profiling_config.hpp File Reference


 Startup and shutdown category measures the time used during application startup and shutdown. More...
 Runtime category measures the time used by the functions which Kanzi runs in the main loop. More...
 Resource loading category measures the time used by the functions Kanzi runs to load and deploy resources in an application. More...
 Rendering category measures the time used to render each node to the screen. More...

Macro Definition Documentation


Startup and shutdown category measures the time used during application startup and shutdown.

This happens outside of the main loop. For example, use this category to measure the amount of time it takes to initialize subsystems and drivers at application startup, and the time it takes to uninitialize functions which clean up after the main loop terminates at shutdown.


Runtime category measures the time used by the functions which Kanzi runs in the main loop.

For example, use this category to measure the amount of time it takes to calculate the layouts, run the animations, update the application state, and prepare the nodes for rendering.


Resource loading category measures the time used by the functions Kanzi runs to load and deploy resources in an application.

During the resource loading the application uses a loader thread to get the data for the resource. When loading completes the main thread finalizes the resource by uploading it to the resource object. For example, when an application loads a texture, the loading part retrieves the texture data from http, file, or kzb URL, and the finalization part uploads the data to the texture surface and deploys the texture to the GPU.


Rendering category measures the time used to render each node to the screen.