Kanzi Framework  3.9.0
Kanzi Engine API
kanzi::TextBoxConcept Class Reference

Use the Text Box nodes to add single-line text input to your application. More...

#include <kanzi/ui/node/concept/text_box.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for kanzi::TextBoxConcept:


class  CursorPositionMessageArguments
 Message arguments for messages that contain the information about the position index of the cursor position. More...
class  DeleteSelectionMessageArguments
 Message arguments for messages that delete the portion of the text that is selected. More...
class  EditingStateChangedMessageArguments
 Message arguments for the messages about changing the editing state of a Text Box node. More...
class  EraseCharactersMessageArguments
 Message arguments for messages that erase the characters at the cursor position. More...
class  InputMethodActionMessageArguments
 Message arguments for the message about the input method action execution received on a Text Box node. More...
class  InputMethodAvailableMessageArguments
 Message arguments for the InputMethodAvailableMessage and InputMethodUnavailableMessage. More...
class  ModifyEditingStateMessageArguments
 Message arguments for the messages that modify the editing state. More...
class  ModifySelectionMessageArguments
 Message arguments for the messages that modify the cursor position for a selection. More...
class  MoveCursorMessageArguments
 Message arguments for messages that move the cursor position. More...
class  SelectedTextMessageArguments
 Message arguments that hold the information about the selected text in the buffer of a Text Box node. More...
class  TextChangedMessageArguments
 Message arguments for the messages about the content change of a Text Box node. More...
class  TextCompositionStateMessageArguments
 Message arguments for the messages about the text composition state change of a Text Box node. More...
class  TextContentMessageArguments
 Message arguments for the messages about the content of a Text Box node. More...
class  TextInsertionMessageArguments
 Message arguments that hold the information for inserting text to a Text Box node. More...
class  TextRangeMessageArguments
 Message arguments that hold the information for operations that target a text range, such as selecting or deleting text in a Text Box node. More...

Public Types

enum  EditMode { EditMode::Automatic, EditMode::Triggered }
 The edit modes. More...

Public Member Functions

 KZ_METACLASS_PROPERTY_TYPE (CompositionTextProperty)

Static Public Member Functions

static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()

