Migration guides

Use these migration guides to update Kanzi applications that use Kanzi Particles.


  • If a node uses the Particle Animation Player, remove the Particle Animation Player from all nodes, update the Kanzi Particles, and add the Particle Animation Player to all nodes that used it. If you already updated the Kanzi Particles before you removed the Particle Animation Player, load the previous version of the Kanzi Particles and then remove the Particle Animation Player from all nodes.

  • Changes to the Kanzi Particles affect the values of the Flow Speed property in the Particle Curl Affector and Particle Vector Field Affector nodes. After you update the plugin to the latest version, adjust the value of the Flow Speed property to get the same result with the latest version.


  • Converted Particle Trail Emitter unit from particles per frame per trail to particles per second. Migration work required to adjust the particle emission.

  • Added these properties to the Particle Vortex Affector:

    • Tightness

    • Flow Speed

    • Gravity Well

  • Improved performance of Particle Mesh Affector and Particle Mesh Emitter nodes.

  • Fix overriding texture property in node.


  • The Kanzi Particles now supports hierarchical structures in the scene graph. This provides more flexibility and improves the plugin workflow:

    • The transformation of a parent node is applied to each descendant node.

    • Affector nodes affect only their parent node and all their sibling nodes. This allows you to limit the scope of affector nodes to specific emitter nodes within a single Particle System node.

  • Added the debug visualization for the Particle System and Particle Attractor Affector nodes.

  • Instead of relying on the delta time, the Kanzi Particles now advances the time every frame by 1/framerate. This allows you to achieve smoother particle simulation.

  • The values of the Trajectory Animation Speed property in the Particle Trajectory Affector node and the Animation Speed property in the Particle Trajectory Emitter node now set the number of revolutions each second around the trajectory in those nodes. If you used these properties, to achieve the same result, you must readjust the values of these properties in your project.

  • Fixed issues that prevented the Particle Mesh Affector from working correctly in some cases.

  • Significantly improved the performance of the Particle Curl Affector and the general performance of the Kanzi Particles.


  • The Kanzi Particles now works with Kanzi 3.6.3.

  • Added to the Particle System node the Total Particles property, the value of which shows the number of all particles in that Particle System node.

  • Added to the Particle System node the Target Simulation Framerate property, which you can use to set the framerate for a particle system.

  • Fixed the simulation interval behavior issue.

  • Fixed the issue in the Particle Mesh Affector which caused the application to terminate.

  • Included several performance improvements.


  • Changes to how the plugin handles vector fields:

    • The plugin now loads vector fields directly from fga files, and not from images.

    • Added the Outside Behavior property to control the behavior of the Particle Vector Field Affector outside the bounding box of the affector.

    • The rotation behavior now works correctly.

  • Added debug visualization graphics.

  • Added particle UV position property for image emission and transition effects. This enables you to set the UV position of the mesh that emits particles.

  • Added the particle sorting feature, which enables you to sort particles by age on x, y, and z axis.

  • Added Surface Emission property to the Particle Box Emitter to emit particles from the surface of the box, instead of from the entire volume.

  • Changed the particle property workflow. For many properties to define the range you now use a base with percentage variance values.

  • Improved the plugin documentation to include more information on how to work with the plugin.

  • Made several refactorings and optimizations.

  • Fixed issues:

    • The vector fields now work on Android.

    • The vector field repeat mode rotation now works correctly.

    • In Kanzi Studio you can now set for meshes the GPU Memory Type property to GPU Only.

    • Triangle rendering now works.

    • Property naming between emitters and affectors is now consistent.

    • When you use Kanzi 3.6.2, trajectories no longer leak 68 bytes of memory.

    • Editing or navigating the Kanzi Particles content no longer causes Kanzi Studio to become unstable.

    • Particle rotations now work correctly.

See also

Release notes