kanzi::ResourceManager Class Reference

Resource manager. More...

#include <kanzi/core.ui/resource/resource_manager.hpp>


class  AcquireTask
 Load task for a group of resources. More...
struct  KzuResourceManagerProtocolHandlerObject_internal
 Protocol handler structure. More...
struct  LoadTask
struct  LookupResultPointer

Public Types

enum  MemoryStrategy { KeepInMemory, OptimizeMemory }
 Resource manager memory strategy. More...
enum  LookupResultVariantIndices { PointerVariantIndex, LoadTaskVariantIndex }
typedef shared_ptr< LoadTaskLoadTaskSharedPtr
typedef vector< LoadTaskSharedPtrResourceContainer
typedef kzsException(* ProtocolHandler) (ResourceManager *resourceManager, string_view resourceURL, string_view protocol, string_view hostname, unsigned port, string_view path, void *userData, ResourceSharedPtr &out_resource, LoadTaskSharedPtr &out_loadTask)
 Protocol handler function type definition. More...
typedef function< void(ResourceManager *, string_view resourceURL, string_view protocol, string_view hostname, unsigned port, string_view path, void *userData, Resource *resource)> ProtocolResourceReloadFunction
typedef vector< pair< string, KzuBinaryDirectory * > > DirectoryContainer
typedef unordered_map< string, KzuResourceManagerProtocolHandlerObject_internalProtocolMap
typedef variant< LookupResultPointer, LoadTaskSharedPtrLookupResult
typedef unordered_map< string, LookupResultLookupMap
typedef unordered_set< string > UrlContainer
typedef function< void()> AsyncAcquireFinishedCallback
typedef shared_ptr< AcquireTaskAcquireTaskSharedPtr