Static Public Attributes

static MessageType< TextCompositionStateMessageArgumentsCompositionTextChangedMessage
 Text Box dispatches this message when the composition text is updated by the input methods. More...
static MessageType< TextCompositionStateMessageArgumentsCompositionTextCommittedMessage
 Text Box dispatches this message when the composition text is committed to the cached text. More...
static MessageType< CursorPositionMessageArgumentsCursorMovedMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user moves the cursor in that Text Box node. More...
static MessageType< TextChangedMessageArgumentsEditingFinishedMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when it leaves the editing state after the application user modifies the text content. More...
static MessageType< TextChangedMessageArgumentsEditingStartedMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user makes the first modification to the text in that Text Box node. More...
static MessageType< EditingStateChangedMessageArgumentsEnteredEditingStateMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when it enters the editing state. More...
static MessageType< InputMethodActionMessageArgumentsInputMethodActionMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when an input method executes the input action assigned to the text box. More...
static MessageType< InputMethodAvailableMessageArgumentsInputMethodAvailableMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when an input method becomes available. More...
static MessageType< InputMethodAvailableMessageArgumentsInputMethodUnavailableMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when the composing input method becomes unavailable. More...
static MessageType< EditingStateChangedMessageArgumentsLeftEditingStateMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when it leaves the editing state. More...
static MessageType< SelectedTextMessageArgumentsSelectionChangedMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user changes the text selection in that Text Box node. More...
static MessageType< CursorPositionMessageArgumentsSelectionClearedMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user clears or resets the text selection in that Text Box node. More...
static MessageType< SelectedTextMessageArgumentsSelectionStartedMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user starts selecting text in that Text Box node. More...
static MessageType< TextChangedMessageArgumentsTextChangedMessage
 Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user changes the text in that Text Box node. More...
static MessageType< TextCompositionStateMessageArgumentsTextCompositionCanceledMessage
 Text Box dispatches this message when the text composition is canceled. More...
static PropertyType< string > DisplayTextProperty
 Reports the text displayed in a Text Box. More...
static PropertyType< string > CompositionTextProperty
 Reports the text that the user composes in a Text Box using an input method editor (IME). More...
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrSelectionBackgroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush that highlights selected text. More...
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrSelectionForegroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush for rendering the selected text. More...
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrCompositionTextBackgroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush that highlights the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME). More...
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrCompositionTextForegroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush that fills the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME). More...
static PropertyType< int > CursorPositionProperty
 Sets the position of the cursor in the text buffer of a Text Box node. More...
static PropertyType< int > SelectionStartCursorPositionProperty
 Reports the position of the cursor that marks the beginning of text selection in the text buffer of a Text Box node. More...
static PropertyType< int > SelectionEndCursorPositionProperty
 Reports the position of the cursor that marks the end of text selection in the text buffer of a Text Box node. More...
static PropertyType< bool > HasSelectionProperty
 Reports whether any of the text in a Text Box node is selected. More...
static PropertyType< bool > ReadOnlyProperty
 Sets whether the Text Box node accepts user input. More...
static PropertyType< int > MaximumTextLengthProperty
 Sets the maximum allowed text length in a Text Box node. More...
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrCursorPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the cursor, instead of using the default cursor. More...
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrSelectionStartPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the beginning of text selection, instead of using the default handle. More...
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrSelectionEndPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the end of text selection, instead of using the default handle. More...
static PropertyType< ResourceSharedPtrTextHintPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that a Text Box node uses to show placeholder content when there is no text content in that Text Box node. More...
static PropertyType< bool > HideTextHintWhenEditingProperty
 Sets whether Kanzi hides the placeholder content, which you set using the TextHintPrefabProperty, either: More...
static PropertyType< EchoModeEchoModeProperty
 Sets how a Text Box node shows text. More...
static PropertyType< InputTypeInputTypeProperty
 Sets the input type of the input methods that provide the input for a Text Box. More...
static PropertyType< EditModeEditModeProperty
 Sets the edit mode of a Text Box node. The default value is EditMode::Automatic. More...
static PropertyType< bool > IsEditingProperty
 Reports the editing state of a Text Box node. More...
static PropertyType< bool > IsComposingTextProperty
 Reports the text composition state of a Text Box node. More...
static PropertyType< int > CharacterCountProperty
 Contains the number of characters in a Text Box node. More...
static PropertyType< int > WordCountProperty
 Contains the number of words in a Text Box node. More...
static PropertyType< int > PasswordEchoTimeoutProperty
 Sets the time in milliseconds that Kanzi shows an inserted character before masking it when using the EchoMode::Password echo mode. More...
static PropertyType< string > PasswordMaskingCharacterProperty
 Sets the UTF-8 character that masks each password character when using EchoMode::Password. More...
static PropertyType< InputMethodActionInputMethodActionProperty
 Sets the label of the user action button on the on-screen keyboard. More...
static PropertyType< TextKeyNavigationDirectionTextKeyNavigationDirectionProperty
 Sets the direction of key navigation for the Text Box node. More...

