legacy Directory Reference


directory  debug
directory  file
directory  memory
directory  thread
directory  time
directory  util
directory  wrappers


file  kzc_error_codes.hpp
 Core layer error codes.
file  kzs_endian.hpp
 Endianness check for Kanzi.
file  kzs_error_codes.hpp
 System layer error codes.
file  kzs_platform_overrides.hpp
 Empty platform overrides header file for common platform.
file  kzs_stdint.hpp
 Exact Kanzi types - 8 bit, 16 bit, 32 bit, 64 bit.
file  kzs_system.hpp
 System header.
file  kzs_types.hpp
 Kanzi types - integers, floats, doubles, strings, inlines.
file  kzu_bounding_volume.hpp
 Bounding volume structure, that is, volume that bounds some area, typically geometry.
file  legacy_conversions.hpp