Kanzi 3.9.10
geometry.hpp File Reference


class  kanzi::Geometry
 Geometry represents 2D coordinate data that you can use to render 2D nodes and text. More...
struct  kanzi::Geometry::Vertex
 Vertex for geometry. More...


namespace  kanzi


Matrix3x3 kanzi::applyGeometryOffsetAndSize (const Matrix3x3 &transformation, Vector2 offset, Vector2 size)
 Applies offset and size to 3x3 transformation.
Matrix4x4 kanzi::applyGeometryOffsetAndSize (const Matrix4x4 &transformation, Vector2 offset, Vector2 size)
 Applies offset and size of the target rectangle to 4x4 transformation.
Matrix3x3 kanzi::applyGeometryTargetRectangle (const Matrix3x3 &transformation, const RectangleFloat &targetRectangle)
 Applies offset and size of the target rectangle to 3x3 transformation.
Matrix4x4 kanzi::applyGeometryTargetRectangle (const Matrix4x4 &transformation, const RectangleFloat &targetRectangle)
 Applies offset and size of the target rectangle to 4x4 transformation.
GeometrySharedPtr kanzi::getFullScreenTriangleGeometry (Domain *domain)
 Gets a shared instance of full screen triangle.
GeometrySharedPtr kanzi::getUnitQuadGeometry (Domain *domain)
 Gets a shared instance of unit quad geometry.
Matrix3x3 kanzi::getUnitQuadTargetTransformation (const RectangleFloat &targetRectangle)
 Gets the 3x3 transformation that maps the unit quad geometry to the target rectangle.
Matrix3x3 kanzi::getUnitQuadTargetTransformation (Vector2 offset, Vector2 size)
 Gets the 3x3 transformation that maps the unit quad geometry to the target offset and size.
bool kanzi::isCompatibleWithUnitQuadGeometry (const QuadDescription &quadDescription, Vector2 tiling)
 Determines whether the given quad description and tiling are compatible with unit quad geometry.