
Use triggers and actions to create interactions. Use triggers to set off actions, such as setting a property to a certain value or setting the state of an application. Messages are generated, for example, from the user input and handled by the UI components according to their specified behavior.

Most of the message handling behavior is predefined in a UI component, such as scrolling in a list box, but you can define much of behavior to meet the requirements of your application. For example, the simplest UI component, a button, creates a click message whenever a user clicks, or taps it, but you can define what happens after the generated click message. An example action is that a click triggers an animation that highlights the button the user clicked.

All Kanzi objects can send and receive messages that can be intercepted with triggers. Certain UI components can receive messages from specific user input events. For example, a button can receive click messages and a scroll view can receive scroll messages.

These concepts relate to defining event-driven logic:

See also

Using triggers

Using input manipulators

Using messages

Triggers reference

Actions reference