Metadata definitions for ButtonConcept. More...
Classes | |
class | CanceledMessageArguments |
Metadata definitions for CanceledMessageArguments. More... | |
class | ClickedMessageArguments |
Metadata definitions for ClickedMessageArguments. More... | |
class | LongPressMessageArguments |
Metadata definitions for LongPressMessageArguments. More... | |
class | PointerEnteredMessageArguments |
Metadata definitions for PointerEnteredMessageArguments. More... | |
class | PointerLeftMessageArguments |
Metadata definitions for PointerLeftMessageArguments. More... | |
class | PressedMessageArguments |
Metadata definitions for PressedMessageArguments. More... | |
class | ToggledOffMessageArguments |
Metadata definitions for ToggledOffMessageArguments. More... | |
class | ToggledOnMessageArguments |
Metadata definitions for ToggledOnMessageArguments. More... | |
class | ToggleStateChangedMessageArguments |
Metadata definitions for ToggleStateChangedMessageArguments. More... | |
Public Attributes | |
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | AutoClickIntervalProperty |
Sets the time in milliseconds after which a button that the user keeps pressed down sends the Button: Click message. | |
DynamicMessageType< ButtonConceptMetadata.CanceledMessageArguments > | CancelMessage |
Occurs when a user lifts their finger outside of a Button that they previously pressed. | |
DynamicMessageType< ButtonConceptMetadata.ClickedMessageArguments > | ClickMessage |
Occurs when a user lifts their finger on top of a Button that they previously pressed and when the time set by the Auto Press Interval property in the pressed Button expires. | |
DynamicMessageType< ButtonConceptMetadata.PressedMessageArguments > | DownMessage |
Occurs when the user presses down the Button. | |
DynamicMessageType< ButtonConceptMetadata.PointerEnteredMessageArguments > | EnterMessage |
Button: Enter trigger is set off: | |
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > | IndexInGroupProperty |
Sets the index of the Toggle Button in the Toggle Button Group to which that Toggle Button is registered. | |
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | IsPressedProperty |
Indicates whether the button is pressed and in the down state. | |
DynamicMessageType< ButtonConceptMetadata.PointerLeftMessageArguments > | LeaveMessage |
Button: Leave trigger is set off: | |
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | LongPressIntervalProperty |
Sets the amount of time in milliseconds that the user must hold the button pressed down for Kanzi to recognize it as a long-press gesture. | |
DynamicMessageType< ButtonConceptMetadata.LongPressMessageArguments > | LongPressMessage |
Occurs when the user presses down a Button and holds the Button pressed for the amount of milliseconds defined in the Hold Interval property of that Button. | |
AbstractMetaclass | metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.ButtonConcept") |
Metaclass for ButtonConcept. | |
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | PressOnHoverProperty |
Whether holding a finger on the device screen and moving it over the button transitions the button to the down state. | |
DynamicMessageType< ButtonConceptMetadata.ToggledOffMessageArguments > | ToggledOffMessage |
Occurs when a Toggle Button is toggled off. | |
DynamicMessageType< ButtonConceptMetadata.ToggledOnMessageArguments > | ToggledOnMessage |
Occurs when a Toggle Button is toggled on. | |
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > | ToggleStateCountProperty |
Sets the number of toggle states of a Toggle Button. | |
DynamicMessageType< ButtonConceptMetadata.ToggleStateChangedMessageArguments > | ToggleStateMessage |
Occurs when the toggle state of a Toggle Button changes. | |
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > | ToggleStateProperty |
Sets the toggle state of a Toggle Button. | |
Metadata definitions for ButtonConcept.
DynamicPropertyType<Float> AutoClickIntervalProperty |
Sets the time in milliseconds after which a button that the user keeps pressed down sends the Button: Click message.
While the user holds the button down, the button keeps sending the Button: Click message at the time interval set by this property. To disable the behavior, set to 0.
DynamicMessageType<ButtonConceptMetadata.CanceledMessageArguments> CancelMessage |
Occurs when a user lifts their finger outside of a Button that they previously pressed.
DynamicMessageType<ButtonConceptMetadata.ClickedMessageArguments> ClickMessage |
Occurs when a user lifts their finger on top of a Button that they previously pressed and when the time set by the Auto Press Interval property in the pressed Button expires.
DynamicMessageType<ButtonConceptMetadata.PressedMessageArguments> DownMessage |
Occurs when the user presses down the Button.
DynamicMessageType<ButtonConceptMetadata.PointerEnteredMessageArguments> EnterMessage |
Button: Enter trigger is set off:
DynamicPropertyType<Integer> IndexInGroupProperty |
Sets the index of the Toggle Button in the Toggle Button Group to which that Toggle Button is registered.
If a Toggle Button does not have a local value for this property, it is not registered to the ancestor Toggle Button Group. When set to -1, the Toggle Button Group assigns an index for the Toggle Button.
DynamicPropertyType<Boolean> IsPressedProperty |
Indicates whether the button is pressed and in the down state.
DynamicMessageType<ButtonConceptMetadata.PointerLeftMessageArguments> LeaveMessage |
Button: Leave trigger is set off:
DynamicPropertyType<Float> LongPressIntervalProperty |
Sets the amount of time in milliseconds that the user must hold the button pressed down for Kanzi to recognize it as a long-press gesture.
To disable the long-press gesture, set to 0.
DynamicMessageType<ButtonConceptMetadata.LongPressMessageArguments> LongPressMessage |
Occurs when the user presses down a Button and holds the Button pressed for the amount of milliseconds defined in the Hold Interval property of that Button.
DynamicPropertyType<Boolean> PressOnHoverProperty |
Whether holding a finger on the device screen and moving it over the button transitions the button to the down state.
DynamicMessageType<ButtonConceptMetadata.ToggledOffMessageArguments> ToggledOffMessage |
Occurs when a Toggle Button is toggled off.
DynamicMessageType<ButtonConceptMetadata.ToggledOnMessageArguments> ToggledOnMessage |
Occurs when a Toggle Button is toggled on.
DynamicPropertyType<Integer> ToggleStateCountProperty |
Sets the number of toggle states of a Toggle Button.
DynamicMessageType<ButtonConceptMetadata.ToggleStateChangedMessageArguments> ToggleStateMessage |
Occurs when the toggle state of a Toggle Button changes.
DynamicPropertyType<Integer> ToggleStateProperty |
Sets the toggle state of a Toggle Button.
To update this property with a binding, use a to-source or two-way binding.