Automating Kanzi Studio tasks

You can execute Kanzi Studio commands by running a script from the command line interface. This enables you to automate repetitive tasks in Kanzi Studio or Kanzi Studio tasks that you must execute on a large number of Kanzi Studio projects. For example, consider making a script to update a Kanzi Engine plugin that you use in many Kanzi Studio projects, or to export kzb files from many Kanzi Studio projects.

For the list of available commands, see Kanzi Studio command reference.

To automate Kanzi Studio tasks:

  1. In a text editor create a script where you define what commands you want Kanzi Studio to run.

    For example, add to the script the commands in this step and save the script as MyScript.txt.

    1. Open a Kanzi Studio project.

      # Open the project named MyProject.
      LoadProject "C:\KanziWorkspace\Projects\MyProject\Tool_project\MyProject.kzproj"
    2. Add commands to automate Kanzi Studio tasks.

      For example, you can automate:

      For the list of available commands, see Kanzi Studio command reference.

    3. Save and close the project.

      # Save the project.
      # The second parameter sets whether Kanzi Studio continues working in the directory where you
      # opened the project.
      # When you save the project to a different location, set the second parameter to false.
      # For example,
      # SaveProject "C:\KanziWorkspace\Projects\MyOtherProject\Tool_project\MyOtherProject.kzproj" false
      SaveProject "C:\KanziWorkspace\Projects\MyProject\Tool_project\MyProject.kzproj" true
      # Close Kanzi Studio.
      # To close the project but continue using Kanzi Studio, use CloseProject.
  2. Open the command line interface, go to the <KanziInstallation>/Studio/Bin directory, and run the KanziStudio.exe file with the /Script flag pointing to the script that you created in the previous step.

    For example, on the command line interface run

    KanziStudio.exe /Script="C:\Users\username\Documents\MyScript.txt"

Exporting kzb files using a script

Kzb files contain contents of your Kanzi Studio projects. To run your Kanzi application on a device, you need to export it as a kzb file.

See Using kzb files.

To export kzb files using a script use the ExportBinary command:

# Export the kzb file to the location set in the Project > Properties in the Binary Export Directory
# property.
# To export the kzb file to another location use:
# ExportBinary "Path\to\directory\MyProjectBinary.kzb"
../../_images/binary-export-directory.png ../../_images/export-kzb-binary9.png

The ExportBinary command takes these optional parameters:

  • The first parameter sets whether Kanzi Studio exports the theme and locale resources to separate kzb files. The default is true.

  • The second parameter sets whether Kanzi Studio exports kza file, which is the XML version of the kzb file. The default is false.

For example, to export both the theme and locale resources to separate kzb files, and the kza file:

# Export the theme and locale resources and the kza file.
ExportBinary true true

Building Kanzi applications for Android using a script

To build Kanzi applications for Android using a script use the ExportApk command:

# Before you build an APK file, set whether to install the APK file to your Android device and
# launch the application.
# In the Library > Applications > MyProject disable the Install to Device property.
SetProperty "/Resource Files/Applications/MyProject" BuildConfigurationInstallToDevice false
# In the Library > Applications > MyProject disable the Launch Application property.
SetProperty "/Resource Files/Applications/MyProject" BuildConfigurationRunApplication false

# Build the APK file using the Library > Applications > MyProject application configuration.
# If the project contains images that use texture compression,
# the second parameter sets whether Kanzi Studio compresses these images.
ExportApk "/Resource Files/Applications/MyProject" true
../../_images/myproject-application-configuration-in-library.png ../../_images/myproject-application-configuration-properties.png ../../_images/build-android-package3.png

Importing and updating Kanzi Engine plugins using a script

Kanzi Engine plugins extend the functionality of Kanzi Engine. Kanzi Engine executes these plugins on target platforms.

See Kanzi Engine plugins.

You can import and update Kanzi Engine plugins using a script:

Importing a Kanzi Engine plugin using a script

When you want to use a Kanzi Engine plugin in a Kanzi Studio project, you must import that Kanzi Engine plugin to your Kanzi Studio project.

To import a Kanzi Engine plugin using a script use the ImportEnginePlugin command:

# Import the Kanzi Engine plugin DLL MyPluginProject\Application\lib\Win64\GL_vs2019_Debug_DLL\MyPluginProject.dll.
# Kanzi Studio adds to the Library > Kanzi Engine Plugins a reference to the Kanzi Engine plugin DLL that you import.
ImportEnginePlugin "C:\KanziWorkspace\Projects\MyPluginProject\Application\lib\Win64\GL_vs2019_Debug_DLL\MyPluginProject.dll"
../../_images/import-kanzi-engine-plugin2.png ../../_images/mypluginproject-in-library.png

Updating a Kanzi Engine plugin using a script

When you want to use in a Kanzi Studio project a different version of a Kanzi Engine plugin, you must update that Kanzi Engine plugin in your Kanzi Studio project.

To update a Kanzi Engine plugin using a script use the ImportEnginePlugin command:

# Update the XML_data_source Kanzi Engine plugin in the project.
# You leave the first parameter empty because you do not import a new plugin to the project.
ImportEnginePlugin "" "/Kanzi Engine Plugins/XML_data_source"

Updating all Kanzi Engine plugins in a project or solution using a script

When you want to use in a Kanzi Studio project a different version of a Kanzi Engine plugin, you must update that Kanzi Engine plugin in your Kanzi Studio project.

