Layout control nodes