node_properties.h File Reference


string getName () const
 Gets the value of NameProperty. More...
void setName (string_view value)
 Sets the value of NameProperty. More...
string getPath () const
 Gets the value of PathProperty. More...
void setPath (string value)
 Sets the value of PathProperty. More...
string getLocale () const
 Gets the value of LocaleProperty. More...
void setLocale (string value)
 Sets the value of LocaleProperty. More...
bool isHitTestable () const
 Gets the value of HitTestableProperty. More...
void setHitTestable (bool value)
 Sets the value of HitTestableProperty. More...
bool isHitTestableContainer () const
 Gets the value of HitTestableContainerProperty. More...
void setHitTestableContainer (bool value)
 Sets the value of HitTestableContainerProperty. More...
bool isVisible () const
 Gets the value of VisibleProperty. More...
void setVisible (bool value)
 Sets the value of VisibleProperty. More...
bool isEnabled () const
 Gets the value of EnabledProperty. More...
void setEnabled (bool value)
 Sets the value of EnabledProperty. More...
bool isFocusable () const
 Gets the value of FocusableProperty. More...
void setFocusable (bool value)
 Sets the value of FocusableProperty. More...
bool isFocused () const
 Gets the value of FocusedProperty. More...
void setFocused (bool value)
 Sets the value of FocusedProperty. More...
bool hasLogicalFocus () const
 Returns the #LogicalFocusedProperty value. More...
void setLogicalFocus (bool value)
 Sets the value of LogicalFocusProperty. More...
FontSharedPtr getFont () const
 Gets the value of FontProperty. More...
void setFont (FontSharedPtr value)
 Sets the value of FontProperty. More...
float getVisibleAmountInParent () const
 Gets the value of VisibleAmountInParentProperty. More...
void setVisibleAmountInParent (float value)
 Sets the value of VisibleAmountInParentProperty. More...
float getProjection2DTo3DScale () const
 Gets the value of Projection2DTo3DScaleProperty. More...
void setProjection2DTo3DScale (float value)
 Sets the value of Projection2DTo3DScaleProperty. More...
bool isEnableClick () const
 Gets the value of EnableClickProperty. More...
void setEnableClick (bool value)
 Sets the value of EnableClickProperty. More...
bool isEnableMultiClick () const
 Gets the value of EnableMultiClickProperty. More...
void setEnableMultiClick (bool value)
 Sets the value of EnableMultiClickProperty. More...
ResourceSharedPtr getStyle () const
 Gets the value of StyleProperty. More...
void setStyle (ResourceSharedPtr value)
 Sets the value of StyleProperty. More...
ResourceSharedPtr getStateManager () const
 Gets the value of StateManagerProperty. More...
void setStateManager (ResourceSharedPtr value)
 Sets the value of StateManagerProperty. More...


static PropertyType< string > NameProperty
 Name property. More...
static PropertyType< string > PathProperty
 Path property. More...
static PropertyType< string > LocaleProperty
 Locale property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > CreatedFromKZBProperty
 CreatedFromKZB property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > HitTestableProperty
 HitTestable property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > HitTestableContainerProperty
 HitTestableContainer property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > VisibleProperty
 Visible property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > EnabledProperty
 Enabled property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > FocusableProperty
 The property specifies whether a node can get active focus and can participate in the focus chain navigation. More...
static PropertyType< bool > FocusedProperty
 Specifies that the node is the active focus node, which receives keyboard messages. More...
static PropertyType< bool > LogicalFocusProperty
 Specifies that the node has logical focus state. More...
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtr > FontProperty
 Font property. More...
static PropertyType< float > VisibleAmountInParentProperty
 VisibleAmountInParent property. More...
static PropertyType< float > Projection2DTo3DScaleProperty
 Projection2DTo3DScale property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > EnableClickProperty
 EnableClick property. More...
static PropertyType< bool > EnableMultiClickProperty
 EnableMultiClick property. More...
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtr > StyleProperty
 Style property. More...
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtr > StateManagerProperty
 StateManager property. More...
static PropertyType< int > SceneGraphAddNodeChangeChildFlagsProperty
 SceneGraphAddNodeChangeChildFlags property. More...
static PropertyType< int > SceneGraphAddNodeChangeParentFlagsProperty
 SceneGraphAddNodeChangeParentFlags property. More...
static PropertyType< int > SceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeChildFlagsProperty
 SceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeChildFlags property. More...
static PropertyType< int > SceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeParentFlagsProperty
 SceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeParentFlags property. More...
static PropertyType< void * > PrefabTemplateSourceProperty
 PrefabTemplateSource property. More...

