kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass > Class Template Reference

#include <kanzi/ui/node/concept/scroll_view.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >:

Public Types

typedef ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass > TScrollView
- Public Types inherited from kanzi::ScrollViewConcept
enum  ScrollDirection { ScrollUp, ScrollDown, ScrollLeft, ScrollRight }
 Enumeration for possible directions when scrolling by step. More...
enum  ScrollPage { ScrollPageUp, ScrollPageDown }
 Enumeration for possible directions when scrolling by page. More...
enum  ScrollEdge { ScrollHome, ScrollEnd }
 Enumeration for possible directions when scrolling to edge. More...
enum  PanState { PanInitial, PanStarted, PanCancelling, PanCanceled }
 Enumeration for pan state. More...

Public Member Functions

 ~ScrollViewConceptImpl ()
 Destructor. More...
PanManipulatorSharedPtr getPanManipulator () const
 Returns the pan manipulator. More...
Vector2 getScrollAxis () const
 Gets the value of ScrollAxisProperty. More...
void setScrollAxis (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of ScrollAxisProperty. More...
float getRecognitionThreshold () const
 Gets the value of RecognitionThresholdProperty. More...
void setRecognitionThreshold (float value)
 Sets the value of RecognitionThresholdProperty. More...
int getMinimumNumberOfTouches () const
 Gets the value of MinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty. More...
void setMinimumNumberOfTouches (int value)
 Sets the value of MinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty. More...
int getMaximumNumberOfTouches () const
 Gets the value of MinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty. More...
void setMaximumNumberOfTouches (int value)
 Sets the value of MinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty. More...
float getSensitivity () const
 Gets the value of SensitivityProperty. More...
void setSensitivity (float value)
 Sets the value of SensitivityProperty. More...
float getSlidingAccelerationCoefficient () const
 Gets the value of SlidingAccelerationCoefficientProperty. More...
void setSlidingAccelerationCoefficient (float value)
 Sets the value of SlidingAccelerationCoefficientProperty. More...
float getSlidingDragCoefficient () const
 Gets the value of SlidingDragCoefficientProperty. More...
void setSlidingDragCoefficient (float value)
 Sets the value of SlidingDragCoefficientProperty. More...
float getDraggingAccelerationCoefficient () const
 Gets the value of DraggingAccelerationCoefficientProperty. More...
void setDraggingAccelerationCoefficient (float value)
 Sets the value of DraggingAccelerationCoefficientProperty. More...
float getDraggingDragCoefficient () const
 Gets the value of DraggingDragCoefficientProperty. More...
void setDraggingDragCoefficient (float value)
 Sets the value of DraggingDragCoefficientProperty. More...
float getDraggingImpulseFactor () const
 Gets the value of DraggingImpulseFactorProperty. More...
void setDraggingImpulseFactor (float value)
 Sets the value of DraggingImpulseFactorProperty. More...
float getSwipeDistance () const
 Gets the value of SwipeDistanceProperty. More...
void setSwipeDistance (float value)
 Sets the value of SwipeDistanceProperty. More...
Vector2 getScrollPosition () const
 Gets the value of ScrollPositionProperty. More...
void setScrollPosition (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of ScrollPositionProperty. More...
Vector2 getScrollTargetPosition () const
 Gets the value of ScrollTargetPositionProperty. More...
void setScrollTargetPosition (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of ScrollTargetPositionProperty. More...
Vector2 getScrollSpeed () const
 Gets the value of ScrollSpeedProperty. More...
void setScrollSpeed (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of ScrollSpeedProperty. More...
bool isScrolling () const
 Gets the value of ScrollingProperty. More...
void setScrolling (bool value)
 Sets the value of ScrollingProperty. More...
