
Here you can find examples that show how some features in Kanzi work and show you how to use those features in your own projects.

Description Example
Asynchronously load and deploy GPU resources. Asynchronous loading example
Create a Kanzi Studio plugin that enables you to import and export localized text resources in the format you specify. Csv plugin example
Use the input manipulators and the messaging system for generating and consuming messages. Gestures example
Dynamically add items to a Grid Layout node. Layout example

Create a custom 2D node.

To find out more about Kanzi Engine plugins, see Kanzi Engine plugins.

Node2D plugin example

Create a custom 3D node.

To find out more about Kanzi Engine plugins, see Kanzi Engine plugins.

Node3D plugin example
Use physically-based materials and post-processing. Physically-based materials

Add code to your Kanzi applications.

For step-by-step instructions see the Tutorial: Kanzi Engine API advanced use.

Programmer tutorial example
Use a Progressive Rendering Viewport 2D node to distribute the rendering across several frames. Progressive rendering example
Use a Scroll View node as a controller for moving the map plane in a scene. Scroll view example
Use a Trajectory List Box 3D node to create an interactive scrollable collection of objects. Trajectory list box example
Switch between prefabs. ViewManager example
Create a list box node that displays a set of objects that come from an external data source. Virtual list box example

See also
