kzs_file.hpp File Reference

Standard file I/O functions. More...


 Result value indicating that an error occurred in the function. More...
 File is opened in writeable text mode. More...
 File is opened in writeable binary mode. More...
 File is opened in read only text mode. More...
 File is opened in read only binary mode. More...


typedef void kzsFile
 File type. More...


 Origin for kzsFseek. More...


kzsFilekzsFopen (kzString fileName, kzString mode)
 Opens a file. More...
kzInt kzsFclose (kzsFile *file)
 Closes a file. More...
kzBool kzsFeof (kzsFile *file)
 Checks if the end of a file has been reached. More...
kzInt kzsFerror (kzsFile *file)
 Checks if there is an error in a file. More...
kzInt kzsFseek (kzsFile *file, kzInt offset, enum KzsFileOrigin origin)
 Seeks to given position in a file. More...
kzInt kzsFtell (kzsFile *file)
 Gets the current position in a file. More...
kzInt kzsFflush (kzsFile *file)
 Flushes the stream. More...
kzInt kzsFgetc (kzsFile *file)
 Gets a byte from a file. More...
kzInt kzsFputc (kzInt character, kzsFile *file)
 Writes a byte to a file. More...
kzUint kzsFread (void *buffer, kzUint elementSize, kzUint elementCount, kzsFile *file)
 Reads elements from a file. More...
kzUint kzsFwrite (const void *buffer, kzUint elementSize, kzUint elementCount, kzsFile *file)
 Writes elements to a file. More...
kzInt kzsFileno (const kzsFile *file)
 Gets file descriptor. More...
kzInt kzsFileGetSize (kzsFile *file)
 Get the size of a file. More...
kzInt kzsFileReadSkip (kzsFile *file, kzUint byteCount)
 Skips bytes in a file. More...

Detailed Description

Standard file I/O functions.

Copyright 2008-2017 by Rightware. All rights reserved.

Macro Definition Documentation


Result value indicating that an error occurred in the function.


File is opened in writeable text mode.


File is opened in writeable binary mode.


File is opened in read only text mode.


File is opened in read only binary mode.

Typedef Documentation

typedef void kzsFile

File type.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Origin for kzsFseek.


Seek from the start of the file.


Seek from the current location.


Seek from the end of the file.

Function Documentation

kzsFile* kzsFopen ( kzString  fileName,
kzString  mode 

Opens a file.

kzInt kzsFclose ( kzsFile file)

Closes a file.

kzBool kzsFeof ( kzsFile file)

Checks if the end of a file has been reached.

kzInt kzsFerror ( kzsFile file)

Checks if there is an error in a file.

kzInt kzsFseek ( kzsFile file,
kzInt  offset,
enum KzsFileOrigin  origin 

Seeks to given position in a file.

kzInt kzsFtell ( kzsFile file)

Gets the current position in a file.

kzInt kzsFflush ( kzsFile file)

Flushes the stream.

Writes any unwritten data to file.

kzInt kzsFgetc ( kzsFile file)

Gets a byte from a file.

kzInt kzsFputc ( kzInt  character,
kzsFile file 

Writes a byte to a file.

kzUint kzsFread ( void *  buffer,
kzUint  elementSize,
kzUint  elementCount,
kzsFile file 

Reads elements from a file.

Returns the number of elements read.

kzUint kzsFwrite ( const void *  buffer,
kzUint  elementSize,
kzUint  elementCount,
kzsFile file 

Writes elements to a file.

Returns the number of elements written.

kzInt kzsFileno ( const kzsFile file)

Gets file descriptor.

kzInt kzsFileGetSize ( kzsFile file)

Get the size of a file.

Returns -1 if an error occurred.

kzInt kzsFileReadSkip ( kzsFile file,
kzUint  byteCount 

Skips bytes in a file.

Returns the number of bytes skipped. Returns KZS_FILE_ERROR if an error occurred. This function is intended for skipping in a file only when reading it. To skip in a writable file, use kzsFseek with KZS_FILE_ORIGIN_SEEK_CUR as origin.