kzs_window_native.h File Reference

Kanzi window, native part for Screen platform. More...


kzsError kzsWindowNativeRealize (struct KzsWindowNative *windowNative, EGLDisplay eglDisplay, EGLConfig eglConfiguration, EGLint paddingSize)
 Realizes the window using a given graphics configuration and padding size. More...
screen_window_t * kzsWindowNativeGetScreenWindow (struct KzsWindowNative *windowNative)
 Returns the native Screen window. More...
const char * kzsWindowNativeGetWindowGroupName (struct KzsWindowNative *windowNative)
 Returns the window group name. More...
EGLNativeWindowType kzsEGLGetNativeWindow (const struct KzsWindowNative *windowNative)
 Returns the native EGL window. More...
EGLNativeDisplayType kzsEGLGetNativeDisplay (const struct KzsDesktopNative *desktopNative, const struct KzsDisplayNative *displayNative, const struct KzsWindowNative *windowNative)
 Returns the native EGL display. More...

Detailed Description

Kanzi window, native part for Screen platform.

Copyright 2008-2017 by Rightware. All rights reserved.

Function Documentation

kzsError kzsWindowNativeRealize ( struct KzsWindowNative windowNative,
EGLDisplay  eglDisplay,
EGLConfig  eglConfiguration,
EGLint  paddingSize 

Realizes the window using a given graphics configuration and padding size.

screen_window_t* kzsWindowNativeGetScreenWindow ( struct KzsWindowNative windowNative)

Returns the native Screen window.

const char* kzsWindowNativeGetWindowGroupName ( struct KzsWindowNative windowNative)

Returns the window group name.

EGLNativeWindowType kzsEGLGetNativeWindow ( const struct KzsWindowNative windowNative)

Returns the native EGL window.

EGLNativeDisplayType kzsEGLGetNativeDisplay ( const struct KzsDesktopNative *  desktopNative,
const struct KzsDisplayNative *  displayNative,
const struct KzsWindowNative windowNative 

Returns the native EGL display.