Kanzi framework  3.9.1
Kanzi Engine API
focus_scope.hpp File Reference


class  kanzi::FocusScope::FocusChain
 The FocusChain contains the snapshot of the focus chain of a focus scope. More...
struct  kanzi::FocusChainIndex
 Contains the focus order and focus order offset information of a node in a focus scope. More...
struct  kanzi::FocusChainNode
 The focus chain node of a focus scope consists of the node of the focus scope, its focus order, and the focus order offset. More...
class  kanzi::FocusFence
 Implements the focus fences. More...
class  kanzi::FocusGroup
 Implements the focus groups. More...
class  kanzi::FocusScope
 The FocusScope class holds the attributes of a focus scope: More...
class  kanzi::FocusScopeVisitor
 Focus scope visitor for UI scene traversal of focus scopes. More...
class  kanzi::ModalScope
 Implements the modal scopes. More...
class  kanzi::PopupScope
 Implements the popup scopes. More...
class  kanzi::VisitorFunction
 Wraps a focus scope visitor function into a FocusScopeVisitor. More...


 Easing functions that require external dependencies for calculation.




FocusScope * kanzi::findAncestorScopeForNode (const Node &node)
 Returns the ancestor focus scope of the node that you pass as an argument. More...
template<typename Predicate >
FocusScope * kanzi::findAncestorScopeIf (Node &first, Node &last, Predicate predicate)
 Find the first ancestor scope in the [first node, last node) range, for which the predicate returns true. More...
template<typename Predicate >
FocusScope * kanzi::findAncestorScopeIfNot (Node &first, Node &last, Predicate predicate)
 Find the first ancestor scope in the [first node, last node) range, for which the predicate returns false. More...
FocusFence * kanzi::findFenceForNode (const Node &node)
 Returns the focus fence of the given node that you pass as an argument. More...
FocusScope * kanzi::findScopeForNode (const Node &node)
 Returns the focus scope of the node that you pass as an argument. More...
template<typename Function >
void kanzi::forEachAncestorNodeInScope (const Node &node, const FocusScope *scope, Function function)
 Execute a function for every ancestor node of the node, until and including the focus scope node that is an ancestor of the node. More...
template<typename Function >
void kanzi::forEachAncestorScope (Node &first, Node &last, Function function)
 Execute a function for every focus scope in the [first node, last node) range. More...
template<typename Function >
void kanzi::forEachAncestorScopeOf (Node &node, Function function)
 Execute a function for every ancestor focus scope of the node, until and including the popup-type scope node that owns the node. More...
ModalScope * kanzi::getPopupTypeScopeForNode (const Node &node)
 Returns the root node of a popup or modal focus scope to which the node that you pass in this method belongs. More...
Node * kanzi::getScopeFocusedNode (Node &node)
 Returns the last-focused node of the scope node. More...
bool kanzi::isPopupTypeScope (const FocusScope *scope)
 Returns true if the focus scope passed as argument is a popup or modal focus scope. More...
 kanzi::KZ_ENABLE_BITMASK_OPERATORS (FocusScope::ScopeFlag)
bool kanzi::operator!= (const FocusChainIndex &lhs, const FocusChainIndex &rhs)
 Inequality operator overload for focus chain index. More...
bool kanzi::operator< (const FocusChainIndex &lhs, const FocusChainIndex &rhs)
 Less operator overload for focus chain index. More...
bool kanzi::operator<= (const FocusChainIndex &lhs, const FocusChainIndex &rhs)
 Less or equal operator overload for focus chain index. More...
bool kanzi::operator== (const FocusChainIndex &lhs, const FocusChainIndex &rhs)
 Equality operator overload for focus chain index. More...
bool kanzi::operator> (const FocusChainIndex &lhs, const FocusChainIndex &rhs)
 Greater operator overload for focus chain index. More...
bool kanzi::operator>= (const FocusChainIndex &lhs, const FocusChainIndex &rhs)
 Greater or equal operator overload for focus chain index. More...
void kanzi::setScopeFocusedNode (Node &scope, Node &node)
 Sets the focus node for the given scope node. More...
FocusChainNode kanzi::unwrapFocusChainNode (FocusScope::FocusChain::FocusedTuple wrapped)
 Unwraps the focus chain node representation of the focused node of a focus scope from a wrapped node. More...

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