bool isDragging () const
 Checks whether the finger is on the surface. More...
bool isZoomAffectsScrolling () const
 Gets the value of ZoomAffectsScrollingProperty. More...
void setZoomAffectsScrolling (bool value)
 Sets the value of ZoomAffectsScrollingProperty. More...
Vector2 getScrollBoundsMinimum () const
 Gets the value of ScrollBoundsMinimumProperty. More...
void setScrollBoundsMinimum (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of ScrollBoundsMinimumProperty. More...
Vector2 getScrollBoundsMaximum () const
 Gets the value of ScrollBoundsMaximumProperty. More...
void setScrollBoundsMaximum (Vector2 value)
 Sets the value of ScrollBoundsMaximumProperty. More...
void setEnabledX (bool state)
 Sets whether the scroll view scrolls along the x axis. More...
void setEnabledY (bool state)
 Sets whether the scroll view scrolls along the y axis. More...
bool isEnabledX () const
 Returns whether the scroll view scrolls along the x axis. More...
bool isEnabledY () const
 Returns whether the scroll view scrolls along the y axis. More...
void setLoopingXEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of LoopingXEnabledProperty. More...
void setLoopingYEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of LoopingYEnabledProperty. More...
bool isLoopingXEnabled () const
 Gets the value of LoopingXEnabledProperty. More...
bool isLoopingYEnabled () const
 Gets the value of LoopingYEnabledProperty. More...
void setScrollBoundsX (float minimum, float maximum)
 Sets the bounds on the x axis. More...
void setScrollBoundsY (float minimum, float maximum)
 Sets the bounds on the y axis. More...
void scrollToPosition (Vector2 scrollPosition)
 Sets a value for the new position of the scroll view and starts scrolling to that value. More...
void scrollToPositionLooping (Vector2 scrollPosition)
 If a scroll view's axis looping is enabled, the shortest path to the target value is chosen. More...
void jumpToPosition (Vector2 scrollPosition)
 Sets a value for the position of the scroll view and immediately goes to that value. More...
Vector2 getScroll () const
 Gets the values of the current position of the scroll view. More...
Vector2 getScrollTarget () const
 Gets the values of the position of the scroll view to which the scroll view is scrolling. More...
Vector2 getScrollTargetLooping () const
 When looping is enabled it gets the position value normalized to the allowed range of the scroll view. More...
Vector2 getSpeed () const
 Queries the current speed from the interpolator. More...
void scroll (ScrollDirection direction)
 Sets scroll delta to one step and starts scrolling to that direction. More...
void scroll (ScrollPage direction)
 Sets scroll delta to one page and starts scrolling to that direction. More...
void scroll (ScrollEdge direction)
 Sets scroll target to edge defined by scroll bounds and starts scrolling to that direction. More...
bool isZoomEnabled () const
 Gets the value of ZoomEnabledProperty. More...
void setZoomEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of ZoomEnabledProperty. More...
float getZoom () const
 Gets the value of ZoomProperty. More...
float getZoomMinimum () const
 Gets the value of ZoomMinimumProperty. More...
void setZoomMinimum (float value)
 Sets the value of ZoomMinimumProperty. More...
float getZoomMaximum () const
 Gets the value of ZoomMaximumProperty. More...
void setZoomMaximum (float value)
 Sets the value of ZoomMaximumProperty. More...
float getStepMultiplier () const
 Gets the value of StepMultiplierProperty. More...
void setStepMultiplier (float value)
 Sets the value of StepMultiplierProperty. More...
void refreshThreshold ()
 Updates the recognition threshold of the pan manipulator to the value of the RecognitionThresholdProperty value. More...
bool useDirectionalRecognitionThreshold () const
 Tells whether pan threshold should be locked to scroll direction or not. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ScrollViewConcept
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()