static MessageType< TextContentMessageArgumentsInsertTextAtCursorMessage
 Dispatch this message to insert given text at the cursor position. More...
static MessageType< EraseCharactersMessageArgumentsBackspaceAtCursorMessage
 Dispatch this message to erase at the cursor position the previous character in the text string. More...
static MessageType< EraseCharactersMessageArgumentsBackspaceWordAtCursorMessage
 Dispatch this message to erase the characters between the cursor position and the previous word boundary in the text string. More...
static MessageType< EraseCharactersMessageArgumentsDeleteAtCursorMessage
 Dispatch this message to erase at the cursor position the next character in the text string. More...
static MessageType< EraseCharactersMessageArgumentsDeleteWordAtCursorMessage
 Dispatch this message to erase the characters between the cursor position and the next word boundary in the text string. More...
static MessageType< MoveCursorMessageArgumentsMoveCursorBackwardMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the cursor backward in a text string. More...
static MessageType< MoveCursorMessageArgumentsMoveCursorForwardMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the cursor forward in the text string. More...
static MessageType< MoveCursorMessageArgumentsMoveCursorToPreviousWordMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the cursor to the previous word boundary in the text string. More...
static MessageType< MoveCursorMessageArgumentsMoveCursorToNextWordMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the cursor to the next word boundary in the text string. More...
static MessageType< MoveCursorMessageArgumentsMoveCursorHomeMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the cursor to the beginning of the text string. More...
static MessageType< MoveCursorMessageArgumentsMoveCursorToEndMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the cursor to the end of the text string. More...
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionStartForwardMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the start of text selection forward by one character in the text string. More...
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionStartBackwardMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the start of text selection backward by one character in the text string. More...
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionStartToNextWordMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the start of text selection forward to the start of the next word in the text string. More...
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionStartToPreviousWordMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the start of text selection backward to the start of the previous word in the text string. More...
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionEndForwardMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the end of text selection forward by one character in the text string. More...
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionEndBackwardMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the end of text selection backward by one character in the text string. More...
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionEndToNextWordMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the end of text selection forward to the start of the next word in the text string. More...
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsMoveSelectionEndToPreviousWordMessage
 Dispatch this message to move the handle at the end of text selection backward to the start of the previous word in the text string. More...
static MessageType< TextRangeMessageArgumentsSelectTextMessage
 Dispatch this message to select the text between two character indexes in the current text string. More...
static MessageType< TextRangeMessageArgumentsDeleteTextMessage
 Dispatch this message to delete the text between two character indexes in the current text string. More...
static MessageType< DeleteSelectionMessageArgumentsDeleteSelectionMessage
 Dispatch this message to erase any currently selected text. More...
static MessageType< TextInsertionMessageArgumentsInsertTextMessage
 Dispatch this message to insert given text at a given position. More...
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsSelectToHomeMessage
 Dispatch this message to select the text from the beginning of the text string to the cursor position. More...
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsSelectToEndMessage
 Dispatch this message to select the text from the cursor position to the end of the text string. More...
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsClearSelectionMessage
 Dispatch this message to clear the current text selection. More...
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsSelectAllMessage
 Dispatch this message to select all text. More...
static MessageType< ModifySelectionMessageArgumentsSelectWordAtCursorMessage
 Dispatch this message to select the word at the current cursor position. More...
static MessageType< ModifyEditingStateMessageArgumentsEnterEditingStateMessage
 Dispatch this message to make a Text Box node enter the editing state. More...
static MessageType< ModifyEditingStateMessageArgumentsLeaveEditingStateMessage
 Dispatch this message to make a Text Box node leave the editing state. More...
static MessageType< TextCompositionStateMessageArgumentsCommitCompositionTextMessage
 Dispatch this message to make a Text Box commit the composition text. More...
static MessageType< TextCompositionStateMessageArgumentsCancelTextCompositionMessage
 Dispatch this message to make a Text Box cancel the text composition. More...

Protected Member Functions

void drawRectangle (Renderer3D &renderer, const Matrix4x4 &transform, const Vector2 &topLeft, const Vector2 &bottomRight, float z, const Material &material)
 Draws a filled rectangle with given corner coordinates and z-plane. More...
float getTextHeight (const TextFormat &textFormat) const
 Returns the height in pixels of the text from the given text format. More...
float getTextTop (const TextFormat &textFormat) const
 Returns the top of the text in a line. More...

Detailed Description

Use the Text Box nodes to add single-line text input to your application.

Use TextBox3D to add text input in 3D space and TextBox2D to add text input in 2D space.

Editing state

A Text Box enters the editing state either automatically, or manually, using a trigger. To control this behavior, set the EditModeProperty to either:

To control the content of a Text Box node that is in the EditMode::Triggered edit mode and has no focus, use Actions.

While a Text Box node is in the editing state, do not let any other Text Box node enter the editing state.

Setting the text content

The TextConcept::TextProperty holds the text content of a Text Box node. When you set the value of the TextConcept::TextProperty, the Text Box node updates the content and scrolls the text input to the end of the text.

To add text in a Text Box node, call the TextBoxConceptImpl::insertText() or TextBoxConceptImpl::insertTextAtCursor() method.

Controlling the position of the cursor

The application user can move the cursor in a Text Box node horizontally by dragging the cursor to the desired position, or by using keyboard keys. Moving the cursor towards the left or right edge of a Text Box node triggers the scrolling of the content that does not fit in the node.

The Text Box nodes report the position of the cursor using the CursorPositionProperty. To control the position of the cursor, use methods such as TextBoxConceptImpl::setCursorPosition(), TextBoxConceptImpl::moveCursorForward(), TextBoxConceptImpl::moveCursorBackward(), TextBoxConceptImpl::moveCursorHome(), TextBoxConceptImpl::moveCursorToEnd(), TextBoxConceptImpl::moveCursorToPoint(), and so on.

