
Use render passes to define the rendering of nodes in your Kanzi application. For example, in a render pass you define which Camera that render pass uses for rendering, what nodes it renders, and settings for the color and depth buffer use. See Render passes.

You can use multiple render passes to apply post-processing effects. See Post-processing effects.

Kanzi contains filters and object sources you can use to select and refine the collection of nodes you send to a render pass for rendering. Doing so you can precisely define the order of how Kanzi renders the content of the Scene or Viewport 2D node. See Filters and Using object sources.

Render passes

Each Scene node has the Render Pass property that determines which render pass Kanzi uses for rendering that Scene node. When you create a Scene node, it uses the DefaultRenderPass to render its content.

You can define how you want Kanzi to render the nodes in your project by creating render passes, setting the hierarchy and order of the render passes, and setting different properties in the render passes.

Create a nested hierarchy of render passes, and set the Render Pass property of a Scene node to a Group Render Pass at the topmost level in your render pass tree. Kanzi Studio executes the render passes in the Library > Rendering > Render Passes from top to bottom. Each render pass applies its settings and renders its children.

These render passes are available in Kanzi Studio:

Post-processing effects

Use multiple render passes to apply post-processing effects.

To apply post-processing effects:

  1. Create a material which supports the post-processing effect that you want to apply.
  2. Create the hierarchy of render passes which creates the post-processing effect you want to apply.

For examples of how to apply post-processing effects, see Tutorial: Create a Gaussian blur effect and Tutorial: Create a bloom effect.

Using render passes in the API

For details, see the RenderPass class in the API reference.

See also

Rendering best practices

Using Kanzi Studio render pass templates

Rendering multiple render passes or textures

Using object sources


Tutorial: Create a Gaussian blur effect

Tutorial: Apply a stencil to 3D content