Kanzi Framework  3.9.0
Kanzi Studio API
ProjectItemLibrary< out out T > Interface Template Reference

Access project libraries. More...

Inheritance diagram for ProjectItemLibrary< out out T >:
Collaboration diagram for ProjectItemLibrary< out out T >:

Public Member Functions

GetItemByName (string childName)
 Gets an item in a project library using the name of the item. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ProjectItem
void AddProperty (string propertyName)
 Adds a property to an item. More...
void AddProperty (Property property)
 Adds a property to an item. More...
void BeginBatchModification (string batchName)
bool CanAddProperty (string propertyName)
 Checks whether Kanzi Studio allows you to add a specific property to an item. More...
bool CanAddProperty (Property property)
 Checks whether Kanzi Studio allows you to add a specific property to an item. More...
void CommitBatchModification ()
bool Delete ()
 Deletes a project item. More...
void DeregisterThumbnailUser (object user)
 Deregisters a registerd thumbnail user. More...
IEnumerable< PropertyGetAddableProperties ()
 Gets a list of properties which you can add to an item. More...
GetAncestor< T > ()
 Gets the nearest item of given type in the parent tree. More...
ProjectItem GetChild (string childName)
 Gets the child item of the current item with the given name. More...
GetChild< T > (string childName)
 Gets the child item of the current item with the given name and type. More...
int GetChildIndex (ProjectItem child)
IEnumerable< PropertyGetContextProperties ()
IEnumerable< PropertyGetFixedProperties ()
IEnumerable< PropertyGetFrequentlyAddedProperties ()
ProjectItem GetProjectItemByPath (string path)
string GetRelativeProjectPathTo (ProjectItem anotherItem)
IEnumerable< PropertyGetRemovableProperties ()
 Gets a list of properties which you can remove from an item. More...
BitmapSource GetThumbnail (int width, int height, bool showChildren, bool showFullScreen, Node contextNode)
 Gets the thumbnail image for a project item. More...
BitmapSource GetThumbnail (int width, int height, bool showChildren, bool showFullScreen, Node contextNode, float[] letterboxColorRGBA)
 Gets the thumbnail image for a project item. More...
IEnumerable< ProjectItemGetTreeItemsAsList ()
 Enumerates the items under this ProjectItem including this item itself, children, and grand children. More...
bool HasProperty (string propertyName)
 Checks whether an item has a specific property. More...
bool HasProperty (Property property)
 Checks whether an item has a specific property. More...
bool IsPropertyReadOnly (Property property)
void RegisterThumbnailUser (object user, uint width, uint height, bool showChildren, bool showFullScreen, Node contextNode)
 Registers a user for the thumbnail images for a project item. More...
void RemoveProperty (string propertyName)
 Removes a property from an item. More...
void RemoveProperty (Property property)
 Removes a property from an item. More...
void SetChildIndex (ProjectItem child, int index)
void SetPropertyReadOnlyStatus (Property property, bool? value)
void UpdateValidity ()
 Recalculates the validity the item. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from PropertyContainer
object Get (string propertyName)
 Gets the value of a property. More...
object Get (Property property)
 Gets the value of a property. More...
Get< T > (TypedProperty< T > property)
 Gets the value of a property. More...
void Set (string propertyName, object value)
 Sets the value of a property. More...
void Set< T > (TypedProperty< T > property, T value)
 Sets the value of a property. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ChildContainer
string GenerateUniqueChildName (string defaultName)
 Generates a unique name. More...
string GetInvalidityReasonOfNewName (string newName)
 Returns the reason why the passed name is not valid. More...


