Kanzi Framework  3.9.0
Kanzi Engine API
kanzi::MaskEffectRenderer2D Class Reference

Mask effect renderer class. More...

#include <kanzi/core.ui/effect/mask_effect_renderer2d.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for kanzi::MaskEffectRenderer2D:

Public Member Functions

void setChannelWeights (Vector4 weights)
 Sets the channel weights to use to calculate the mask value from the mask texture. More...
void setHeight (optional< float > height)
 Overrides the height of the mask texture. More...
void setHorizontalAlignment (MaskEffect2D::HorizontalAlignment alignment)
 Sets the horizontal alignment of the mask. More...
void setMask (TextureSharedPtr texture)
 Sets the mask texture. More...
void setOffset (Vector2 offset)
 Sets the pixel offset to apply to the mask after stretch, alignment, and scale. More...
void setScale (Vector2 scale)
 Sets the scale to apply to the mask after stretch and alignment. More...
void setScreenSpace (bool enabled)
 Sets whether the screen space mode is enabled. More...
void setStrength (float strength)
 Sets the strength of the mask. More...
void setStretch (MaskEffect2D::Stretch stretch)
 Sets the stretch mode of the mask. More...
void setVerticalAlignment (MaskEffect2D::VerticalAlignment alignment)
 Sets the vertical alignment of the mask. More...
void setWidth (optional< float > width)
 Overrides the width of the mask texture. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D
void beginEffect (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager, const Matrix3x3 &worldTransform, Vector2 requiredSize, bool alphaRequired, bool depthRequired, bool stencilRequired)
 Begins the effect. More...
void blitEffect (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager, QuadDescription &effectQuad, const Matrix3x3 &transform, const Matrix4x4 *perspectiveMatrix, const Matrix4x4 *projectionMatrix, bool needsClear)
 Blits the effect to the current framebuffer. More...
void endEffect (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager)
 Ends the effect. More...
NodeEffect2DSharedPtr getEffect () const
 Get NodeEffect2D instance where this renderer has been instantiated from. More...
void restoreResources ()
 Restores resources after the rendering context has been lost. More...
virtual ~NodeEffectRenderer2D ()
 Declare NodeEffectRenderer2D as not movable nor copyable. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static NodeEffectRenderer2DUniquePtr create (MaskEffect2DSharedPtr maskEffect)
 Creates instances of MaskEffectRenderer2D. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Types inherited from kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D
using EffectPassContainer = vector< EffectPass >
 Container for effect passes. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::NodeEffectRenderer2D
EffectPassaddEffectPass ()
 Adds an effect pass and gets a reference to that pass. More...
void beginInitialEffectPass (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager, bool alphaRequired, bool depthRequired, bool stencilRequired)
 Begins the initial effect pass (effect pass at index 0). More...
void blitFinalEffectPass (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager, QuadDescription &effectQuad, const Matrix3x3 &transform, const Matrix4x4 *perspectiveMatrix, const Matrix4x4 *projectionMatrix, bool needsClear)
 Blits the final effect pass, whose index is getEffectPassCount() - 1, and handles the perspective transform if necessary. More...
void blitIntermediateEffectPass (int effectPassIndex, Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, CompositionManager *compositionManager)
 Blits the intermediate effect pass. More...
void clearRenderTarget (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, TextureSharedPtr texture, ColorRGBA clearColor)
 Clears the render target texture with a given color. More...
void clearRenderTarget (Renderer3D &renderer, CompositionStack &compositionStack, NativeFramebufferHandle framebufferHandle, ColorRGBA clearColor)
 Clears the native framebuffer with a given color. More...
void endInitialEffectPass (CompositionStack &compositionStack)
 Ends the initial effect pass, whose index is 0. More...
void finalizeEffectPasses ()
 Finalizes the effect passes. More...
Vector2 getEffectInputTexelSize (int effectPassIndex, int inputIndex)
 Gets the texel size of the input effect pass texture in texture coordinates. More...
EffectPassgetEffectPass (int index)
 Gets a reference to the effect pass at a given index. More...
size_t getEffectPassCount () const
 Gets the number of effect passes. More...
int getLastEffectPassIndex () const
 Gets the index of the last effect pass. More...
 NodeEffectRenderer2D (NodeEffect2DSharedPtr nodeEffect)
 Constructor. More...
void releaseEffectPassInputRenderTargets (NodeEffectRenderer2D::EffectPass &currentEffectPass, CompositionManager *compositionManager)
 Releases those temporary render targets used by input that have EffectPass::Input::releaseRenderTarget set to true. More...
void removeAllEffectPasses ()
 Removes all effect passes. More...

Detailed Description

Mask effect renderer class.

See also
MaskEffect2D, NodeEffect2D, NodeEffectPrefab2D, NodeEffectTemplate2D
Kanzi 3.9.0

Member Function Documentation

◆ create()

static NodeEffectRenderer2DUniquePtr kanzi::MaskEffectRenderer2D::create ( MaskEffect2DSharedPtr  maskEffect)

Creates instances of MaskEffectRenderer2D.

maskEffectThe MaskEffect2D instance on which this renderer is based.
MaskEffectRenderer2D instance.

◆ setMask()

void kanzi::MaskEffectRenderer2D::setMask ( TextureSharedPtr  texture)

Sets the mask texture.

textureTexture to use as the mask.

◆ setWidth()

void kanzi::MaskEffectRenderer2D::setWidth ( optional< float >  width)

Overrides the width of the mask texture.

If nullopt uses the width of the texture.

widthWidth of the mask or nullopt.

◆ setHeight()

void kanzi::MaskEffectRenderer2D::setHeight ( optional< float >  height)

Overrides the height of the mask texture.

If nullopt uses the height of the texture.

heightHeight of the mask or nullopt.

◆ setOffset()

void kanzi::MaskEffectRenderer2D::setOffset ( Vector2  offset)

Sets the pixel offset to apply to the mask after stretch, alignment, and scale.

offsetThe mask pixel offset.

◆ setScale()

void kanzi::MaskEffectRenderer2D::setScale ( Vector2  scale)

Sets the scale to apply to the mask after stretch and alignment.

scaleThe scale applied to mask.

◆ setHorizontalAlignment()

void kanzi::MaskEffectRenderer2D::setHorizontalAlignment ( MaskEffect2D::HorizontalAlignment  alignment)

Sets the horizontal alignment of the mask.

alignmentThe horizontal alignment.

◆ setVerticalAlignment()

void kanzi::MaskEffectRenderer2D::setVerticalAlignment ( MaskEffect2D::VerticalAlignment  alignment)

Sets the vertical alignment of the mask.

alignmentThe vertical alignment.

◆ setScreenSpace()

void kanzi::MaskEffectRenderer2D::setScreenSpace ( bool  enabled)

Sets whether the screen space mode is enabled.

enabledScreen space mode enabled.

◆ setStretch()

void kanzi::MaskEffectRenderer2D::setStretch ( MaskEffect2D::Stretch  stretch)

Sets the stretch mode of the mask.

stretchThe stretch mode.

◆ setChannelWeights()

void kanzi::MaskEffectRenderer2D::setChannelWeights ( Vector4  weights)

Sets the channel weights to use to calculate the mask value from the mask texture.

weightsThe channel weights in the order of red, green, blue, and alpha.

◆ setStrength()

void kanzi::MaskEffectRenderer2D::setStrength ( float  strength)

Sets the strength of the mask.

strengthThe mask strength.

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