Setting up environment for Kanzi AppView

Before you can use Kanzi AppView in your Kanzi application, you must set up:

Setting up your Kanzi Studio project

To set up your Kanzi Studio project, open the project in Kanzi Studio, in the Library, right-click Kanzi Engine Plugins, select Import Kanzi Engine plugins, and import the Kanzi Engine plugins from the package:

  • lib/Win64/GL_vs2019_Debug_DLL/AppView_plugin.dll

  • lib/Win64/GL_vs2019_Release_DLL/AppView_plugin.dll

_images/import-kanzi-engine-plugin.png _images/library-appview-dll.png _images/properties-appview-dll.png

In the Node Tree, you can now create App View 2D and App View 3D nodes.


Setting up your Android project

To set up your Android project:

  1. In Android Studio, open your Kanzi project.

  2. In the Application/configs/platforms/android_gradle/app/build.gradle, add Kanzi AppView as dependency:

    import com.rightware.gradle.KanziHelpers
    dependencies {
        // ...
        // The default relative path for building is the 'Engine/plugins/appview/lib/android' directory.
        def aarDir = new File(projectDir, "../../../../../../../lib/android")
        if (!aarDir.exists()) {
            // Build in Kanzi Studio or moved location.
            aarDir = new File(
        debugImplementation files("${aarDir}/AppViewPlugin-debug.aar")
        releaseImplementation files("${aarDir}/AppViewPlugin-release.aar")
        profilingImplementation files("${aarDir}/AppViewPlugin-profiling.aar")
  3. Add the native libraries to Application/CMakeLists.txt:

    1. Find the location of the Kanzi AppView plugin:

      set(PLUGIN_COMMON_SETUP cmake/common-setup.cmake)
          # Building manually with gradlew or Android Studio
          set(PLUGIN_ROOT ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/../../..)
      elseif(EXISTS $ENV{KANZI_HOME}/Engine/plugins/appview/${PLUGIN_COMMON_SETUP})
          # Maybe building in Kanzi Studio
          set(PLUGIN_ROOT $ENV{KANZI_HOME}/Engine/plugins/appview)
          message(FATAL_ERROR "Cannot find AppView_plugin's root directory. Please install the plugin under '<WORKSPACE>/Engine/plugins'.")
    2. Include the Kanzi AppView plugin in the build:

    3. Link the Kanzi AppView plugin with the application. Add KanziPlugin::AppView_plugin to target_link_libraries. Instead of MyApp, use the executable name defined in the add_executable CMake command.

      target_link_libraries(MyApp Kanzi::kzui Kanzi::kzcoreui Kanzi::kzjava Kanzi::kzinterop KanziPlugin::AppView_plugin)

Setting up the default backend in your Android project

To set up the default backend in your Android project:

  1. In the Application/configs/platforms/android_gradle/app/build.gradle of your Kanzi project, add the default backend as dependency:

    dependencies {
        // ...
        debugImplementation files("${aarDir}/AppViewBackend-debug.aar")
        profilingImplementation files("${aarDir}/AppViewBackend-release.aar")
        releaseImplementation files("${aarDir}/AppViewBackend-release.aar")

    You can implement your own backend, either as a library or implement the required classes in your application.

  2. In the AndroidManifest.xml, add the shared system ID android:sharedUserId="android.uid.system".

    <manifest xmlns:android=""

    Optionally, you can grant the application the required permissions on the platform configuration level. See

    This way you get required permissions to inject input events and start Android applications in a virtual display.

  3. Add the platform signature:

    1. Copy the public Android debug keystore from


      to your application keystore


      You can use this keystore with AOSP emulators and AOSP GSI builds. For development boards and production, use your own keystore.

    2. In app/build.gradle, sign the application with the key:

      signingConfigs {
          platform {
              storeFile new File(rootDir, "platform.keystore")
                  storePassword "android"
                  keyAlias "platform"
                  keyPassword "android"
      // ...
      buildTypes {
          release {
              minifyEnabled false
                  proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''
                  externalNativeBuild {
                      cmake {
                          arguments "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release"
          debug {
              packagingOptions {
                  doNotStrip "**/*.so"
          release.signingConfig signingConfigs.platform
          debug.signingConfig signingConfigs.platform
          profiling.signingConfig signingConfigs.platform

Setting up your device for the default backend

To use Kanzi AppView with the default backend, you need a device or an emulator for which you can sign applications with the system key.

To set up your device for the default backend, you can either:

  • Use an AOSP emulator image from Android Studio that does not have Google API. Emulator images that have in the Target column Google Play use Google API.

    For example, use the UpsideDownCake, 34, x86_64, Android 14.0 (AOSP Tablet) emulator image.

    To learn how to create an Android virtual device, see

  • Use your own device and sign the application with the platform key.

See also

Using Kanzi AppView