Public Member Functions

 ResourceManager (KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager)
 Constructor. More...
 ~ResourceManager ()
 Destructor. More...
void initializeLoaderThreads (size_t threadCount)
 Initializes additional resource loader threads for resource manager, which process the resource loading in parallel. More...
void uninitializeLoaderThreads ()
 Uninitalizes loader threads from resource manager. More...
void addDirectory (KzuBinaryDirectory *directory)
 Adds a binary directory to the resource manager to be used with the kzb protocol. More...
KzuBinaryDirectorymergeDirectory (KzuBinaryDirectory *directory)
 Merges a binary directory to the binary directory with the same name that already exists in the resource manager. More...
void removeDirectory (KzuBinaryDirectory *directory)
 Removes binary directory from the resource manager. More...
void addKzbFile (string_view fileName)
 Open a KZB file from disk and add it to the list of files. More...
void addKzbFile (unique_ptr< KzbFile > kzbFile)
 Add a KzbFile to the list of files. More...
void addKzbFile (ConstByteSpan data)
 Add a memory block as a kzb file. More...
unique_ptr< ReadOnlyMemoryFileopenFile (string_view url, KzbFile **kzbFile)
KzuBinaryDirectorygetDirectory (string_view name) const
 Gets the binary directory with the given name from the resource manager. More...
KzuBinaryDirectoryaddDirectoryFromFile (string_view fileName)
 Adds a binary directory from file to the resource manager to be used with the kzb protocol. More...
KzuBinaryDirectorymergeDirectoryFromFile (string_view fileName)
 Loads a binary directory from a file and merges it to the binary directory with the same name that already exists in the resource manager. More...
DirectoryContainer::const_iterator beginDirectories () const
 Returns iterator to beginning of binary directories. More...
DirectoryContainer::const_iterator endDirectories () const
 Returns iterator to end of binary directories. More...
void invalidateAllGPUResources ()
 Tells the resource manager to invalidate all GPU resource states back to undeployed state without actually undeploying. More...
void getMemoryUsage (size_t *out_resourceCount, size_t *out_cpuMemoryUsage, size_t *out_gpuMemoryUsage) const
 Queries information about memory usage. More...
DomaingetDomain () const
 Gets UI domain from resource manager. More...
void registerProtocolHandler (kzString protocol, ProtocolHandler handler, ProtocolResourceReloadFunction reloadFunction, void *userData)
 Registers the given protocol handler for loading resources specified with the given resource URL protocol (scheme name). More...
void unregisterProtocolHandler (kzString protocol)
 Unregisters the protocol handler with the given resource URL protocol (scheme name). More...
bool supportsProtocolHandler (kzString protocol) const
 Checks if the given resource URL protocol (scheme name) is registered as a protocol handler for the resource manager. More...
ResourceSharedPtr acquireResource (string_view url)
 Acquires a resource associated with the given url. More...
ResourceSharedPtr tryAcquireResource (string_view url)
 Behaves like acquireResource but doesn't throw exceptions. More...
template<typename Type >
shared_ptr< Type > tryAcquireResource (string_view url)
template<typename Type >
shared_ptr< Type > acquireResource (string_view url)
 Acquires a resource associated with the given url and casts the resource to given type. More...
void registerResource (string_view url, ResourceSharedPtr resource)
 Associates the given URL with the resource so that the next acquireResource with the URL will return the resource. More...
void registerLoadTask (string_view url, LoadTaskSharedPtr loadTask)
 Associates the given URL with the resource so that the next acquireResource with the URL complete the task and return the result. More...
void unregisterResource (string_view url)
 Removes the association of the given URL to a resource or a load task. More...
ResourceSharedPtr acquireLoadedResource (string_view url) const
 Acquires a resource associated with the given url. If no resource is associated with the url, returns nullptr. More...
KzcImageloadImage (string_view url) const
 Loads an image from the given url. More...
KzcSplineloadSpline (string_view url) const
 Loads a spline from the given url. More...
string getResourceURL (const Resource &resource) const
 Tries to find a url for a given resource. Returns empty string if the resource doesn't have a registered url. More...
void setDefaultMemoryStrategy (MemoryStrategy resourceReleaseStrategy)
 Sets default memory strategy. More...
MemoryStrategy getDefaultMemoryStrategy () const
 Gets default memory strategy. More...
void purge ()
 Deletes unreferenced resources. More...
void update ()
 Processes resource manager load and deployment queues to progress the background tasks. More...
bool processDeploymentQueueItem ()
 Processes asynchronous loading tasks by deploying a single loaded GPU resource. More...
bool hasDeploymentTasks () const
 Tell if deployment queue is empty. More...
AcquireTaskSharedPtr acquireResourcesAsync (const UrlContainer &urls, AsyncAcquireFinishedCallback callback)
 Creates a background task that loads and deploys all resources from a set of URLs. More...
void wait (AcquireTask &acquireTask)
 Blocks until async acquire task has finished and calls the callback of the task (unless it has been called already). More...
void deployGPUResources ()
 Deploys all GPU resources that are present in gpuDeploymentQueue. For internal use of the framework only. More...
void setDomain (Domain *domain)
 Helper function for setting project to resource manager. More...
KzcMemoryManagergetMemoryManager () const
KzuBinaryFileInfogetBinaryFileInfo (string_view url) const
 Gets binary file info corresponding to a file from the given url. More...
KzbFilegetKzbFile (string_view hostname, size_t index=0) const
 Get KZB file construct corresponding to given name. More...
void reloadFromUrl (Resource *resource)
 Reload texture from URL. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static kzString getResourcePathFromURL (kzString resourceURL)
 Gets resource path from resource URL. More...
static kzString getRelativePathFromAbsolutePath (kzString absolutePath)
 Gets relative path from absolute path (relative to screen). More...


class Resource
class GPUResource

Detailed Description

Resource manager.

Stores resources and manages resource load tasks.