Protected Member Functions

 ScrollViewConceptImpl (Domain *domain, string_view name)
TDerivedClass * getThisObject ()
 Internal accessor for the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern. More...
const TDerivedClass * getThisObject () const
 Internal accessor for the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern. More...
void initialize ()
 Assigns the message handlers for the pan manipulator and scroll messages. More...
virtual void onNodePropertyChanged (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyNotificationReason reason) KZ_OVERRIDE
 Node::onNodePropertyChanged() implementation. More...
void refreshScrollConfiguration ()
 Updates smooth interpolation coefficients, depending whether the finger is still on the scroll view or not. More...
void refreshMinimumNumberOfTouches ()
 Updates the minimum number of touch points of the pan manipulator to the value of the #MinimumNumberOfTouchPointsProperty value. More...
void refreshMaximumNumberOfTouches ()
 Updates the maximum number of touch points of the pan manipulator to the value of the #MaximumNumberOfTouchPointsProperty value. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from kanzi::ScrollViewConcept
static MessageType< ScrollStartedMessageArgumentsScrollStartedMessage
static MessageType< ScrollFinishedMessageArgumentsScrollFinishedMessage
static MessageType< UserScrollStartedMessageArgumentsUserScrollStartedMessage
static MessageType< UserScrollFinishedMessageArgumentsUserScrollFinishedMessage
static MessageType< ZoomedMessageArgumentsZoomedMessage
static MessageType< ScrolledMessageArgumentsScrolledMessage
static MessageType< SnapRequestMessageArgumentsSnapRequestMessage
static MessageType< ScrollDirectionMessageArgumentsScrollDirectionMessage
static MessageType< ScrollPageMessageArgumentsScrollPageMessage
static MessageType< ScrollEdgeMessageArgumentsScrollEdgeMessage
static MessageType< SetScrollTargetMessageArgumentsSetScrollTargetMessage
static MessageType< SetScrollMessageArgumentsSetScrollMessage
static PropertyType< float > MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionXProperty
 MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionX property. More...
static PropertyType< float > MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionYProperty
 MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionY property. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionProperty
 MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPosition property. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollSpeedProperty
 MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollSpeed property. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollTargetProperty
 MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollTarget property. More...
static PropertyType< int > MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollDirectionProperty
 MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollDirection property. More...
static PropertyType< int > MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPageProperty
 MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPage property. More...
static PropertyType< int > MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollEdgeProperty
 MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollEdge property. More...
static PropertyType< float > MessageArgumentScrollViewZoomProperty
 MessageArgumentScrollViewZoom property. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapPositionProperty
 MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapPosition property. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapDirectionProperty
 MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapDirection property. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollAxisProperty
 ScrollAxis property. More...
static PropertyType< float > RecognitionThresholdProperty
 RecognitionThreshold property. More...
static PropertyType< int > MinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty
 MinimumNumberOfTouches property. More...
static PropertyType< int > MaximumNumberOfTouchesProperty
 MaximumNumberOfTouches property. More...
static PropertyType< float > SensitivityProperty
 Sensitivity property. More...
static PropertyType< float > SlidingAccelerationCoefficientProperty
 SlidingAccelerationCoefficient property. More...
static PropertyType< float > SlidingDragCoefficientProperty
 SlidingDragCoefficient property. More...
static PropertyType< float > DraggingAccelerationCoefficientProperty
 DraggingAccelerationCoefficient property. More...
static PropertyType< float > DraggingDragCoefficientProperty
 DraggingDragCoefficient property. More...
static PropertyType< float > DraggingImpulseFactorProperty
 DraggingImpulseFactor property. More...
static PropertyType< float > SwipeDistanceProperty
 SwipeDistance property. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollPositionProperty
 ScrollPosition property. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollTargetPositionProperty
 ScrollTargetPosition property. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollSpeedProperty
 ScrollSpeed property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > ScrollingProperty
 Scrolling property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > ZoomAffectsScrollingProperty
 ZoomAffectsScrolling property. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollBoundsMinimumProperty
 ScrollBoundsMinimum property. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollBoundsMaximumProperty
 ScrollBoundsMaximum property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > LoopingXEnabledProperty
 LoopingXEnabled property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > LoopingYEnabledProperty
 LoopingYEnabled property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > ZoomEnabledProperty
 ZoomEnabled property. More...
static PropertyType< float > ZoomProperty
 Zoom property. More...
static PropertyType< float > ZoomMinimumProperty
 ZoomMinimum property. More...
static PropertyType< float > ZoomMaximumProperty
 ZoomMaximum property. More...
static PropertyType< float > StepMultiplierProperty
 StepMultiplier property. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
typedef ScrollViewConceptImpl<TBaseClass, TDerivedClass> kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::TScrollView

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::~ScrollViewConceptImpl ( )


template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::ScrollViewConceptImpl ( Domain domain,
string_view  name 

Member Function Documentation

template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::makeEditorInfo ( )
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
PanManipulatorSharedPtr kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getPanManipulator ( ) const

Returns the pan manipulator.

template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
Vector2 kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getScrollAxis ( ) const

Gets the value of ScrollAxisProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setScrollAxis ( Vector2  value)

Sets the value of ScrollAxisProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
float kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getRecognitionThreshold ( ) const
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setRecognitionThreshold ( float  value)
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
int kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getMinimumNumberOfTouches ( ) const
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setMinimumNumberOfTouches ( int  value)

Sets the value of MinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty.

