kzc_string.hpp File Reference

String utilities. More...


struct  KzcStringIterator
 String iterator for unicode characters. More...


 Constant for string termination character. More...
 Constant for unicode replacement character. More...
#define kzcStringIterate(iterator_param)
 Finds the next entry in the attached hash map. More...
#define kzcStringIteratorGetValue(iterator_param)
 Returns the value of the hash map entry pointed by the iterator. More...


KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringCreate (kzUint length, kzMutableString *out_string)
 Creates a new mutable string of given length and terminates it with '\0' from the start. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringAllocate (kzUint length, kzMutableString *out_string)
 Creates a new string of given length. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringAllocate (KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, kzUint length, kzMutableString *out_string)
 Creates a new string of given length using specified memory manager. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringDelete (kzMutableString string)
 Deletes a string. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringDelete (KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, kzMutableString string)
 Deletes a string using specified memory manager. More...
KANZI_API kzUint kzcStringLength (kzString string)
 Returns the length of a string. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringIsEmpty (kzString string)
 Returns KZ_TRUE if the string is empty. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringCopy (kzString source, kzMutableString *out_target)
 Creates a copy of the given source string. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringCopy (KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, kzString source, kzMutableString *out_target)
 Creates a copy of the given source string using specified memory manager. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringConcatenate (kzString front, kzString back, kzMutableString *out_string)
 Concatenates two strings. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringConcatenateMultiple (kzUint numStrings, kzMutableString *out_string,...)
 Concatenates arbitrary number of strings. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringSubstring (kzString string, kzUint start, kzUint length, kzMutableString *out_string)
 Returns a substring of the given string starting from the given index and length characters long. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringFindSubstring (kzString string, kzString subString, kzUint *out_index)
 Finds the first position where given sub string is located in the given string. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringFindNextSubstring (kzString string, kzString subString, kzUint startIndex, kzUint *out_index)
 Finds the next position where given sub string is located in the given string. More...
KANZI_API kzUint kzcStringGetSubstringCount (kzString string, kzString pattern)
 Returns the number of how many times given pattern exists as a substring in given string without overlapping. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringFindCharacter (kzString string, kzChar ch, kzUint *out_index)
 Finds the first position where given character is located in the given string. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringStartsWith (kzString string, kzString pattern)
 Checks if the given string starts with the given pattern. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringEndsWith (kzString string, kzString pattern)
 Checks if the given string ends with the given pattern. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringReplace (kzString originalString, kzString pattern, kzString patternReplacement, kzMutableString *out_string)
 Replace instances of pattern in base. More...
KANZI_API kzInt kzcStringToInt (kzString string)
 Parse input string to an integer value. More...
KANZI_API kzFloat kzcStringToFloat (kzString string)
 Parse input string to a floating point value. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringSplit (kzString string, kzString separator, kzUint *out_stringCount, kzMutableString **out_strings)
 Splits the string by the given separator into an array of strings. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringAsciiToLowerCase (kzString sourceString, kzMutableString *out_string)
 Creates string that contains lower case letters from source string. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringFormatList (kzString format, KZ_CONST_ARGLIST kzArgList *arguments, kzMutableString *out_string)
 vsnprintf()-like string formatter. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringFormat (kzString format, kzMutableString *out_string,...)
 Formats the given string with given parameters. More...
KANZI_API kzInt kzcStringCompare (kzString first, kzString second)
 Compare two strings. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringIsEqual (kzString first, kzString second)
 Compare two strings. More...
KANZI_API kzUint kzcStringGetUnicodeLength (kzString string)
 Returns the number of unicode characters in given UTF-8 encoded string. More...
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringToUnicodeArray (const struct KzcMemoryManager *memoryManager, kzString string, kzUint *out_characterCount, kzUnicodeChar **out_unicodeCharacters)
 Decodes the given UTF-8 encoded string to an array of unicode code points. More...
KANZI_API struct KzcStringIterator kzcStringGetIterator (kzString string)
 Get unicode iterator for given UTF-8 string. More...
KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringIterate_private (struct KzcStringIterator *iterator)
KANZI_API kzUnicodeChar kzcStringIteratorGetValue_private (const struct KzcStringIterator *iterator)
KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringAsciiCharIsSpace (kzChar character)
 Test whether or not a certain character is whitespace. More...

Detailed Description

String utilities.

Copyright 2008-2017 by Rightware. All rights reserved.

Macro Definition Documentation


Constant for string termination character.


Constant for unicode replacement character.

#define kzcStringIterate (   iterator_param)

Finds the next entry in the attached hash map.

Returns KZ_TRUE if next entry is found, otherwise KZ_FALSE.

#define kzcStringIteratorGetValue (   iterator_param)

Returns the value of the hash map entry pointed by the iterator.

Function Documentation

KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringCreate ( kzUint  length,
kzMutableString out_string 

Creates a new mutable string of given length and terminates it with '\0' from the start.

The string can contain length - 1 characters in addition to the terminating character.

KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringAllocate ( kzUint  length,
kzMutableString out_string 

Creates a new string of given length.

Terminating '\0' is not counted in the length. The resulting string is not initialized and does not have terminating '\0'.

KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringAllocate ( KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
kzUint  length,
kzMutableString out_string 

Creates a new string of given length using specified memory manager.

Terminating '\0' is not counted in the length. The resulting string is not initialized and does not have terminating '\0'.

KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringDelete ( kzMutableString  string)

Deletes a string.

KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringDelete ( KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
kzMutableString  string 

Deletes a string using specified memory manager.

KANZI_API kzUint kzcStringLength ( kzString  string)

Returns the length of a string.

Terminating '\0' is not counted. Note that this function returns the number of UTF-8 bytes, not the number of unicode code points in it.

KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringIsEmpty ( kzString  string)

Returns KZ_TRUE if the string is empty.

KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringCopy ( kzString  source,
kzMutableString out_target 

Creates a copy of the given source string.

KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringCopy ( KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
kzString  source,
kzMutableString out_target 

Creates a copy of the given source string using specified memory manager.

KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringConcatenate ( kzString  front,
kzString  back,
kzMutableString out_string 

Concatenates two strings.

KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringConcatenateMultiple ( kzUint  numStrings,
kzMutableString out_string,

Concatenates arbitrary number of strings.

KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringSubstring ( kzString  string,
kzUint  start,
kzUint  length,
kzMutableString out_string 

Returns a substring of the given string starting from the given index and length characters long.

If length would go out of bounds of the string it is silently clamped to the end of the string.

KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringFindSubstring ( kzString  string,
kzString  subString,
kzUint out_index 

Finds the first position where given sub string is located in the given string.

Returns the index of the first letter which is part of the search string Returns false if the pattern is not found.

out_indexIndex from the beginning of the string, KZ_NULL if not used.
KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringFindNextSubstring ( kzString  string,
kzString  subString,
kzUint  startIndex,
kzUint out_index 

Finds the next position where given sub string is located in the given string.

Search is started from the given index, which must be smaller than the length of the string. Returns false if the pattern is not found.

out_indexIndex from the beginning of the string, KZ_NULL if not used.
KANZI_API kzUint kzcStringGetSubstringCount ( kzString  string,
kzString  pattern 

Returns the number of how many times given pattern exists as a substring in given string without overlapping.

KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringFindCharacter ( kzString  string,
kzChar  ch,
kzUint out_index 

Finds the first position where given character is located in the given string.

Returns false if the character is not found.

KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringStartsWith ( kzString  string,
kzString  pattern 

Checks if the given string starts with the given pattern.

KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringEndsWith ( kzString  string,
kzString  pattern 

Checks if the given string ends with the given pattern.

KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringReplace ( kzString  originalString,
kzString  pattern,
kzString  patternReplacement,
kzMutableString out_string 

Replace instances of pattern in base.

Return resulting string in out_string. 'out_string' is assigned new memory from heap.

KANZI_API kzInt kzcStringToInt ( kzString  string)

Parse input string to an integer value.

stringString to parse.
Integer value parsed from string or 0 if the string contains an invalid number.
KANZI_API kzFloat kzcStringToFloat ( kzString  string)

Parse input string to a floating point value.

stringString to parse.
Floating-point value parsed from string or 0.0f if the string contains an invalid number.
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringSplit ( kzString  string,
kzString  separator,
kzUint out_stringCount,
kzMutableString **  out_strings 

Splits the string by the given separator into an array of strings.

The separator symbol is not included in the output string. The returned string array must be released with delete[].

KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringAsciiToLowerCase ( kzString  sourceString,
kzMutableString out_string 

Creates string that contains lower case letters from source string.

This function only modifies characters in the range A-Z.

KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringFormatList ( kzString  format,
KZ_CONST_ARGLIST kzArgList arguments,
kzMutableString out_string 

vsnprintf()-like string formatter.

Format parameter specifies how the resulting string is formatted. Arguments parameter provides the formatting arguments as variable arguments list.

out_stringNewly allocated, formatted string. Free with kzcStringDelete().
See also
kzcStringFormat for format information.
KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringFormat ( kzString  format,
kzMutableString out_string,

Formats the given string with given parameters.

Format parameter specifies how the resulting string is formatted. Formatting arguments are given as variable arguments.

Format flags:

%[flags][width][.precision]type Alternatively %% produces a single % character.

flags: - Use left alignment for output

  • Use sign for non-negative numbers also 0 Use leading zeros for padding, when width is specified

Flags must appear in the order listed above.

width: Any positive number. Output will be padded with spaces until it is at least this number of characters wide. Output will then be right-aligned by default.

precision: Precision is available only for floating point types. Exactly this number of decimal digits will be outputted.

Type char Actual type Format i/d kzInt Signed integer u kzUint Unsigned integer f kzFloat printed in scientific notation if not enough space for decimal notation x kzUint Lowercase hexadecimal integer (badf00d) X kzUint Uppercase hexadecimal integer (BADF00D) s kzString String c kzChar ASCII character C kzUnicodeChar Unicode character b kzBool Lowercase boolean string (true or false) B kzBool Boolean string with first letter uppercase (True or False) p void* Memory pointer

An error is thrown, if the format is not meaningful (eg. %+b, %5.5i or %-i).

KANZI_API kzInt kzcStringCompare ( kzString  first,
kzString  second 

Compare two strings.

Return -1 if first < second, 0 if first == second and 1 if first > second.

KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringIsEqual ( kzString  first,
kzString  second 

Compare two strings.

Return KZ_TRUE if the strings are equal.

KANZI_API kzUint kzcStringGetUnicodeLength ( kzString  string)

Returns the number of unicode characters in given UTF-8 encoded string.

KANZI_API kzsError kzcStringToUnicodeArray ( const struct KzcMemoryManager memoryManager,
kzString  string,
kzUint out_characterCount,
kzUnicodeChar **  out_unicodeCharacters 

Decodes the given UTF-8 encoded string to an array of unicode code points.

New memory is allocated for out_unicodeArray, which must be manually freed.

KANZI_API struct KzcStringIterator kzcStringGetIterator ( kzString  string)

Get unicode iterator for given UTF-8 string.

KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringIterate_private ( struct KzcStringIterator iterator)
KANZI_API kzUnicodeChar kzcStringIteratorGetValue_private ( const struct KzcStringIterator iterator)
KANZI_API kzBool kzcStringAsciiCharIsSpace ( kzChar  character)

Test whether or not a certain character is whitespace.