Selecting text

The application user can select text in a Text Box node by double-tapping or double-clicking that node. This gesture places the cursor at the position that the user double-tapped or double-clicked, and selects the word at the cursor.

The start and end points of text selection are marked with selection handles that the application user can drag to modify the text selection. When the user drags one handle over the other, Kanzi flips the dragged handle, and continues the selected text in the direction of the other handle.

To modify the text selection in a Text Box node, use methods such as TextBoxConceptImpl::selectWordAtCursor(), TextBoxConceptImpl::selectWordAt(), TextBoxConceptImpl::selectText(), TextBoxConceptImpl::selectAll(), TextBoxConceptImpl::moveSelectionStartBackward(), TextBoxConceptImpl::moveSelectionStartForward(), TextBoxConceptImpl::moveSelectionStartToPreviousWord(), TextBoxConceptImpl::moveSelectionStartToNextWord(), and so on.

Disabling a Text Box

To disable a Text Box node, set the Node::EnabledProperty to false. A disabled Text Box leaves the editing state and stays in that state while the Text Box is disabled. A disabled Text Box does not respond to input. To visually indicate the disabled state of a Text Box node, create a state manager and use the Node::EffectivelyEnabledProperty as its controller property.

Setting the appearance of the cursor and selected text

The Text Box nodes come with a preset appearance for the cursor. To set the appearance of the cursor, use the CursorPrefabProperty.

The Text Box nodes come with a preset appearance for selected text and its highlight. To set the appearance of selected text:

The Text Box nodes come with a preset appearance for composition text and its highlight. Composition text is an instance of text that the application user produces using an input method editor (IME). To set the appearance of composition text:

The beginning and end of text selection are marked with selection handles that you can configure using the SelectionStartPrefabProperty and SelectionEndPrefabProperty.

The cursor and text selection prefabs are centered around the top of the text line. To make the prefabs fit in a TextBox2D node, set the padding of the node using the TextConcept::HorizontalPaddingProperty and TextConcept::VerticalPaddingProperty.

Showing placeholder content

If a Text Box node is empty, you can use the TextHintPrefabProperty to set the prefab template that the Text Box node uses to show placeholder content. For example, you can use this placeholder content to show text that tells the user what they can enter in a Text Box node. The placeholder content, or hint, can be a prefab or a resource that shows text, a list of buttons, or any other visual element that is parented to the Text Box node and therefore rendered within the Text Box area.

To control the visibility of the placeholder content, use the HideTextHintWhenEditingProperty.

Setting the width of a Text Box node

A Text Box node by default grows to the right along with its content. When you set the value of the Node::WidthProperty in a Text Box node, Kanzi clips the content in that Text Box node to fit into the width that you set.

Truncating text

When a Text Box node is not in the editing state, it truncates text that is longer than the width of the Text Box node, and indicates the truncation with ellipsis or the characters that you define using the TextConcept::OverflowProperty. When a Text Box node is in the editing state, it positions the cursor at the point where the application user can edit the text. The node no longer truncates the content that spans beyond the area and the user can scroll the text.

Kanzi 3.9.0

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ EditMode

The edit modes.


A Text Box node enters the editing state when the node gets the focus, and leaves the editing state when the node loses the focus.


A Text Box enters the editing state on a trigger, and remains in this state until another trigger makes the node leave the editing state.

To enter the editing state use the EnterEditingStateMessage message or the TextBoxConceptImpl::enterEditingState() method. To leave the editing state use the LeaveEditingStateMessage message or the TextBoxConceptImpl::leaveEditingState() method.

Member Function Documentation


kanzi::TextBoxConcept::KZ_METACLASS_PROPERTY_TYPE ( CompositionTextProperty  )

◆ makeEditorInfo()

static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr kanzi::TextBoxConcept::makeEditorInfo ( )

◆ getTextTop()

float kanzi::TextBoxConcept::getTextTop ( const TextFormat textFormat) const

Returns the top of the text in a line.

It is the half of the line height minus the font size in pixels.

textFormatThe text format structure that holds information about the font and line height.
The top of the text in the line.

◆ getTextHeight()

float kanzi::TextBoxConcept::getTextHeight ( const TextFormat textFormat) const

Returns the height in pixels of the text from the given text format.

textFormatThe text format structure.
The height of the text.

