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Solution Interface Reference

Access the Kanzi Studio projects in a Kanzi solution. More...

Inheritance diagram for Solution:


Project ActiveProject [get, set]
 Gets or sets the currently selected project in Kanzi Studio. More...
Project PreviewStartupProject [get]
 Gets the project which the Preview currently shows. More...
Project PrimaryProject [get]
 Gets the project which the user opened in Kanzi Studio. More...
IEnumerable< ProjectProjects [get]
 Gets the Kanzi Studio projects in the Kanzi solution. More...

Detailed Description

Access the Kanzi Studio projects in a Kanzi solution.

Property Documentation

Project ActiveProject

Gets or sets the currently selected project in Kanzi Studio.


To get the currently selected project in Kanzi Studio:

public void Execute(PluginCommandParameter parameter)
// Get the currently selected project in Kanzi Studio.
var activeProject = studio.ActiveProject;
// Print the name of the selected project to the Kanzi Studio Log window.
Project PreviewStartupProject

Gets the project which the Preview currently shows.

See also


To get the project that the Preview window shows:

// Create the event handler and subscribe to the PreviewStarted event to get notified
// when the Kanzi Studio Preview starts.
public void Execute(PluginCommandParameter parameter)
// Create the event handler that is set off when the Preview starts.
studio.PreviewStarted += Studio_PreviewStarted;
private void Studio_PreviewStarted(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Get the project that the Preview window shows.
var previewProject = studio.Solution.PreviewStartupProject;
// When the Preview starts, print to the Kanzi Studio Log window
// "The Preview shows:" and the name of the project that the Preview shows.
studio.Log("The Preview shows: " + previewProject.Name);

To set the project that the Preview window shows:

// Set the project that the Preview window shows.
public void Execute(PluginCommandParameter parameter)
// If the Preview is running, stop the Preview.
if (studio.Commands.CanStopPreview())
// Start the Preview and show the main project of the solution in the Preview.
Project PrimaryProject

Gets the project which the user opened in Kanzi Studio.


To select the project which the user opened in Kanzi Studio:

public void Execute(PluginCommandParameter parameter)
// Get the project that the user opened in Kanzi Studio and select that project.
studio.Solution.ActiveProject = studio.PrimaryProject;
IEnumerable<Project> Projects

Gets the Kanzi Studio projects in the Kanzi solution.


To get all projects in a Kanzi solution:

public void Execute(PluginCommandParameter parameter)
// Print the name of all projects in a Kanzi solution to the Kanzi Studio Log window.
studio.Log("This Kanzi solution contains these Kanzi Studio projects:");
foreach (var project in studio.Solution.Projects)