ColorRGBA | kanzi::componentAbs (ColorRGBA v) |
| Calculates component wise absolute value for all elements and returns resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::componentCeil (ColorRGBA v) |
| Calculates component wise ceil value for all elements and returns resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::componentFloor (ColorRGBA v) |
| Calculates component wise floor value for all elements and returns resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::componentRound (ColorRGBA v) |
| Calculates component wise rounded value for all elements and returns resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::componentSqrt (ColorRGBA v) |
| Calculates component wise square root all elements and returns resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::componentWiseMax (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Calculates component wise maximum for all color elements and returns the resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::componentWiseMin (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Calculates component wise minimum for all color elements and returns resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::componentWiseMultiply (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Does component wise multiply for all color elements and returns resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::componentWiseDivide (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Does component wise divide for all color elements and returns the resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::componentWiseRemainder (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Does component wise remainder for all color elements and returns the resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::componentAdd (ColorRGBA v, float scalar) |
| Adds a value to all color elements and returns the resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::componentSubtract (ColorRGBA v, float scalar) |
| Subtracts a value from all color elements and returns the resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::operator+ (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Adds two colors and returns the sum. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::operator- (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Subtracts two colors and returns the difference. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::operator* (ColorRGBA v, float scalar) |
| Multiplies all color elements with a scalar and returns the resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::operator* (float scalar, ColorRGBA v) |
| Multiplies all color elements with a scalar and returns the resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::operator/ (ColorRGBA v, float scalar) |
| Divides all color elements with a scalar and returns the resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::operator- (ColorRGBA v) |
| Negates all color elements and returns the resulting color. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::operator+ (ColorRGBA v) |
| Unary plus, doesn't do anything and returns the resulting color. More...
bool | kanzi::operator== (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Compares two colors for equality. More...
bool | kanzi::operator!= (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Compares two colors for inequality. More...
float | kanzi::dotProduct (ColorRGBA v1, ColorRGBA v2) |
| Calculates the dot product of two colors. More...
float | kanzi::sRGBToLinear (float cs) |
| Conversion from sRGB to linear for default gamma 2.2. More...
float | kanzi::linearTosRGB (float cl) |
| Conversion from linear to sRGB for default gamma 2.2. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::sRGBToLinear (ColorRGBA cs) |
| Conversion to whole ColorRGBA from sRGB to linear. More...
ColorRGBA | kanzi::linearTosRGB (ColorRGBA cs) |
| Conversion to whole ColorRGBA from linear to sRGB. More...