◆ drawRectangle()

void kanzi::TextBoxConcept::drawRectangle ( Renderer3D renderer,
const Matrix4x4 transform,
const Vector2 topLeft,
const Vector2 bottomRight,
float  z,
const Material material 

Draws a filled rectangle with given corner coordinates and z-plane.

Member Data Documentation

◆ DisplayTextProperty

PropertyType<string> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::DisplayTextProperty

Reports the text displayed in a Text Box.

This property is read-only.

See also

◆ CompositionTextProperty

PropertyType<string> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::CompositionTextProperty

Reports the text that the user composes in a Text Box using an input method editor (IME).

This property is read-only, and has a value when the Text Box is in the text composition state.

See also
TextBoxConcept::CompositionTextChangedMessage, TextBoxConcept::TextCompositionCanceledMessage

◆ SelectionBackgroundBrushProperty

PropertyType<ResourceSharedPtr> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::SelectionBackgroundBrushProperty

Sets the brush that highlights selected text.

The default value is ResourceSharedPtr();

See also
TextBoxConceptImpl::setSelectionBackgroundBrush(), TextBoxConceptImpl::getSelectionBackgroundBrush()

◆ SelectionForegroundBrushProperty

PropertyType<ResourceSharedPtr> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::SelectionForegroundBrushProperty

Sets the brush for rendering the selected text.

The default value is ResourceSharedPtr();

See also
TextBoxConceptImpl::setSelectionForegroundBrush(), TextBoxConceptImpl::getSelectionForegroundBrush()

◆ CompositionTextBackgroundBrushProperty

PropertyType<ResourceSharedPtr> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::CompositionTextBackgroundBrushProperty

Sets the brush that highlights the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME).

The default value is ResourceSharedPtr();

See also
TextBoxConceptImpl::setCompositionBackgroundBrush(), TextBoxConceptImpl::getCompositionBackgroundBrush()

◆ CompositionTextForegroundBrushProperty

PropertyType<ResourceSharedPtr> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::CompositionTextForegroundBrushProperty

Sets the brush that fills the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME).

The default value is ResourceSharedPtr();

See also
TextBoxConceptImpl::setCompositionForegroundBrush(), TextBoxConceptImpl::getCompositionForegroundBrush()

◆ CursorPositionProperty

PropertyType<int> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::CursorPositionProperty

Sets the position of the cursor in the text buffer of a Text Box node.

The default value is 0.

See also
TextBoxConceptImpl::setCursorPosition(), TextBoxConceptImpl::getCursorPosition()

◆ SelectionStartCursorPositionProperty

PropertyType<int> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::SelectionStartCursorPositionProperty

Reports the position of the cursor that marks the beginning of text selection in the text buffer of a Text Box node.

The property is read-only. The default value is 0.

See also
TextBoxConceptImpl::setSelectionStart(), TextBoxConceptImpl::getSelectionStart()

◆ SelectionEndCursorPositionProperty

PropertyType<int> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::SelectionEndCursorPositionProperty

Reports the position of the cursor that marks the end of text selection in the text buffer of a Text Box node.

The property is read-only and it is synchronized with the value of the CursorPositionProperty. The default value is 0.

See also
TextBoxConceptImpl::setSelectionEnd(), TextBoxConceptImpl::getSelectionEnd()

◆ HasSelectionProperty

PropertyType<bool> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::HasSelectionProperty

Reports whether any of the text in a Text Box node is selected.

The default value is false.

See also

◆ ReadOnlyProperty

PropertyType<bool> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::ReadOnlyProperty

Sets whether the Text Box node accepts user input.

When the ReadOnlyProperty is set to true, you can set the text only through the TextConcept::TextProperty and using the content manipulator methods and triggers. User input originated using the keyboard and input methods is ignored. The default value is false.

See also
TextBoxConceptImpl::isReadOnly(), TextBoxConceptImpl::setReadOnly()

◆ MaximumTextLengthProperty

PropertyType<int> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MaximumTextLengthProperty

Sets the maximum allowed text length in a Text Box node.

This way you can prevent user input beyond maximum text length. Length unit are UTF-8 characters and buffer byte length can be greater for multi-byte characters. The default value is 0, which sets unlimited length.

See also
TextBoxConceptImpl::setMaximumTextLength(), TextBoxConceptImpl::getMaximumTextLength()

◆ CursorPrefabProperty

PropertyType<ResourceSharedPtr> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::CursorPrefabProperty

Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the cursor, instead of using the default cursor.

