Kanzi 3.9.10
event_queue.hpp File Reference


class  kanzi::EventQueue
 The EventQueue class implements a queue of Kanzi input events gathered by EventSource instances. More...


namespace  kanzi


void kanzi::addApplicationPausedEvent (EventQueue &queue)
 Adds an InputEvent with InputEvent::ApplicationPaused type to the queue.
void kanzi::addApplicationSleepEvent (EventQueue &queue)
 Adds an InputEvent with InputEvent::ApplicationSleep type to the queue.
void kanzi::addApplicationWakeupEvent (EventQueue &queue)
 Adds an InputEvent with InputEvent::ApplicationWakeup type to the queue.
void kanzi::addKeyEvent (EventQueue &queue, size_t rawKeyCode, LogicalKey key, KeyModifier modifiers, KeyState state)
 Adds a KeyEvent with multiple key modifiers to the queue.
void kanzi::addKeyRepeatEvent (EventQueue &queue, size_t rawKeyCode, LogicalKey key, KeyModifier modifiers, size_t repeatCount)
 Adds to the queue a KeyEvent with multiple key modifiers, KeyState::Pressed state, and key-press repeatCount.
void kanzi::addPointerEvent (EventQueue &queue, int x, int y, PointerButton buttons, PointerState state, int scroll=0)
 Adds a PointerEvent to the queue.
void kanzi::addSetHudDebugEvent (EventQueue &queue, bool onOff)
 Adds a HudDebugEvent to the queue.
void kanzi::addSinglePointTouchEvent (EventQueue &queue, TouchState state, size_t id, TouchPointState pointState, float x, float y, float pressure=1.0f, float radius=1.0f)
 Adds a TouchEvent with one touch point to the queue.
void kanzi::addToggleHudDebugEvent (EventQueue &queue)
 Adds an InputEvent with InputEvent::DebugToggleHud type to the queue.
void kanzi::addTouchEvent (EventQueue &queue, TouchState state, const list< TouchEvent::TouchPoint > &points)
 Adds a TouchEvent with multiple touch points to the queue.
void kanzi::addWindowClosedEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target)
 Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowClosed type to the queue.
void kanzi::addWindowFocusGainedEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target)
 Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowFocusGained type to the queue.
void kanzi::addWindowFocusLostEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target)
 Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowFocusLost type to the queue.
void kanzi::addWindowHiddenEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target)
 Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowHidden type to the queue.
void kanzi::addWindowOrientationChangedEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target, WindowOrientation orientation)
 Adds an OrientationChangedEvent to the queue.
void kanzi::addWindowPlacementRequestEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target)
 Adds a WindowPlacementRequest to the queue.
void kanzi::addWindowRedrawRequestEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target)
 Adds a WindowRedrawRequestEvent to the queue.
void kanzi::addWindowResizedEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
 Adds a WindowResizedEvent to the queue.
void kanzi::addWindowResizeRequestEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target, unsigned int width, unsigned int height)
 Adds a WindowResizeRequestEvent to the queue.
void kanzi::addWindowResourceLostEvent (EventQueue &queue, NativeWindowHandle target)
 Adds a WindowEvent with InputEvent::WindowResourceLost type to the queue.
EventQueue::Container::iterator kanzi::prepend (EventQueue &queue, EventQueue::Container::iterator position, EventQueue::Container &container)
 Moves a container content into a queue before the given position.
EventQueue::Container::iterator kanzi::prepend (EventQueue &queue, EventQueue::Container::iterator position, UniqueEventPtr &&event)
 Inserts an event into a queue before the given position.
EventQueue::Container::iterator kanzi::prependAndAdvance (EventQueue &queue, EventQueue::Container::iterator position, EventQueue::Container &container)
 Moves a container content into a queue before the given position.
EventQueue::Container::iterator kanzi::prependAndAdvance (EventQueue &queue, EventQueue::Container::iterator position, UniqueEventPtr &&event)
 Inserts an event content into a queue before the given position.