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef kzsException(* kanzi::ResourceManager::ProtocolHandler) (ResourceManager *resourceManager, string_view resourceURL, string_view protocol, string_view hostname, unsigned port, string_view path, void *userData, ResourceSharedPtr &out_resource, LoadTaskSharedPtr &out_loadTask)

Protocol handler function type definition.

resourceURLThe full URL of the resource in the form of protocol://hostname[:port]/path.
protocolExtracted protocol part of the resource URL.
hostnameExtracted hostname part of the resource URL.
portExtracted port part of the resource URL. This is 0 if the port is omitted from the URL.
pathExtracted path part of the resource URL.
userDataThe userData object passed as parameter for kzuResourceManagerRegisterProtocolHandler().
out_resourceThe loaded resource.
Can return KZU_EXCEPTION_FILE_NOT_FOUND if the resource cannot be loaded.
typedef function<void(ResourceManager*, string_view resourceURL, string_view protocol, string_view hostname, unsigned port, string_view path, void* userData, Resource* resource)> kanzi::ResourceManager::ProtocolResourceReloadFunction
typedef unordered_map<string, LookupResult> kanzi::ResourceManager::LookupMap
typedef unordered_set<string> kanzi::ResourceManager::UrlContainer

Member Enumeration Documentation

Resource manager memory strategy.


With this setting, when a resource is no longer referenced, resource manager keeps it in memory until purge() is called.


With this setting, when a resource is no longer referenced, resource manager deletes it and frees the (CPU and GPU) memory used by the resource. */.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

kanzi::ResourceManager::ResourceManager ( KzcMemoryManager memoryManager)


memoryManagerMemory manager to use.
rendererRenderer to use.
kanzi::ResourceManager::~ResourceManager ( )


Member Function Documentation

void kanzi::ResourceManager::initializeLoaderThreads ( size_t  threadCount)

Initializes additional resource loader threads for resource manager, which process the resource loading in parallel.

The initialization should be executed only once, after the resource manager has been created.

threadCountNumber of loader threads. If 0, parallel loading is disabled.
loaderMemoryManagerSizeMemory manager size for resource loading, required to hold the allocated resource data. No effect if threadCount is 0.
void kanzi::ResourceManager::uninitializeLoaderThreads ( )

Uninitalizes loader threads from resource manager.

This function should be possible to be called at any time.

void kanzi::ResourceManager::addDirectory ( KzuBinaryDirectory directory)

Adds a binary directory to the resource manager to be used with the kzb protocol.

This transfers the ownership of the binary directory to the resource manager.

directoryThe binary directory you want to add.
KzuBinaryDirectory* kanzi::ResourceManager::mergeDirectory ( KzuBinaryDirectory directory)

Merges a binary directory to the binary directory with the same name that already exists in the resource manager.

If there is no binary directory with the same name, the effect is the same as addDirectory. If a directory with the same name already exists, the passed directory is merged to the existing directory, and the passed directory is destroyed. The files in provided binary directory take precedence over the files with the same name in the existing directory.

directoryThe binary directory you want to merge.
A pointer to the merged directory.
void kanzi::ResourceManager::removeDirectory ( KzuBinaryDirectory directory)

Removes binary directory from the resource manager.

directoryThe binary directory you want to remove.
void kanzi::ResourceManager::addKzbFile ( string_view  fileName)

Open a KZB file from disk and add it to the list of files.

If file cannot be opened or is not a KZB file, an error will be thrown.

fileNameFile name to open.
void kanzi::ResourceManager::addKzbFile ( unique_ptr< KzbFile kzbFile)

Add a KzbFile to the list of files.

kzbFileFile to add.
void kanzi::ResourceManager::addKzbFile ( ConstByteSpan  data)

Add a memory block as a kzb file.

