kzc_memory_system.hpp File Reference

System memory manager. More...


KANZI_API kzsError kzcMemoryManagerCreateSystemManager (struct KzcMemoryManager **out_manager)
 Creates a new memory manager, which allocates and deallocates memory with the C library's malloc() and free() functions. More...

Detailed Description

System memory manager.

System memory manager simply allocates and deallocates memory with the C library's malloc() and free() functions. This memory manager is thread-safe in POSIX-compatible operating systems. When using KzaApplication, the system memory manager returned by ::kzaApplicationGetSystemMemoryManager() can be used.

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Function Documentation

KANZI_API kzsError kzcMemoryManagerCreateSystemManager ( struct KzcMemoryManager **  out_manager)

Creates a new memory manager, which allocates and deallocates memory with the C library's malloc() and free() functions.

out_managerA pointer that is set to point to the new memory manager on success.
KZS_SUCCESS on success.