Kanzi Connect  3.9.8
Kanzi Connect Java API
ForegroundServiceBase Class Referenceabstract
Inheritance diagram for ForegroundServiceBase:

Public Member Functions

 ForegroundServiceBase (String serverName, int logLevel)
 ForegroundServiceBase (String serverName)
void onCreate ()
void updateNotification (String notificationTicker, String notificationTitle, String notificationText)
- Public Member Functions inherited from ServiceBase
 ServiceBase (String serverName, int logLevel)
 ServiceBase (String serverName)
ClientConnector getClientConnector ()
String getServerAddress ()
IBinder onBind (Intent intent)
void onCreate ()
void onDestroy ()
int onStartCommand (Intent intent, int flags, int startId)

Protected Member Functions

abstract int getNotificationIconId ()
abstract String getServiceName ()
void initialize ()
void onConnectionStateChanged (ClientConnector.State state)
- Protected Member Functions inherited from ServiceBase
abstract AbstractService getConnectService (ClientConnector connector)
void initialize ()
boolean isReadyToInitialize ()
void onConnectionStateChanged (ClientConnector.State state)
 Subclasses can implement this to react to connection state changes of Kanzi Connect.