kzc_binary_tree.hpp File Reference

Binary search tree. More...


struct  KzcBinaryTreeIterator
 Read-only iterator for binary tree. More...


#define kzcBinaryTreeIterate(iterator_param)
 Finds the next entry in the attached binary tree. More...
#define kzcBinaryTreeIteratorGetValue(iterator_param)
 Returns the value of the binary tree entry pointed by the iterator. More...


kzsError kzcBinaryTreeCreate (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, KzcComparatorFunction comparator, struct KzcBinaryTree **out_binaryTree)
 Creates a new initially empty binary tree. More...
kzsError kzcBinaryTreeDelete (struct KzcBinaryTree *binaryTree)
 Frees the memory allocated for the binary tree. More...
kzsError kzcBinaryTreeAdd (struct KzcBinaryTree *binaryTree, void *element)
 Adds the specified element to the binary tree. More...
kzsError kzcBinaryTreeRemove (struct KzcBinaryTree *binaryTree, const void *element)
 Removes the specified element from the binary tree. More...
kzUint kzcBinaryTreeGetSize (const struct KzcBinaryTree *binaryTree)
 Returns the number of elements in the binary tree. More...
void * kzcBinaryTreeGetFirst (const struct KzcBinaryTree *binaryTree)
 Returns the first element in the tree. More...
void * kzcBinaryTreeGetLast (const struct KzcBinaryTree *binaryTree)
 Returns the last element in the tree. More...
struct KzcBinaryTreeIterator kzcBinaryTreeGetIterator (const struct KzcBinaryTree *binaryTree)
 Returns an iterator for all elements in the binary tree. More...
kzBool kzcBinaryTreeIterate_private (struct KzcBinaryTreeIterator *iterator)
void * kzcBinaryTreeIteratorGetValue_private (const struct KzcBinaryTreeIterator *iterator)
void * kzcBinaryTreeGetLower (const struct KzcBinaryTree *binaryTree, const void *element)
 Gets the biggest element that is smaller than the given element. More...
void * kzcBinaryTreeGetLowerOrEqual (const struct KzcBinaryTree *binaryTree, const void *element)
 Gets the biggest element that is smaller or equal than the given element. More...
void * kzcBinaryTreeGetHigher (const struct KzcBinaryTree *binaryTree, const void *element)
 Gets the smallest element that is bigger than the given element. More...
void * kzcBinaryTreeGetHigherOrEqual (const struct KzcBinaryTree *binaryTree, const void *element)
 Gets the smallest element that is bigger or equal than the given element. More...
kzsError kzcBinaryTreeClear (struct KzcBinaryTree *binaryTree)
 Clears the tree by removing all nodes from it. More...

Detailed Description

Binary search tree.

Copyright 2008-2017 by Rightware. All rights reserved.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define kzcBinaryTreeIterate (   iterator_param)

Finds the next entry in the attached binary tree.

Returns KZ_TRUE if next entry is found, otherwise KZ_FALSE.

#define kzcBinaryTreeIteratorGetValue (   iterator_param)

Returns the value of the binary tree entry pointed by the iterator.

Function Documentation

kzsError kzcBinaryTreeCreate ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
KzcComparatorFunction  comparator,
struct KzcBinaryTree **  out_binaryTree 

Creates a new initially empty binary tree.

memoryManagerThe memory manager to use for allocating the tree and any nodes to it.
comparatorA function that is used to compare two elements and specify the order of elements in the tree.
out_binaryTreeA pointer that is set to point to the new binary tree.
KZS_SUCCESS on success.
kzsError kzcBinaryTreeDelete ( struct KzcBinaryTree binaryTree)

Frees the memory allocated for the binary tree.

kzsError kzcBinaryTreeAdd ( struct KzcBinaryTree binaryTree,
void *  element 

Adds the specified element to the binary tree.

The element must not already exist in the tree.

KZC_ERROR_DUPLICATE_ELEMENT if the element already exists in the tree, KZS_SUCCESS on success.
kzsError kzcBinaryTreeRemove ( struct KzcBinaryTree binaryTree,
const void *  element 

Removes the specified element from the binary tree.

Decides equality by using the KzcComparatorFunction previously passed to kzcBinaryTreeCreate().

KZC_ERROR_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND if the element is not found, KZS_SUCCESS on success.
kzUint kzcBinaryTreeGetSize ( const struct KzcBinaryTree binaryTree)

Returns the number of elements in the binary tree.

void* kzcBinaryTreeGetFirst ( const struct KzcBinaryTree binaryTree)

Returns the first element in the tree.

void* kzcBinaryTreeGetLast ( const struct KzcBinaryTree binaryTree)

Returns the last element in the tree.

struct KzcBinaryTreeIterator kzcBinaryTreeGetIterator ( const struct KzcBinaryTree binaryTree)

Returns an iterator for all elements in the binary tree.

kzBool kzcBinaryTreeIterate_private ( struct KzcBinaryTreeIterator iterator)
void* kzcBinaryTreeIteratorGetValue_private ( const struct KzcBinaryTreeIterator iterator)
void* kzcBinaryTreeGetLower ( const struct KzcBinaryTree binaryTree,
const void *  element 

Gets the biggest element that is smaller than the given element.

The KzcComparatorFunction previously passed to kzcBinaryTreeCreate() specifies the order.

void* kzcBinaryTreeGetLowerOrEqual ( const struct KzcBinaryTree binaryTree,
const void *  element 

Gets the biggest element that is smaller or equal than the given element.

The KzcComparatorFunction previously passed to kzcBinaryTreeCreate() specifies the order.

void* kzcBinaryTreeGetHigher ( const struct KzcBinaryTree binaryTree,
const void *  element 

Gets the smallest element that is bigger than the given element.

The KzcComparatorFunction previously passed to kzcBinaryTreeCreate() specifies the order.

void* kzcBinaryTreeGetHigherOrEqual ( const struct KzcBinaryTree binaryTree,
const void *  element 

Gets the smallest element that is bigger or equal than the given element.

The KzcComparatorFunction previously passed to kzcBinaryTreeCreate() specifies the order.

kzsError kzcBinaryTreeClear ( struct KzcBinaryTree binaryTree)

Clears the tree by removing all nodes from it.