Scroll views with minimum number of touches greater than one will precede the descendants in touch event processing.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
int kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getMaximumNumberOfTouches ( ) const
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setMaximumNumberOfTouches ( int  value)
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
float kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getSensitivity ( ) const

Gets the value of SensitivityProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setSensitivity ( float  value)

Sets the value of SensitivityProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
float kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getSlidingAccelerationCoefficient ( ) const
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setSlidingAccelerationCoefficient ( float  value)
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
float kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getSlidingDragCoefficient ( ) const
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setSlidingDragCoefficient ( float  value)
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
float kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getDraggingAccelerationCoefficient ( ) const
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setDraggingAccelerationCoefficient ( float  value)
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
float kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getDraggingDragCoefficient ( ) const
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setDraggingDragCoefficient ( float  value)
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
float kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getDraggingImpulseFactor ( ) const
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setDraggingImpulseFactor ( float  value)
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
float kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getSwipeDistance ( ) const

Gets the value of SwipeDistanceProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setSwipeDistance ( float  value)

Sets the value of SwipeDistanceProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
Vector2 kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getScrollPosition ( ) const

Gets the value of ScrollPositionProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setScrollPosition ( Vector2  value)

Sets the value of ScrollPositionProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
Vector2 kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getScrollTargetPosition ( ) const
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setScrollTargetPosition ( Vector2  value)
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
Vector2 kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getScrollSpeed ( ) const

Gets the value of ScrollSpeedProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setScrollSpeed ( Vector2  value)

Sets the value of ScrollSpeedProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
bool kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::isScrolling ( ) const

Gets the value of ScrollingProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setScrolling ( bool  value)

Sets the value of ScrollingProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
bool kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::isDragging ( ) const

Checks whether the finger is on the surface.

template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
bool kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::isZoomAffectsScrolling ( ) const
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setZoomAffectsScrolling ( bool  value)
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
Vector2 kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getScrollBoundsMinimum ( ) const
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setScrollBoundsMinimum ( Vector2  value)
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
Vector2 kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getScrollBoundsMaximum ( ) const
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setScrollBoundsMaximum ( Vector2  value)
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setEnabledX ( bool  state)

Sets whether the scroll view scrolls along the x axis.

template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setEnabledY ( bool  state)

Sets whether the scroll view scrolls along the y axis.

template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
bool kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::isEnabledX ( ) const

Returns whether the scroll view scrolls along the x axis.

template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
bool kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::isEnabledY ( ) const

Returns whether the scroll view scrolls along the y axis.

template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setLoopingXEnabled ( bool  value)

Sets the value of LoopingXEnabledProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setLoopingYEnabled ( bool  value)

Sets the value of LoopingYEnabledProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
bool kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::isLoopingXEnabled ( ) const

Gets the value of LoopingXEnabledProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
bool kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::isLoopingYEnabled ( ) const

Gets the value of LoopingYEnabledProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setScrollBoundsX ( float  minimum,
float  maximum 

Sets the bounds on the x axis.

When scrolling above the bounds, the scroll position will converge to the nearest bound value after scrolling is finished.

minimumRepresents the right side of the scrollview.
maximumRepresents the left side of the scrollview.
See also
setLoopingXEnabled(), isLoopingXEnabled()
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setScrollBoundsY ( float  minimum,
float  maximum 

Sets the bounds on the y axis.

When scrolling above the bounds, the scroll position will converge to the nearest bound value after scrolling is finished.

minimumRepresents the bottom side of the scrollview.
maximumRepresents the top side of the scrollview.
See also
setLoopingYEnabled(), isLoopingYEnabled()
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::scrollToPosition ( Vector2  scrollPosition)

Sets a value for the new position of the scroll view and starts scrolling to that value.

