
class kanzi::connect::PolicyContextInterface : public MetaObject

Policy context interface.

Public Functions

inline virtual ~PolicyContextInterface()


virtual bool acceptClientConnection(ConnectedClientSharedPtr client) = 0

Determines whether policy allows client connection to be accepted.


client – contains information about connected client


true if connection is to be accepted.

virtual bool acceptPluginLoading(const string &plugin) = 0

Invoked to check whether loading of a plugin is allowed.


plugin – the plugin that is to be loaded. This might be relative or absolute path to the plugin


true if plugin loading should be allowed. false if not. Plugin loading might be disallowed for example because plugin signature mismatch.

virtual void addClient(ConnectedClientSharedPtr client) = 0

Adds a client reference into a collection of clients.

ToDo: Consolidate with accept, no need for two methods !!


client – the client identifiers.

virtual PolicyControllerInterfaceSharedPtr getController() = 0

Retrieve policy controller instance.


policy controller instance.

virtual void initialize(ConnectDomain *domain) = 0

Optional two phased constructor (used when domain is not available construction time)


domain – connect domain.

virtual bool registerClientMeasurements(DiagnosticsManagerSharedPtr diagnostics, ConnectedClientSharedPtr connectedClient) = 0

Register diagnostics values for service identified by connectedclient to be available for policies.

  • diagnostics – Pointer to the diagnostics mechanism.

  • connectedClient – Pointer to the connecting client.


true on success

virtual void registerConnection(const string &interfaceId, ConnectedClientSharedPtr connectedClient) = 0

Register mapping between client and service.

  • interfaceId – The name of the service to which to connect.

  • connectedClient – Pointer to the connecting client.

virtual void registerDataToPolicy(AbstractServiceSharedPtr service) = 0
virtual void registerDataToPolicy(string serviceName) = 0
virtual void registerServerQueueRTSAccessors(WorkItemDispatcher *queue) = 0

Create the policy RTS accessors for message queues.

virtual bool registerServiceMeasurements(DiagnosticsManagerSharedPtr diagnostics, const string &interfaceid) = 0

Register diagnostics values for service named interfaceid to be available for policies.

  • diagnostics – Pointer to the diagnostics mechanism.

  • interfaceid – The name of the interface, corresponds to service name.


true on success

virtual void removeClient(int clientId) = 0

Removes a client with specific client identifier.

ToDo: Should be symmetrical to adding new clients (i.e. shared ptr instead of token)


clientId – the client identifier to remove.