Function Documentation

string getName ( ) const

Gets the value of NameProperty.

See also
void setName ( string_view  value)

Sets the value of NameProperty.

See also
string getPath ( ) const

Gets the value of PathProperty.

See also
void setPath ( string  value)

Sets the value of PathProperty.

See also
string getLocale ( ) const

Gets the value of LocaleProperty.

See also
void setLocale ( string  value)

Sets the value of LocaleProperty.

See also
bool isHitTestable ( ) const

Gets the value of HitTestableProperty.

See also
void setHitTestable ( bool  value)

Sets the value of HitTestableProperty.

See also
bool isHitTestableContainer ( ) const
void setHitTestableContainer ( bool  value)
bool isVisible ( ) const

Gets the value of VisibleProperty.

See also
void setVisible ( bool  value)

Sets the value of VisibleProperty.

See also
bool isEnabled ( ) const

Gets the value of EnabledProperty.

See also
void setEnabled ( bool  value)

Sets the value of EnabledProperty.

See also
bool isFocusable ( ) const

Gets the value of FocusableProperty.

See also
void setFocusable ( bool  value)

Sets the value of FocusableProperty.

valuetrue to set the node focusable, false if not.
See also
bool isFocused ( ) const

Gets the value of FocusedProperty.

See also
void setFocused ( bool  value)

Sets the value of FocusedProperty.

valuetrue to set the active focus, false to clear it.
See also
isFocused(), FocusManager::trySetActiveFocus()
bool hasLogicalFocus ( ) const

Returns the #LogicalFocusedProperty value.

void setLogicalFocus ( bool  value)

Sets the value of LogicalFocusProperty.

valuetrue to set the logical focus, false to clear it.
FontSharedPtr getFont ( ) const

Gets the value of FontProperty.

See also
void setFont ( FontSharedPtr  value)

Sets the value of FontProperty.

See also
float getVisibleAmountInParent ( ) const
void setVisibleAmountInParent ( float  value)
float getProjection2DTo3DScale ( ) const
void setProjection2DTo3DScale ( float  value)
bool isEnableClick ( ) const

Gets the value of EnableClickProperty.

See also
void setEnableClick ( bool  value)

Sets the value of EnableClickProperty.

See also
bool isEnableMultiClick ( ) const

Gets the value of EnableMultiClickProperty.

See also
void setEnableMultiClick ( bool  value)

Sets the value of EnableMultiClickProperty.

See also
ResourceSharedPtr getStyle ( ) const

Gets the value of StyleProperty.

See also
void setStyle ( ResourceSharedPtr  value)

Sets the value of StyleProperty.

See also
ResourceSharedPtr getStateManager ( ) const

Gets the value of StateManagerProperty.

See also
void setStateManager ( ResourceSharedPtr  value)

Sets the value of StateManagerProperty.

See also

Variable Documentation

PropertyType<string> NameProperty

Name property.

The default value is "".

See also
setName(), getName()
PropertyType<string> PathProperty

Path property.

The default value is "".

See also
setPath(), getPath()
PropertyType<string> LocaleProperty

Locale property.

The default value is "".

See also
setLocale(), getLocale()
PropertyType<bool> CreatedFromKZBProperty

CreatedFromKZB property.

