Kanzi 3.9.10
kanzi::AnimationPlayer::PlayMessageArguments Class Reference

Message arguments for the Play message. More...

#include <kanzi/ui/node_component/animation/animation_player.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for kanzi::AnimationPlayer::PlayMessageArguments:

Public Member Functions

float getDurationScale () const
 Gets the value of the DurationScaleProperty property.
Timeline::DirectionBehavior getPlaybackMode () const
 Gets the value of the PlaybackModeProperty property.
int getRepeatCount () const
 Gets the value of the RepeatCountProperty property.
void setDurationScale (float durationScale)
 Sets the value of the DurationScaleProperty property.
void setPlaybackMode (Timeline::DirectionBehavior direction)
 Sets the value of the PlaybackModeProperty property.
void setRepeatCount (int repeatCount)
 Sets the value of the RepeatCountProperty property.
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::NodeComponent::NodeComponentTargetMessageArguments
string getTargetNodeComponentName () const
 Gets value of TargetNodeComponentName property.
void setTargetNodeComponentName (string_view targetNodeComponentName)
 Sets value of TargetNodeComponentName property.
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::MessageArguments
bool getAbstractArgument (AbstractPropertyType argumentType, Variant &variant) const
 Returns the value of an argument using AbstractPropertyType.
template<typename TDataType >
TDataType getArgument (const PropertyType< TDataType > &argumentType) const
 Returns the value of an argument.
detail::MessageDispatcher * getDispatcher () const
 Returns the message dispatcher that dispatches a message.
template<typename TDataType >
optional< TDataTypegetOptionalArgument (const PropertyType< TDataType > &argumentType) const
 Returns the value of an argument.
shared_ptr< NodegetSource () const
 Returns the source node for a message.
TimePoint getTimestamp () const
 Returns the timestamp of a message.
AbstractMessageType getType () const
 Returns the message type of these message arguments as an AbstractMessageType instance.
bool isFrom (const Node &source) const
 Returns whether a node is the source node of a message.
bool isHandled () const
 Returns whether the message is handled.
bool isValid () const
 Returns whether a message is valid.
 MessageArguments ()=default
 MessageArguments (const MessageArguments &)=delete
 Deleted copy.
MessageArgumentsoperator= (const MessageArguments &)=delete
 Deleted assignment.
void setAbstractArgument (AbstractPropertyType argumentType, const Variant &variant)
 Sets the value of an argument using AbstractPropertyType.
template<typename TDataType >
void setArgument (const PropertyType< TDataType > &argumentType, typename PropertyType< TDataType >::DataType value)
 Sets the value of an argument.
void setDispatcher (detail::MessageDispatcher *dispatcher)
 Sets a dispatcher for a message.
void setHandled (bool handled)
 Sets the handling status for a message.
void setSource (Node *source)
 Sets the source node that dispatches a message.
void setTimestamp (TimePoint timestamp)
 Sets the timestamp of a message.
void setType (AbstractMessageType type)
 Sets the type of a message.
void setValid (bool valid)
 Sets the validity of a message.
 ~MessageArguments ()

Static Public Member Functions

static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
 Returns the PropertyType editor information of the Play messages.
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::NodeComponent::NodeComponentTargetMessageArguments
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::MessageArguments
static size_t getArgumentAllocatorPoolSize ()
 Gets the current size of memory pool of argument entries.
static const MetaclassgetStaticMetaclass ()
 Initializes and returns static metadata of base MessageArguments class.
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
 Initializes and returns the Kanzi Studio editor information.

Static Public Attributes

static PropertyType< floatDurationScaleProperty
 Sets the amount by which the duration of an animation timeline is scaled during its playback.
static PropertyType< intPlaybackModeProperty
 Sets the mode of an animation timeline playback to either:
static PropertyType< intRepeatCountProperty
 Sets how many times an animation timeline is played during its playback.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from kanzi::NodeComponent::NodeComponentTargetMessageArguments
static PropertyType< string > TargetNodeComponentNameProperty
 Target name property specifies the name of node component to which the message is sent.

Detailed Description

Message arguments for the Play message.

Member Function Documentation

◆ setPlaybackMode()

void kanzi::AnimationPlayer::PlayMessageArguments::setPlaybackMode ( Timeline::DirectionBehavior direction)

Sets the value of the PlaybackModeProperty property.

directionThe playback mode that you want to apply.

◆ getPlaybackMode()

Timeline::DirectionBehavior kanzi::AnimationPlayer::PlayMessageArguments::getPlaybackMode ( ) const

Gets the value of the PlaybackModeProperty property.

Playback mode.

◆ setDurationScale()

void kanzi::AnimationPlayer::PlayMessageArguments::setDurationScale ( float durationScale)

Sets the value of the DurationScaleProperty property.

durationScaleDuration scale.

◆ getDurationScale()

float kanzi::AnimationPlayer::PlayMessageArguments::getDurationScale ( ) const

Gets the value of the DurationScaleProperty property.

Duration scale.

◆ setRepeatCount()

void kanzi::AnimationPlayer::PlayMessageArguments::setRepeatCount ( int repeatCount)

Sets the value of the RepeatCountProperty property.

repeatCountRepeat count.

◆ getRepeatCount()

int kanzi::AnimationPlayer::PlayMessageArguments::getRepeatCount ( ) const

Gets the value of the RepeatCountProperty property.

Repeat count.

◆ makeEditorInfo()

static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr kanzi::AnimationPlayer::PlayMessageArguments::makeEditorInfo ( )

Returns the PropertyType editor information of the Play messages.

Member Data Documentation

◆ PlaybackModeProperty

PropertyType<int> kanzi::AnimationPlayer::PlayMessageArguments::PlaybackModeProperty

Sets the mode of an animation timeline playback to either:

  • Normal plays the animation timeline normally from the start to end. This is the default value.
  • Reverse plays the animation timeline in reverse from the end to start.
  • Ping pong plays the animation timeline first normally, then in reverse.

◆ DurationScaleProperty

PropertyType<float> kanzi::AnimationPlayer::PlayMessageArguments::DurationScaleProperty

Sets the amount by which the duration of an animation timeline is scaled during its playback.

For example:

  • When set to 1.0, the animation is of the same length as it is defined in the animation. This is the default value.
  • When set to 0.5, the animation is half as long as it is defined in the animation.
  • When set to 2.0, the animation is twice as long as it is defined in the animation.

◆ RepeatCountProperty

PropertyType<int> kanzi::AnimationPlayer::PlayMessageArguments::RepeatCountProperty

Sets how many times an animation timeline is played during its playback.

The default value is 1.

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