This function will internally create a kzb file reading the memory block.

dataData to add.
unique_ptr<ReadOnlyMemoryFile> kanzi::ResourceManager::openFile ( string_view  url,
KzbFile **  kzbFile 
KzuBinaryDirectory* kanzi::ResourceManager::getDirectory ( string_view  name) const

Gets the binary directory with the given name from the resource manager.

nullptr if a directory is not found.
KzuBinaryDirectory* kanzi::ResourceManager::addDirectoryFromFile ( string_view  fileName)

Adds a binary directory from file to the resource manager to be used with the kzb protocol.

The resource manager keeps the ownership of the binary directory.

fileNamePath to a binary file. Note that the filename may be different from the directory name stored in the binary: for example the file "Programmer_tutorial.kzb" contains a directory named "programmer_tutorial".
A pointer that is set to point to the binary directory of the loaded binary.
KzuBinaryDirectory* kanzi::ResourceManager::mergeDirectoryFromFile ( string_view  fileName)

Loads a binary directory from a file and merges it to the binary directory with the same name that already exists in the resource manager.

For documentation of the merge process refer to mergeDirectory().

fileNameThe name of the .kzb file to load binary directory from.
A pointer to the merged directory if successful, nullptr otherwise.
DirectoryContainer::const_iterator kanzi::ResourceManager::beginDirectories ( ) const

Returns iterator to beginning of binary directories.

DirectoryContainer::const_iterator kanzi::ResourceManager::endDirectories ( ) const

Returns iterator to end of binary directories.

void kanzi::ResourceManager::invalidateAllGPUResources ( )

Tells the resource manager to invalidate all GPU resource states back to undeployed state without actually undeploying.

This is needed e.g. when the GL context is recreated.

void kanzi::ResourceManager::getMemoryUsage ( size_t *  out_resourceCount,
size_t *  out_cpuMemoryUsage,
size_t *  out_gpuMemoryUsage 
) const

Queries information about memory usage.

Domain* kanzi::ResourceManager::getDomain ( ) const

Gets UI domain from resource manager.

void kanzi::ResourceManager::registerProtocolHandler ( kzString  protocol,
ProtocolHandler  handler,
ProtocolResourceReloadFunction  reloadFunction,
void *  userData 

Registers the given protocol handler for loading resources specified with the given resource URL protocol (scheme name).

void kanzi::ResourceManager::unregisterProtocolHandler ( kzString  protocol)

Unregisters the protocol handler with the given resource URL protocol (scheme name).

bool kanzi::ResourceManager::supportsProtocolHandler ( kzString  protocol) const

Checks if the given resource URL protocol (scheme name) is registered as a protocol handler for the resource manager.

ResourceSharedPtr kanzi::ResourceManager::acquireResource ( string_view  url)

Acquires a resource associated with the given url.

If no resource is associated with the url, tries to load the resource from the location specified by the url. The url specifies the location with a protocol and a protocol specific path.

The supported protocols are:

  1. kzb protocol for loading resources from .kzb files. For example, "kzb://programmer_tutorial/Prefabs/Widget Item Prefab". If the given url is not found from the added binary directories, an exception is thrown.
  2. file protocol for loading resources from external files. For example, "file://./Icon.png".
urlUrl of the resource.
Shared pointer to the resource.
ResourceSharedPtr kanzi::ResourceManager::tryAcquireResource ( string_view  url)

Behaves like acquireResource but doesn't throw exceptions.

See also
urlUrl of the resource.
Shared pointer to the resource, or nullptr if resource is not found.
template<typename Type >
shared_ptr<Type> kanzi::ResourceManager::tryAcquireResource ( string_view  url)
template<typename Type >
shared_ptr<Type> kanzi::ResourceManager::acquireResource ( string_view  url)

Acquires a resource associated with the given url and casts the resource to given type.

If the cast fails, throws an exception.

urlUrl of the resource.
Shared pointer to the resource.
void kanzi::ResourceManager::registerResource ( string_view  url,
ResourceSharedPtr  resource 

Associates the given URL with the resource so that the next acquireResource with the URL will return the resource.

void kanzi::ResourceManager::registerLoadTask ( string_view  url,
LoadTaskSharedPtr  loadTask 

Associates the given URL with the resource so that the next acquireResource with the URL complete the task and return the result.

void kanzi::ResourceManager::unregisterResource ( string_view  url)

Removes the association of the given URL to a resource or a load task.

