kzc_interpolation.hpp File Reference

Interpolation functions. More...


kzFloat kzcInterpolateLinear (kzFloat value1, kzFloat value2, kzFloat t)
 Returns linearly interpolated value between given two values. More...
void kzcInterpolateLinearVector (kzUint dimension, const kzFloat *point1, const kzFloat *point2, kzFloat t, kzFloat *out_point)
 Returns linearly interpolated point between given two n-dimensional points. More...
void kzcInterpolateLinearVector3 (const struct KzcVector3 *const point1, const struct KzcVector3 *const point2, kzFloat t, struct KzcVector3 *out_vector)
 Returns linearly interpolated vector between given two 3-dimensional vectors. More...
kzFloat kzcInterpolatePolynomial (kzUint degree, const kzFloat *coefficients, kzFloat t)
 Returns evaluated value from the given polynomial. More...
void kzcInterpolatePolynomialVector (kzUint dimension, kzUint degree, const kzFloat *coefficients, kzFloat t, kzFloat *out_point)
 Returns evaluated point from the given n-dimensional polynomial. More...
kzFloat kzcInterpolateSmoothStep (kzFloat edge1, kzFloat edge2, kzFloat t)
 Returns smoothly interpolated value in the range [0,1] between given edges. More...

Detailed Description

Interpolation functions.

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Function Documentation

kzFloat kzcInterpolateLinear ( kzFloat  value1,
kzFloat  value2,
kzFloat  t 

Returns linearly interpolated value between given two values.

t is clamped in the range [0,1].

void kzcInterpolateLinearVector ( kzUint  dimension,
const kzFloat point1,
const kzFloat point2,
kzFloat  t,
kzFloat out_point 

Returns linearly interpolated point between given two n-dimensional points.

t is clamped in the range [0,1].

void kzcInterpolateLinearVector3 ( const struct KzcVector3 *const  point1,
const struct KzcVector3 *const  point2,
kzFloat  t,
struct KzcVector3 out_vector 

Returns linearly interpolated vector between given two 3-dimensional vectors.

t is clamped in the range [0,1].

kzFloat kzcInterpolatePolynomial ( kzUint  degree,
const kzFloat coefficients,
kzFloat  t 

Returns evaluated value from the given polynomial.

t is clamped in the range [0,1].

void kzcInterpolatePolynomialVector ( kzUint  dimension,
kzUint  degree,
const kzFloat coefficients,
kzFloat  t,
kzFloat out_point 

Returns evaluated point from the given n-dimensional polynomial.

t is clamped in the range [0,1].

coefficients2-dimensional array flattened to 1-dimensional array. coefficients[degree][dimension] -> coefficients[degree * dimension]
kzFloat kzcInterpolateSmoothStep ( kzFloat  edge1,
kzFloat  edge2,
kzFloat  t 

Returns smoothly interpolated value in the range [0,1] between given edges.

The smoothing is calculated as specified in the OpenGL Shading Language specification. edge1 must be less than edge2. Value of the function is 0 if t <= edge1 and 1 if t >= edge2. If edge1 < t < edge2, the value is interpolated smoothly between edge1 and edge2 in a way that the derivative of the function is f'(edge1) == f'(edge2) == 0.