You can update all Kanzi Engine plugins in your Kanzi Studio project using a script. If your Kanzi Studio project contains project references, you can update all Kanzi Engine plugins in the solution which includes that project and all referenced projects. See Combining Kanzi Studio projects into a Kanzi application.

To update all Kanzi Engine plugins in a project or solution using a script use the UpdateProjectEnginePlugins or UpdateSolutionEnginePlugins command:

# Update all the Kanzi Engine plugins in the project.
# To update the Kanzi Engine plugins in that project and all referenced projects use
# UpdateSolutionEnginePlugins.

Creating and updating data sources using a script

Use data sources to separate the user interface from the application data and to remove the dependencies between a Kanzi Studio project and the application code which define the Kanzi application.

See Data sources.

You can create and update data sources using a script:

Creating a data source using a script

When you want to use a Kanzi Engine data source plugin in a Kanzi Studio project, you must create a data source in your Kanzi Studio project.

To create a data source using a script, first import a Kanzi Engine data source plugin, then create and update the data source:

# Import the Kanzi Engine data source plugin DLL MyDataSource\Application\lib\Win64\GL_vs2019_Release_DLL\MyDataSource.dll.
# The MyDataSource plugin defines the CustomDataSourceType data source type.
# Kanzi Studio adds to the Library > Kanzi Engine Plugins a reference to the Kanzi Engine data source plugin DLL that you import.
ImportEnginePlugin "C:\KanziWorkspace\Projects\MyDataSource\Application\lib\Win64\GL_vs2019_Release_DLL\MyDataSource.dll"

# Create a data source named Cluster of the type CustomDataSourceType.
CreateDataSource "Cluster" "CustomDataSourceType"
# To create data objects from the Cluster data source, update the data source.
UpdateDataSourceContents "/Data Sources/Cluster/"
../../_images/mydatasource-in-library.png ../../_images/mydatasource-properties.png ../../_images/cluster-data-source.png

Updating a data source using a script

If the Kanzi Engine plugin that defines your data source does not update your data source, you can update the data source using a script.

To update a data source using a script use the UpdateDataSourceContents command:

# Update the Cluster data source in the project.
UpdateDataSourceContents "/Data Sources/Cluster/"

Updating all data sources in a project or solution using a script

If the Kanzi Engine plugin that defines your data source does not update your data sources, you can update the data source using a script. If your Kanzi Studio project contains project references, you can update all data sources in the solution which includes that project and all referenced projects. See Combining Kanzi Studio projects into a Kanzi application.

To update all data sources in a project or solution using a script use the UpdateProjectDataSources or UpdateSolutionDataSources command:

# Update all data sources in the project.
# To update the data sources in that project and all referenced projects use
# UpdateSolutionDataSources.

Creating nodes using a script

You can create nodes using a script. For example:

  • To create a Button 2D node use the CreateButton2D command:

    # In the RootPage node create a Button 2D node named My Button.
    # The last parameter sets whether Kanzi Studio selects the node that you created.
    CreateButton2D "/Screens/Screen/RootPage" "My Button" true
  • To create a Grid List Box 3D node use the CreateComponentNode command:

    # In the RootPage > Viewport 2D > Scene node create a Grid List Box 3D node named My Grid List Box.
    CreateComponentNode "/Screens/Screen/RootPage/Viewport 2D/Scene" "My Grid List Box" Kanzi.GridListBox3D

Editing properties using a script

Properties provide the means to specify and examine the state, appearance, and behavior of nodes. For example, a property can define a color, indicate whether a button is pressed, or specify the alignment of an item.

See Property types.

You can edit properties using a script:

Adding properties using a script

To add properties using a script use the AddProperty command.

For example, to add the Description property to the RootPage node:

# In the RootPage node add the Description property.
AddProperty "MyProject/Screens/Screen/RootPage" Description

Removing properties using a script

To remove properties using a script use the RemovePropertyFromItem command.

For example, to remove the Background Brush property from the RootPage node:

# In the RootPage node remove the Background Brush property.
# Use the Kanzi Engine property name which you see in Kanzi Studio when you hover your
# mouse pointer over the property name.
RemovePropertyFromItem "MyProject/Screens/Screen/RootPage" Node2D.BackgroundBrush
../../_images/background-brush-kanzi-engine-name.png ../../_images/remove-background-brush.png

Setting property values using a script

To set property values using a script use the SetProperty command.

For example, to set the size of the Screen node to 1200 x 720 pixels:

# In the Screen node set the Metrics Type property to Absolute.
SetProperty "/Screens/Screen" Window.MetricsType Absolute
# In the Screen node set the Width property to 1200.
SetProperty "/Screens/Screen" WindowAbsoluteWidth 1200
# In the Screen node set the Height property to 720.
SetProperty "/Screens/Screen" WindowAbsoluteHeight 720
../../_images/metrics-type-absolute.png ../../_images/window-width-and-height-1200x720.png

Logging invalid project items using a script

Kanzi Studio marks invalid items in the Node Tree and Library with red type.

For example:

  • A node contains an invalid binding.

  • A resource uses a resource that does not exist or is missing a required property.

  • A material type has precision mismatches in its shaders.


See Finding invalid project items.

To log invalid project items in your Kanzi Studio project using a script, use the PrintDiagnosticReport command:

# Print a list of invalid project items to the Log window and the KanziStudio.log file.
PrintDiagnosticReport MyProject