Use this function when you have the exact position in the scroll view and want to scroll to that position. If you enabled the looping for the scroll view, the target value may be out bounds to indicate direction and repetition.

scrollPositionThe position of the scroll view to which you want to set the scroll view to start scrolling.
See also
scrollToPositionLooping(), jumpToPosition(), setLoopingXEnabled(), setLoopingYEnabled()
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::scrollToPositionLooping ( Vector2  scrollPosition)

If a scroll view's axis looping is enabled, the shortest path to the target value is chosen.

scrollTargetThe position of the scroll view to which you want to set the scroll view to start scrolling.
See also
jumpToPosition(), scrollToPositionLooping(), setLoopingXEnabled(), setLoopingYEnabled(), isLoopingXEnabled(), isLoopingYEnabled()
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::jumpToPosition ( Vector2  scrollPosition)

Sets a value for the position of the scroll view and immediately goes to that value.

scrollPositionThe new position of the scroll view.
See also
scrollToPositionLooping(), scrollToPosition()
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
Vector2 kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getScroll ( ) const

Gets the values of the current position of the scroll view.

If you enabled the looping for the scroll view, the value of the position this function returns is normalized so that it is within the bound interval.

Returns the current position of the scroll view.
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
Vector2 kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getScrollTarget ( ) const

Gets the values of the position of the scroll view to which the scroll view is scrolling.

Use this function when you want to find out the position towards which the scroll view is scrolling. If you enabled the looping for the scroll view, the value of the position this function returns can be out of bounds of the scroll view.

Returns the position to which the scroll view is scrolling.
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
Vector2 kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getScrollTargetLooping ( ) const

When looping is enabled it gets the position value normalized to the allowed range of the scroll view.

Returns the normalized value of the position to which the scroll view is scrolling.

The returned value is used to set the value of ScrollTargetPositionProperty.

template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
Vector2 kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getSpeed ( ) const

Queries the current speed from the interpolator.

The returned value is used internally to calculate target scroll position.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::scroll ( ScrollDirection  direction)

Sets scroll delta to one step and starts scrolling to that direction.

directionScroll direction.
See also
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::scroll ( ScrollPage  direction)

Sets scroll delta to one page and starts scrolling to that direction.

directionScroll direction.
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::scroll ( ScrollEdge  direction)

Sets scroll target to edge defined by scroll bounds and starts scrolling to that direction.

directionScroll direction.
See also
ScrollBoundsMinimumProperty, ScrollBoundsMaximumProperty
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
bool kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::isZoomEnabled ( ) const

Gets the value of ZoomEnabledProperty.

template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setZoomEnabled ( bool  value)

Sets the value of ZoomEnabledProperty.

template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
float kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getZoom ( ) const

Gets the value of ZoomProperty.

template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
float kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getZoomMinimum ( ) const

Gets the value of ZoomMinimumProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setZoomMinimum ( float  value)

Sets the value of ZoomMinimumProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
float kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getZoomMaximum ( ) const

Gets the value of ZoomMaximumProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setZoomMaximum ( float  value)

Sets the value of ZoomMaximumProperty.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
float kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getStepMultiplier ( ) const
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setStepMultiplier ( float  value)
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::refreshThreshold ( )

Updates the recognition threshold of the pan manipulator to the value of the RecognitionThresholdProperty value.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
bool kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::useDirectionalRecognitionThreshold ( ) const

Tells whether pan threshold should be locked to scroll direction or not.

Affects the axis RecognitionThresholdProperty is bound to.

True if direction should be used, false if not.
template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
TDerivedClass* kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getThisObject ( )

Internal accessor for the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern.

template<typename TBaseClass, class TDerivedClass>
const TDerivedClass* kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getThisObject ( ) const

Internal accessor for the Curiously Recurring Template Pattern.

template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::initialize ( )

Assigns the message handlers for the pan manipulator and scroll messages.

template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::onNodePropertyChanged ( AbstractPropertyType  propertyType,
PropertyNotificationReason  reason 
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::refreshScrollConfiguration ( )

Updates smooth interpolation coefficients, depending whether the finger is still on the scroll view or not.

This helper function is used in between starting and stopping the interpolator timer.

template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::refreshMinimumNumberOfTouches ( )

Updates the minimum number of touch points of the pan manipulator to the value of the #MinimumNumberOfTouchPointsProperty value.

See also
template<typename TBaseClass , class TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ScrollViewConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::refreshMaximumNumberOfTouches ( )

Updates the maximum number of touch points of the pan manipulator to the value of the #MaximumNumberOfTouchPointsProperty value.

See also

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