
Applications closed with errors

This table lists some common errors that an application can report.





The Kanzi VR Launcher failed to find the application executable.

Make sure that you installed Kanzi VR correctly.


Kanzi encountered an error.

Check the logs for information.


The application terminated because of a segmentation fault.

Debug the application and plugins for potential causes.


The application cannot find the required plugins.

  • Make sure that you installed Kanzi VR correctly.

  • For plugins that are not part of the Kanzi VR package, add the extra plugin paths to the extraPath configuration variable.

  • Make sure that you are using the correct variant of the plugins (for example, VS2019 Release).


Kanzi and Kanzi VR versions do not match.

Make sure that you installed the Kanzi VR version that matches your Kanzi version.

For other error codes, see NTSTATUS Values.

The receiver shows outdated content

  • Verify that you exported the kzb files from all the sending and receiving Kanzi Studio projects. Close any streamers and receivers before the kzb export to avoid failures in the export. Restart the streamers and receivers after the kzb export.

The receiver does not display any content despite the streaming application is on

After making any of these changes, restart both the streaming and receiving application:

  • Verify that both the sending application and receiving application are on.

  • Verify that ports of the streaming application and receiving application match.

  • Verify that only one sender is configured to the same port on the same host.

  • If you are running the application on the same computer, verify that the host is configured as localhost.

  • If the stream comes from a device other than the localhost, verify that the host is configured correctly for the receiving end. Try using the IP address of the device instead of its hostname.

  • Verify that there are no extra sending applications, receiving applications, or Kanzi Studio Preview windows open. If there are, close them all and then start the correct ones.

  • Verify that there are no other applications listening to the same port as the sender:

    1. On Windows, open resmon.exe, go to the Network tab, and check the Ports column of the Listening Ports pane.

    2. Reconfigure the ports of the nodes and node components of Streaming Plugin or close or reconfigure the other application using the same port.

  • Pipe the output of the sending and receiving applications into log files and inspect them for more information.

The VR Viewer content is not visible through the VR headset

  • Verify that the headset is powered on and connected to the computer so that the computer recognizes it and is visible in the Device Manager.

  • Verify that you can see non-Kanzi content from your computer through the headset. For example, mirroring the desktop, playing VR video, or running a VR computer game.

  • Verify that the active OpenXR runtime is configured as expected. Using the Registry Editor (regedit.exe) check the value of ActiveRuntime under the key Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenXR\1.

  • If you are using an Oculus headset, verify that Oculus Windows Client > Settings > General > Unknown sources is enabled.

  • On systems with multiple GPUs, ensure that the correct GPU is set as the preferred one in the graphics settings of the system.

  • Pipe the output of the VR Viewer into a log file and inspect it for more information.

A Kanzi VR application fails to start (missing DLLs)

To start successfully, a Kanzi VR application needs to find the DLL files of Kanzi and the plugins on which the application depends. Kanzi VR Launcher adds Kanzi and Kanzi VR DLL folders to the $PATH automatically, but if your sending or receiving applications depend on other plugin DLL files, you need to add the plugin DLL folders to the extraPath of the matching application in your virtual_environment_configuration.yaml. See Virtual environment configuration file.