ResourceSharedPtr kanzi::ResourceManager::acquireLoadedResource ( string_view  url) const

Acquires a resource associated with the given url. If no resource is associated with the url, returns nullptr.

KzcImage* kanzi::ResourceManager::loadImage ( string_view  url) const

Loads an image from the given url.

KzcSpline* kanzi::ResourceManager::loadSpline ( string_view  url) const

Loads a spline from the given url.

string kanzi::ResourceManager::getResourceURL ( const Resource resource) const

Tries to find a url for a given resource. Returns empty string if the resource doesn't have a registered url.

static kzString kanzi::ResourceManager::getResourcePathFromURL ( kzString  resourceURL)

Gets resource path from resource URL.

Returns KZ_NULL if the URL is malformed.

static kzString kanzi::ResourceManager::getRelativePathFromAbsolutePath ( kzString  absolutePath)

Gets relative path from absolute path (relative to screen).

void kanzi::ResourceManager::setDefaultMemoryStrategy ( MemoryStrategy  resourceReleaseStrategy)

Sets default memory strategy.

MemoryStrategy kanzi::ResourceManager::getDefaultMemoryStrategy ( ) const

Gets default memory strategy.

void kanzi::ResourceManager::purge ( )

Deletes unreferenced resources.

void kanzi::ResourceManager::update ( )

Processes resource manager load and deployment queues to progress the background tasks.

Called by the framework once per frame.

bool kanzi::ResourceManager::processDeploymentQueueItem ( )

Processes asynchronous loading tasks by deploying a single loaded GPU resource.

This function does not do anything if there are no active asynchronous loading tasks with loaded resources. Framework calls this function once every frame. Call this function periodically to ensure that asynchronous loading tasks are completed.

False if there is no asynchronously loaded resources in the deployment queue.
bool kanzi::ResourceManager::hasDeploymentTasks ( ) const

Tell if deployment queue is empty.

True if empty, false if not.
AcquireTaskSharedPtr kanzi::ResourceManager::acquireResourcesAsync ( const UrlContainer urls,
AsyncAcquireFinishedCallback  callback 

Creates a background task that loads and deploys all resources from a set of URLs.

After all resources are loaded and deployed, calls the provided callback.

urlsSet of URLs for resources that will be loaded.
callbackCallback function that will be called when all of the specified resource URLs have been loaded.
Handle to the async load task. The handle can be passed to wait to wait for the completion of the load.
void kanzi::ResourceManager::wait ( AcquireTask acquireTask)

Blocks until async acquire task has finished and calls the callback of the task (unless it has been called already).

acquireTaskAcquire task created by acquireResourcesAsync.
void kanzi::ResourceManager::deployGPUResources ( )

Deploys all GPU resources that are present in gpuDeploymentQueue. For internal use of the framework only.

void kanzi::ResourceManager::setDomain ( Domain domain)

Helper function for setting project to resource manager.

KzcMemoryManager* kanzi::ResourceManager::getMemoryManager ( ) const
KzuBinaryFileInfo* kanzi::ResourceManager::getBinaryFileInfo ( string_view  url) const

Gets binary file info corresponding to a file from the given url.

urlURL to fetch.
Binary file info found or 0.
KzbFile* kanzi::ResourceManager::getKzbFile ( string_view  hostname,
size_t  index = 0 
) const

Get KZB file construct corresponding to given name.

hostnameHostname part of the file.
indexIndex of the file for the given hostname, typically 0.
KZB file found or 0.
void kanzi::ResourceManager::reloadFromUrl ( Resource resource)

Reload texture from URL.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

friend class Resource
friend class GPUResource

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