IEnumerable< T > Items [get]
 Gets all items in a specific project library of a Kanzi Studio project. More...
- Properties inherited from ProjectItem
IEnumerable< ProjectItemChildren [get]
 Gets all child items of a project item. More...
string IconLocation [get]
object IconModifier [get, set]
string InvalidityReason [get]
bool IsDeleted [get]
bool IsDisposed [get]
bool IsHidden [get, set]
bool IsReadOnly [get, set]
bool IsValidState [get]
string KzbUrl [get]
 Gets the kzb URL of a project item. More...
string Name [get, set]
 Gets or sets the name of a project item. More...
ProjectItem Parent [get, set]
string Path [get]
Project Project [get]
 Gets the project in which this item is located. More...
Type ProjectItemType [get]
PropertyTypeLibrary PropertyTypeLibrary [get]
 Gets the Property Types library of the project of this item which stores all property types you create in a Kanzi Studio project. More...
object this[Property property] [get, set]
object this[string propertyName] [get, set]
string ToolTip [get]
string TypeDisplayName [get]
 Gets the type of a project item. More...
- Properties inherited from PropertyContainer
IEnumerable< PropertyProperties [get]
 Gets the properties in a project item or node component. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Events inherited from ProjectItem
EventHandler< CollectionChangedEventArgs< ProjectItem > > ChildCollectionChanged
EventHandler< DeletedEventArgs > Deleted
EventHandler< DeletedEventArgs > Deleting
EventHandler< CollectionChangedEventArgs< ProjectItem > > DescendantChildCollectionChanged
EventHandler< DeletedEventArgs > DescendantDeleted
EventHandler< DynamicPropertyChangedEventArgs > DescendantDynamicPropertyChanged
EventHandler< ParentChangedEventArgs > DescendantParentChanged
EventHandler< CollectionChangedEventArgs< string > > DescendantPropertyCollectionChanged
EventHandler< ProjectItemEventArgs > Disposing
EventHandler< DynamicPropertyChangedEventArgs > DynamicPropertyChanged
EventHandler< ParentChangedEventArgs > ParentChanged
EventHandler< PathChangedEventArgs > PathChanged
EventHandler< DynamicPropertyChangedEventArgs > PreviewDescendantDynamicPropertyChanged
EventHandler< DynamicPropertyChangedEventArgs > PreviewDynamicPropertyChanged
EventHandler< CollectionChangedEventArgs< string > > PropertyCollectionChanged
EventHandler< ReplaceEventArgs > Replacing
EventHandler ThumbnailChanged
EventHandler ValidityChanged

Detailed Description

Access project libraries.

Template Parameters
Type Constraints
T :ProjectItem 

Member Function Documentation

◆ GetItemByName()

T GetItemByName ( string  childName)

Gets an item in a project library using the name of the item.

childNameThe name of the item.
The item.
See also
Project.CreateProjectItem<T>(string, ProjectItem), ChildContainer.GenerateUniqueChildName(string)


To get an item by name in a specific resource library:

public void Execute(PluginCommandParameter parameter)
// Get the State Managers library which stores state managers used in a Kanzi Studio project.
var stateManagerLibrary = studio.ActiveProject.StateManagerLibrary;
// Create a state manager named MyStateManager in the State Managers library.
studio.ActiveProject.CreateProjectItem<StateManager>(stateManagerLibrary.GenerateUniqueChildName("MyStateManager"), stateManagerLibrary);
// Get a state manager named MyStateManager from the State Managers library.
var myStateManager = stateManagerLibrary.GetItemByName("MyStateManager");

Property Documentation

◆ Items

IEnumerable<T> Items

Gets all items in a specific project library of a Kanzi Studio project.

See also


To get all items in a specific resource library of a Kanzi Studio project:

public void Execute(PluginCommandParameter parameter)
// Get the Library > Materials and Textures > Material Types library
// which stores all the material types in a Kanzi Studio project.
var materialTypeLibrary = studio.ActiveProject.MaterialTypeLibrary;
// Print the name of all material types in your project to the Kanzi Studio Log window.
studio.Log("This Kanzi Studio project contains these material types:");
foreach (var materialType in materialTypeLibrary.Items)

To get the node component types available in a Kanzi Studio project:

public void Execute(PluginCommandParameter parameter)
// Get the node component type library.
var nodeComponentsLibrary = studio.ActiveProject.NodeComponentTypeLibrary;
// Print the available node component types to the Kanzi Studio Log window.
studio.Log("These node component types are available in this Kanzi Studio project:");
foreach (var nodeComponentType in nodeComponentsLibrary.Items)