Step 7 - Digital meters

In this step, you create the digital meters for the speedometer and tachometer.


Create digital speedometer

To create the digital speedometer:

  1. In the Node Tree, select the Speedometer_Simple_Rect_2024:2036 > Speedometer_Simple_Rect > Group > Speed > SpeedValue > SpeedValue_1 Text Box node. In the Properties, click + Add Binding and bind the Text property to

    ../_images/node-tree-speedvalue.png ../_images/binding-speedvalue.png
  2. Repeat the previous step for the SpeedValue_1 nodes in:

    • Speedometer_Rich_Rect_2134:1222

    • Speedometer_Simple_Round_2024:2035

    • Speedometer_Rich_Round_2158:1294

You can now control the speed value in the speed gauge from the Control node with the Speed Control property.


Create digital tachometer

To create the digital tachometer:

  1. In the Node Tree, select the Tachometer_Simple_Rect_2024:2034 > Tachometer_Simple_Rect > Group > Tachometer > RPM > RPM_1 Text Box node. In the Properties, click + Add Binding and bind the Text property to

    RPM = {#Control/Control.RPM} / 1000
    format("{:.1}", RPM)
    ../_images/node-tree-rpm.png ../_images/binding-rpm.png
  2. Repeat the previous step for the RPM_1 nodes in:

    • Tachometer_Rich_Rect_2134:1223

    • Tachometer_Simple_Round_2024:2033

    • Tachometer_Rich_Round_2158:1295

You can now control the speed value in the speed gauge from the Control node with the Speed Control property.