◆ SelectionStartPrefabProperty

PropertyType<ResourceSharedPtr> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::SelectionStartPrefabProperty

Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the beginning of text selection, instead of using the default handle.

◆ SelectionEndPrefabProperty

PropertyType<ResourceSharedPtr> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::SelectionEndPrefabProperty

Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the end of text selection, instead of using the default handle.

◆ TextHintPrefabProperty

PropertyType<ResourceSharedPtr> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::TextHintPrefabProperty

Sets the prefab template that a Text Box node uses to show placeholder content when there is no text content in that Text Box node.

◆ HideTextHintWhenEditingProperty

PropertyType<bool> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::HideTextHintWhenEditingProperty

Sets whether Kanzi hides the placeholder content, which you set using the TextHintPrefabProperty, either:

  • Whenever the Text Box node is empty and in the editing state
  • Only when the user enters text in the Text Box node

◆ EchoModeProperty

PropertyType<EchoMode> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::EchoModeProperty

Sets how a Text Box node shows text.

The NoEcho mode that does not show the entered text affects only the displayed text, not the text buffer.

See also
TextBoxConceptImpl::setEchoMode(), TextBoxConceptImpl::getEchoMode()

◆ InputTypeProperty

PropertyType<InputType> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::InputTypeProperty

Sets the input type of the input methods that provide the input for a Text Box.

See also
TextBoxConceptImpl::setInputType(), TextBoxConceptImpl::getInputType()

◆ EditModeProperty

PropertyType<EditMode> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::EditModeProperty

Sets the edit mode of a Text Box node. The default value is EditMode::Automatic.

◆ IsEditingProperty

PropertyType<bool> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::IsEditingProperty

Reports the editing state of a Text Box node.

This read-only property is set to:

  • True when the Text Box enters the editing state.
  • False when the Text Box leaves the editing state. This is the default value.

◆ IsComposingTextProperty

PropertyType<bool> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::IsComposingTextProperty

Reports the text composition state of a Text Box node.

This read-only property is set to:

  • True when the Text Box is in the text composition state.
  • False when the Text Box is not in the text composition state.

◆ CharacterCountProperty

PropertyType<int> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::CharacterCountProperty

Contains the number of characters in a Text Box node.

The default value is 0.

◆ WordCountProperty

PropertyType<int> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::WordCountProperty

Contains the number of words in a Text Box node.

A Text Box node gets the number of words by counting the non-whitespace blocks in a string. It counts each ideograph as a word, regardless of whitespace. The default value is 0.

◆ PasswordEchoTimeoutProperty

PropertyType<int> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::PasswordEchoTimeoutProperty

Sets the time in milliseconds that Kanzi shows an inserted character before masking it when using the EchoMode::Password echo mode.

The default value is 1000.

See also
TextBoxConceptImpl::setEchoMode(), TextBoxConceptImpl::getEchoMode()

◆ PasswordMaskingCharacterProperty

PropertyType<string> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::PasswordMaskingCharacterProperty

Sets the UTF-8 character that masks each password character when using EchoMode::Password.

By default Kanzi masks each password character with a bullet symbol (u8"\u2022").

See also
TextBoxConceptImpl::setPasswordMaskingCharacter(), TextBoxConceptImpl::getPasswordMaskingCharacter()

◆ InputMethodActionProperty

PropertyType<InputMethodAction> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::InputMethodActionProperty

Sets the label of the user action button on the on-screen keyboard.

The default value is InputMethodAction::Default.

See also
InputMethodAction, InputMethod

◆ TextKeyNavigationDirectionProperty

PropertyType<TextKeyNavigationDirection> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::TextKeyNavigationDirectionProperty

Sets the direction of key navigation for the Text Box node.

The default value is TextInputManipulator::TextKeyNavigationDirection::LeftToRight.

See also
TextBoxConceptImpl::setTextKeyNavigationDirection(), TextBoxConceptImpl::getTextKeyNavigationDirection()

◆ InputMethodAvailableMessage

MessageType<InputMethodAvailableMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::InputMethodAvailableMessage

Text Box node dispatches this message when an input method becomes available.

◆ InputMethodUnavailableMessage

MessageType<InputMethodAvailableMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::InputMethodUnavailableMessage

Text Box node dispatches this message when the composing input method becomes unavailable.

