Kanzi 3.9.10
StandardPbrMaterial Class Reference

Contains property types for the Kanzi Physically Based Rendering (PBR) shaders. More...

Inheritance diagram for StandardPbrMaterial:

Static Public Attributes

static final Metaclass metaclass
 The Metaclass for the class.

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Attributes inherited from StandardPbrMaterialMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< FloatAlphaCutoffProperty
 Sets the cutoff threshold for alpha cutting.
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBABaseColorFactorProperty
 Sets the base color for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceBaseColorTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains the base color for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceBrdfLookUpTableProperty
 Gets the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) lookup table for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatClearCoatNormalScaleProperty
 Sets the clear coat normal scale for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceClearCoatNormalTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains a clear coat normal map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatClearCoatRoughnessFactorProperty
 Sets the roughness of the outer clear coat layer for the material: 0 represents a smooth, glossy surface, and 1 represents a rough, diffuse surface.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceClearCoatRoughnessTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains a clear coat roughness map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatClearCoatStrengthFactorProperty
 Sets the clear coat strength for the material: 0 represents a material with no clear coat, and 1 represents a full strength clear coat.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceClearCoatStrengthTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains a clear coat strength map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBADetailBaseColorFactorProperty
 Sets the detail base color for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailBaseColorTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains the base color for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatDetailClearCoatNormalScaleProperty
 Sets the detail clear coat normal scale for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailClearCoatNormalTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains a clear coat normal map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailClearCoatRoughnessTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains a clear coat roughness map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailClearCoatStrengthTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains a clear coat strength map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBADetailDiffuseFactorProperty
 Sets the detail diffuse color for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailDiffuseTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains the diffuse color for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBADetailEmissiveFactorProperty
 Sets the color of the light that is emitted from a detail texture for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailEmissiveTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains the light emitted from the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailGlossinessTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains a glossiness map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailMetallicTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains a metallic map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatDetailNormalScaleProperty
 Sets the detail normal scale for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailNormalTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains a normal map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatDetailOcclusionStrengthProperty
 Sets the detail occlusion strength for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailOcclusionTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains an occlusion map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailRoughnessTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains a roughness map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBADetailSpecularFactorProperty
 Sets the detail specular color for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailSpecularTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains the specular color for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2DetailTextureOffsetProperty
 Sets the detail texture offset for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2DetailTextureTilingProperty
 Sets the detail texture tiling factor for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBADiffuseFactorProperty
 Sets the diffuse color for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDiffuseTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains the diffuse color for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBAEmissiveFactorProperty
 Sets the color of the light that is emitted from the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceEmissiveTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains the light emitted from the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatEnvironmentAmbientFactorProperty
 Sets the strength of the cubemap texture to use for ambient environment light.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceEnvironmentAmbientTextureProperty
 Sets the cubemap to use for the ambient environment light for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatEnvironmentReflectionFactorProperty
 Sets the strength of the cubemap texture to use for specular environment light.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceEnvironmentReflectionTextureProperty
 Sets the cubemap to use for the specular environment light for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatExposureProperty
 Sets the exposure compensation for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatGlossinessFactorProperty
 Sets the glossiness of the material: 0 represents a rough, diffuse surface, and 1 represents a smooth, glossy surface.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceGlossinessTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains a glossiness map for the material.
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.StandardPbrMaterial")
 Metaclass for StandardPbrMaterial.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatMetallicFactorProperty
 Sets the metalness of the material: 0 represents a non-metallic or dielectric object, and 1 represents a metallic object.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceMetallicTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains a metallic map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatNormalScaleProperty
 Sets the normal scale for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceNormalTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains a normal map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatOcclusionStrengthProperty
 Sets the occlusion strength for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceOcclusionTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains an occlusion map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatRoughnessFactorProperty
 Sets the roughness of the material: 0 represents a smooth, glossy surface, and 1 represents a rough, diffuse surface.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceRoughnessTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains a roughness map for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatSpecularAntiAliasingStrengthProperty
 Sets the strength of the specular anti-aliasing effect.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatSpecularAntiAliasingThresholdProperty
 Sets the upper limit for the amount of specular anti-aliasing effect to apply.
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBASpecularFactorProperty
 Sets the specular color for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceSpecularTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains the specular color for the material.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatToneMapLinearScaleProperty
 Sets the scale for the linear tonemap option for the material.

Detailed Description

Contains property types for the Kanzi Physically Based Rendering (PBR) shaders.

Use the PBR materials to create assets that behave realistically in many lighting conditions. These properties represent physical properties on a material and are therefore intuitive when being set. Many properties have a standard and detail variation that you can use to apply material properties in layers. The detail maps use DetailTextureTilingProperty and DetailTextureOffsetProperty to tile differently than the standard map and are typically used to provide fine detail. The Occlusion, Metallic, and Roughness maps are designed to read from different color channels. Therefore it is possible to provide a single texture for all three.

Member Data Documentation

◆ metaclass

final Metaclass metaclass
Initial value:

The Metaclass for the class.