Log levels

Log levels are aimed to classify log messages by the severity of the information they carry. More...


 The error log level. More...
 The warning log level. More...
 The info log level. More...
 The trace log level. More...

Detailed Description

Log levels are aimed to classify log messages by the severity of the information they carry.

Macro Definition Documentation


The error log level.

Should be used to log critical malfunction messages. These messages should be very detailed because their purpose is to provide as match information as possible to investigate the malfunction reported.


The warning log level.

Should be used to log facts that require attention but do not necessary mean malfunction. Something recoverable like missing parameter that has default value or something that can lead to performance degradation but not failure.


The info log level.

Should be used to log information messages that are giving brief overview of what's happening in the system, log states passed, static information about configuration and so on.


The trace log level.

This is most verbose level supposed to be used to get maximum information about the system. Mainly used to troubleshoot issues.