◆ CursorMovedMessage

MessageType<CursorPositionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::CursorMovedMessage

Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user moves the cursor in that Text Box node.

This message type contains information about the cursor position the moment a Text Box node sends the message.

◆ TextChangedMessage

MessageType<TextChangedMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::TextChangedMessage

Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user changes the text in that Text Box node.

◆ SelectionChangedMessage

MessageType<SelectedTextMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::SelectionChangedMessage

Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user changes the text selection in that Text Box node.

This message type contains the selected text and both, the begin and end indexes.

◆ SelectionStartedMessage

MessageType<SelectedTextMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::SelectionStartedMessage

Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user starts selecting text in that Text Box node.

This message type contains the selected text and both, the begin and end indexes.

◆ SelectionClearedMessage

MessageType<CursorPositionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::SelectionClearedMessage

Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user clears or resets the text selection in that Text Box node.

This message type contains the cursor position the moment a Text Box node sends the message.

◆ EditingStartedMessage

MessageType<TextChangedMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::EditingStartedMessage

Text Box node dispatches this message when the application user makes the first modification to the text in that Text Box node.

A Text Box node sends this message only if it is in the editing state.

◆ EditingFinishedMessage

MessageType<TextChangedMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::EditingFinishedMessage

Text Box node dispatches this message when it leaves the editing state after the application user modifies the text content.

If the user does not edit the text while that Text Box node is in the editing state, that Text Box node does not send neither EditingStartedMessage nor EditingFinishedMessage.

◆ CompositionTextChangedMessage

MessageType<TextCompositionStateMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::CompositionTextChangedMessage

Text Box dispatches this message when the composition text is updated by the input methods.

See also

◆ TextCompositionCanceledMessage

MessageType<TextCompositionStateMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::TextCompositionCanceledMessage

Text Box dispatches this message when the text composition is canceled.

See also

◆ CompositionTextCommittedMessage

MessageType<TextCompositionStateMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::CompositionTextCommittedMessage

Text Box dispatches this message when the composition text is committed to the cached text.

See also

◆ EnteredEditingStateMessage

MessageType<EditingStateChangedMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::EnteredEditingStateMessage

Text Box node dispatches this message when it enters the editing state.

◆ LeftEditingStateMessage

MessageType<EditingStateChangedMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::LeftEditingStateMessage

Text Box node dispatches this message when it leaves the editing state.

◆ InputMethodActionMessage

MessageType<InputMethodActionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::InputMethodActionMessage

Text Box node dispatches this message when an input method executes the input action assigned to the text box.

◆ InsertTextAtCursorMessage

MessageType<TextContentMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::InsertTextAtCursorMessage

Dispatch this message to insert given text at the cursor position.

◆ BackspaceAtCursorMessage

MessageType<EraseCharactersMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::BackspaceAtCursorMessage

Dispatch this message to erase at the cursor position the previous character in the text string.

If the Text Box has selected text, dispatching this message erases that text.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ BackspaceWordAtCursorMessage

MessageType<EraseCharactersMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::BackspaceWordAtCursorMessage

Dispatch this message to erase the characters between the cursor position and the previous word boundary in the text string.

If the Text Box has selected text, dispatching this message erases that text.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ DeleteAtCursorMessage

MessageType<EraseCharactersMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::DeleteAtCursorMessage

Dispatch this message to erase at the cursor position the next character in the text string.

If the Text Box has selected text, dispatching this message erases that text.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ DeleteWordAtCursorMessage

MessageType<EraseCharactersMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::DeleteWordAtCursorMessage

Dispatch this message to erase the characters between the cursor position and the next word boundary in the text string.

If the Text Box has selected text, dispatching this message erases that text.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ MoveCursorBackwardMessage

MessageType<MoveCursorMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorBackwardMessage

Dispatch this message to move the cursor backward in a text string.

For example, in text that uses a left-to-right script it moves the cursor to the left.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ MoveCursorForwardMessage

MessageType<MoveCursorMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorForwardMessage

Dispatch this message to move the cursor forward in the text string.

For example, in text that uses a left-to-right script it moves the cursor to the right.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ MoveCursorToPreviousWordMessage

MessageType<MoveCursorMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorToPreviousWordMessage

Dispatch this message to move the cursor to the previous word boundary in the text string.

For example, in text that uses a left-to-right script it moves the cursor to the closest word boundary on the left side of the cursor.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ MoveCursorToNextWordMessage

MessageType<MoveCursorMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorToNextWordMessage

Dispatch this message to move the cursor to the next word boundary in the text string.

