Migration guides

Use these migration guides to update Kanzi applications that use Kanzi Shapes.


Migration effort is not required.


Migration effort is not required.


Migration effort is not required.


Migration effort is not required.


Migration effort is not required.


  • In the Rectangle nodes, deprecated the Corner Radius Vector2 property and introduced the Corner Radius float property. Kanzi Studio now shows the Corner Radius Vector2 property as Corner Radius (deprecated).

    To update your Kanzi Studio project, in all nodes that use the Corner Radius (deprecated) property, remove that property and set the Corner Radius property. If the Corner Radius (deprecated) property had different values for the x and y radiuses, you also need to set the Corner Aspect Ratio property.

    For example, if the value of the Corner Radius (deprecated) property was (10, 20), set:

    • Corner Radius to 20

    • Corner Aspect Ratio to 0.5

    See Using the Rectangle nodes.

  • Renamed the Oval nodes to Ellipse. In all metaclass and property names, replaced “Oval” with “Ellipse”.

    For example:

    • Replaced the Oval2D class with Ellipse2D.

    • Replaced the OvalConcept::WidthProperty with EllipseConcept::WidthProperty.

  • Other changes in the Kanzi Shapes API:

    • Introduced the GradientBrush class. The LinearGradientBrush, RadialGradientBrush, and SweepGradientBrush classes now derive from GradientBrush.

    • Introduced these functions:

      • PaintManager::acquireGradientTexture()

      • ShapeVisual3D::invalidatePaint()

      • In gradient.hpp, createGradientTexture() and getGradientInfo()

      • In paint.hpp, calculatePaintInfo()

    • Removed the PaintManager::validateTexturing() function. Use calculatePaintInfo(), getGradientInfo(), and PaintManager::acquireGradientTexture() instead.


  • Renamed the Kanzi Shapes plugin from Vector Shapes to Shapes:

    • Changed the name of the Kanzi Engine plugin from kzvectorshapes to kzshapes.

    • Replaced the kanzi_vector_shapes namespace with kanzi::plugin::shapes.

    • Changed the namespace of metaclasses from VectorShapes to Kanzi.Shapes.

      For example, Kanzi.Shapes.Oval2D.

    • Changed the namespace of properties from <MetaclassName> to Shapes.<MetaclassName>.

      For example, Shapes.OvalConcept.Width.

    • In method, class, and other API names, replaced all references to Vector Shapes with Shapes.

    • Changed the directory structure of the header files from vector_shapes/ to kanzi/plugin/shapes/.

  • Other changes in the Kanzi Shapes API:

    • Moved common APIs to new concept base classes.

    • ShapeVisual2D now inherits from ShapeRenderer.

    • Renamed VectorShape2D::createVectorShapeVisualOverride() to ShapeConcept::createRenderer().

    • Renamed getPath() and setPath() to getShapePath() and setShapePath().

    • Moved CompositeShapeVisual2D::updateVisualEntry() to the CompositeShapeVisualConcept class and introduced the strokeScale parameter.

    • Moved the CompositeShapeVisual2D::VisualEntry structure to the CompositeShapeVisualConcept class and introduced the strokeScale member.

See also

Release notes

Known issues