The default value is false.

See also
setCreatedFromKZB(), isCreatedFromKZB()
PropertyType<bool> HitTestableProperty

HitTestable property.

The default value is false.

See also
setHitTestable(), isHitTestable()
PropertyType<bool> HitTestableContainerProperty

HitTestableContainer property.

The default value is false.

See also
setHitTestableContainer(), isHitTestableContainer()
PropertyType<bool> VisibleProperty

Visible property.

The default value is true.

See also
setVisible(), isVisible()
PropertyType<bool> EnabledProperty

Enabled property.

The default value is true.

See also
setEnabled(), isEnabled()
PropertyType<bool> FocusableProperty

The property specifies whether a node can get active focus and can participate in the focus chain navigation.

When the node is also a focus scope, it specifies whether the scope is a focus fence.

The default value is true.

See also
setFocusable(), isFocusable()
PropertyType<bool> FocusedProperty

Specifies that the node is the active focus node, which receives keyboard messages.

There is only one node in an application that can have active focus.

The default value is false.

See also
setFocused(), isFocused()
PropertyType<bool> LogicalFocusProperty

Specifies that the node has logical focus state.

An application can have multiple logical focus nodes set, however only one node in a focus scope can have logical focus set.

The default value is false.

See also
FocusManager::trySetActiveFocus(), FocusManager::FocusScopeProperty, setScopeFocusedNode()
PropertyType<ResourceSharedPtr> FontProperty

Font property.

Defines the resource ID of the font resource. The default value is ResourceSharedPtr().

See also
setFont(), getFont()
PropertyType<float> VisibleAmountInParentProperty

VisibleAmountInParent property.

The default value is 1.0f.

See also
setVisibleAmountInParent(), getVisibleAmountInParent()
PropertyType<float> Projection2DTo3DScaleProperty

Projection2DTo3DScale property.

The default value is 0.02f.

See also
setProjection2DTo3DScale(), getProjection2DTo3DScale()
PropertyType<bool> EnableClickProperty

EnableClick property.

The default value is false.

See also
setEnableClick(), isEnableClick()
PropertyType<bool> EnableMultiClickProperty

EnableMultiClick property.

The default value is false.

See also
setEnableMultiClick(), isEnableMultiClick()
PropertyType<ResourceSharedPtr> StyleProperty

Style property.

The default value is ResourceSharedPtr().

See also
setStyle(), getStyle()
PropertyType<ResourceSharedPtr> StateManagerProperty

StateManager property.

The default value is ResourceSharedPtr().

See also
setStateManager(), getStateManager()
PropertyType<int> SceneGraphAddNodeChangeChildFlagsProperty

SceneGraphAddNodeChangeChildFlags property.

The default value is PropertyTypeChangeFlagFinalTransformation | PropertyTypeChangeFlagMeasure.

See also
setSceneGraphAddNodeChangeChildFlags(), getSceneGraphAddNodeChangeChildFlags()
PropertyType<int> SceneGraphAddNodeChangeParentFlagsProperty

SceneGraphAddNodeChangeParentFlags property.

The default value is PropertyTypeChangeFlagMeasure.

See also
setSceneGraphAddNodeChangeParentFlags(), getSceneGraphAddNodeChangeParentFlags()
PropertyType<int> SceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeChildFlagsProperty

SceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeChildFlags property.

The default value is 0.

See also
setSceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeChildFlags(), getSceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeChildFlags()
PropertyType<int> SceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeParentFlagsProperty

SceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeParentFlags property.

The default value is PropertyTypeChangeFlagMeasure.

See also
setSceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeParentFlags(), getSceneGraphRemoveNodeChangeParentFlags()
PropertyType<void*> PrefabTemplateSourceProperty

PrefabTemplateSource property.

The default value is 0.

See also
setPrefabTemplateSource(), getPrefabTemplateSource()