For example, in text that uses a left-to-right script it moves the cursor to the closest word boundary on the right side of the cursor.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ MoveCursorHomeMessage

MessageType<MoveCursorMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorHomeMessage

Dispatch this message to move the cursor to the beginning of the text string.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ MoveCursorToEndMessage

MessageType<MoveCursorMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MoveCursorToEndMessage

Dispatch this message to move the cursor to the end of the text string.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ MoveSelectionStartForwardMessage

MessageType<ModifySelectionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionStartForwardMessage

Dispatch this message to move the handle at the start of text selection forward by one character in the text string.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ MoveSelectionStartBackwardMessage

MessageType<ModifySelectionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionStartBackwardMessage

Dispatch this message to move the handle at the start of text selection backward by one character in the text string.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ MoveSelectionStartToNextWordMessage

MessageType<ModifySelectionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionStartToNextWordMessage

Dispatch this message to move the handle at the start of text selection forward to the start of the next word in the text string.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ MoveSelectionStartToPreviousWordMessage

MessageType<ModifySelectionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionStartToPreviousWordMessage

Dispatch this message to move the handle at the start of text selection backward to the start of the previous word in the text string.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ MoveSelectionEndForwardMessage

MessageType<ModifySelectionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionEndForwardMessage

Dispatch this message to move the handle at the end of text selection forward by one character in the text string.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ MoveSelectionEndBackwardMessage

MessageType<ModifySelectionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionEndBackwardMessage

Dispatch this message to move the handle at the end of text selection backward by one character in the text string.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ MoveSelectionEndToNextWordMessage

MessageType<ModifySelectionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionEndToNextWordMessage

Dispatch this message to move the handle at the end of text selection forward to the start of the next word in the text string.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ MoveSelectionEndToPreviousWordMessage

MessageType<ModifySelectionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::MoveSelectionEndToPreviousWordMessage

Dispatch this message to move the handle at the end of text selection backward to the start of the previous word in the text string.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ SelectTextMessage

MessageType<TextRangeMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::SelectTextMessage

Dispatch this message to select the text between two character indexes in the current text string.

◆ DeleteTextMessage

MessageType<TextRangeMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::DeleteTextMessage

Dispatch this message to delete the text between two character indexes in the current text string.

◆ DeleteSelectionMessage

MessageType<DeleteSelectionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::DeleteSelectionMessage

Dispatch this message to erase any currently selected text.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ InsertTextMessage

MessageType<TextInsertionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::InsertTextMessage

Dispatch this message to insert given text at a given position.

◆ SelectToHomeMessage

MessageType<ModifySelectionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::SelectToHomeMessage

Dispatch this message to select the text from the beginning of the text string to the cursor position.

If the Text Box has selected text, dispatching this message moves the start of the selection to the beginning of the text string.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ SelectToEndMessage

MessageType<ModifySelectionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::SelectToEndMessage

Dispatch this message to select the text from the cursor position to the end of the text string.

If the Text Box has selected text, dispatching this message moves the end of the selection to the end of the text string.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ ClearSelectionMessage

MessageType<ModifySelectionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::ClearSelectionMessage

Dispatch this message to clear the current text selection.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ SelectAllMessage

MessageType<ModifySelectionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::SelectAllMessage

Dispatch this message to select all text.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ SelectWordAtCursorMessage

MessageType<ModifySelectionMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::SelectWordAtCursorMessage

Dispatch this message to select the word at the current cursor position.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ EnterEditingStateMessage

MessageType<ModifyEditingStateMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::EnterEditingStateMessage

Dispatch this message to make a Text Box node enter the editing state.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ LeaveEditingStateMessage

MessageType<ModifyEditingStateMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::LeaveEditingStateMessage

Dispatch this message to make a Text Box node leave the editing state.

This message does not have any arguments.

◆ CommitCompositionTextMessage

MessageType<TextCompositionStateMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::CommitCompositionTextMessage

Dispatch this message to make a Text Box commit the composition text.

To use this action, the Text Box must be in editing state.

◆ CancelTextCompositionMessage

MessageType<TextCompositionStateMessageArguments> kanzi::TextBoxConcept::CancelTextCompositionMessage

Dispatch this message to make a Text Box cancel the text composition.

To use this action, the Text Box must be in editing state.

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