Using the Viewport nodes

Use the Viewport nodes to set the size of a render target surface onto which content is projected.

Viewport 2D is a special node because it can render both 2D objects, such as Image, Page, Button 2D, and a Scene, which is a 3D object. When you create a new Kanzi Studio project, the project has a Viewport 2D with a Scene that contains a Camera and a Directional Light.

Creating a Viewport 2D node

To create a Viewport 2D node:

  1. In the Project press Alt and right-click a 2D node where you want to create a Viewport 2D node and select Viewport 2D.
    Note that you can create a 3D node only inside 3D nodes, and 2D node only inside 2D nodes.
  2. Add content to the Viewport 2D node you created.
    For example:

Controlling how Kanzi renders a Viewport 2D node

You can control how Kanzi renders a Viewport 2D node with the Foreground Hint property:

Setting the appearance of a Viewport 2D node

You can control how Kanzi renders a Viewport 2D node. See Controlling how Kanzi renders a Viewport 2D node.

To set the appearance of 2D nodes:

Using the Viewport 2D node in the API

To create a Viewport 2D node, attach it to the RootPage, and add to it either a Scene or 2D content:

// Create a Viewport 2D named Viewport 2D and add it to the RootPage.
Viewport2DSharedPtr viewport2d = Viewport2D::create(domain, "Viewport 2D");

// To render 3D nodes in a Viewport 2D you need to add a Scene to the Viewport 2D.
// Create a Scene named Scene for 3D nodes and add it to the Viewport 2D.
SceneSharedPtr sceneNode = Scene::create(domain, "Scene for 3D nodes");

// Create a Camera named Camera and add it to the Scene.
CameraSharedPtr camera = Camera::create(domain, "Camera");

// Create a Point Light named Point light and add it to the Scene.
LightSharedPtr light = Light::createPoint(domain, "Point light");

// Create a Box mesh named Box and add it to the Scene.
Model3DSharedPtr box = Model3D::createCube(domain, "Box", 1.0f, ThemeBlue);

For details, see the Viewport2D class in the API reference.

Viewport 2D property types and messages

For a list of the available property types and messages for the Viewport 2D node, see Viewport 2D.

See also

Using the Scene node


Using prefabs

Material types and materials

Creating textured materials