Legacy Render Pass is phased out in favor of specialized render passes that perform individual operations, which are combined in a Legacy Render Pass into a single render pass.
String | getName () |
| Gets the resource name.
String | getUrl () |
| Gets the resource URL.
void | setKeepAlive (boolean keepAlive) |
| Sets the keep alive flag.
boolean | equals (Object object) |
Domain | getDomain () |
| Returns the domain the object belongs to.
Metaclass | getDynamicMetaclass () |
| Returns the metaclass of the dynamic type of the object.
long | getNative () |
| Gets a pointer to the backing C++ instance.
TDataType | getOptionalProperty (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType) |
| Returns the current value of a property type, but does not use the default value if there are no inputs to the property value.
TDataType | getProperty (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType) |
| Returns the current value of a property type.
int | hashCode () |
boolean | hasValue (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType) |
| Evaluates whether there are any inputs into the property value.
boolean | isStale () |
| Test if the object is stale i.e.
void | removeLocalValue (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType) |
| Removes the local value associated with the property.
void | setProperty (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType, TDataType value) |
| Sets the local value of a property type.
ObjectRef< TType > | tryCreateObjectRef (Class< TType > clazz) |
| Tries to create an owning ObjectRef instance to this KanziObject.
AbstractMetaclass | metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.Resource") |
| Metaclass for Resource.
AbstractMetaclass | metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.GPUResource") |
| Metaclass for GPUResource.
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | EnabledProperty |
| Whether Kanzi executes this render pass and its child render pass tree.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector4 > | InputViewportAreaProperty |
| Reports the viewport area relative to the composition space as passed from the parent render pass.
AbstractMetaclass | metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.RenderPass") |
| Metaclass for RenderPass.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > | UpdateOffsetProperty |
| Sets a frame offset to the rendering rate that you set with the Update Rate property.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > | UpdateRateProperty |
| Sets the rate at which to render the Render Pass.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector4 > | Color0FloatClearValueProperty |
| Clear color value for signed integer color buffer 0.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector4 > | Color0IntegerClearValueProperty |
| Clear color value for integer color buffer 0.
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBA > | Color1ColorClearValueProperty |
| The color used to clear the color buffer 1.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector4 > | Color1FloatClearValueProperty |
| Clear color value for signed integer color buffer 1.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector4 > | Color1IntegerClearValueProperty |
| Clear color value for integer color buffer 1.
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBA > | Color2ColorClearValueProperty |
| The color used to clear the color buffer 2.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector4 > | Color2FloatClearValueProperty |
| Clear color value for signed integer color buffer 2.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector4 > | Color2IntegerClearValueProperty |
| Clear color value for integer color buffer 2.
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBA > | Color3ColorClearValueProperty |
| The color used to clear the color buffer 3.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector4 > | Color3FloatClearValueProperty |
| Clear color value for signed integer color buffer 3.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector4 > | Color3IntegerClearValueProperty |
| Clear color value for integer color buffer 3.
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBA > | ColorBufferClearColorProperty |
| The color used to clear the color buffer 0.
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | ColorBufferClearEnabledProperty |
| Whether to clear the color buffer before writing the new color values.
DynamicPropertyType< GraphicsColorWriteMode > | ColorWriteModeProperty |
| When set to None, writing to color buffer is disabled.
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | ComposerEnabledProperty |
| This determines if composer is rendered (enabled by default).
DynamicPropertyType< GraphicsCullMode > | CullModeProperty |
| Sets the culling of the triangle faces in the rendered meshes of legacy render passes:
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | DepthBufferClearEnabledProperty |
| Sets whether to clear the depth buffer.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | DepthBufferClearValueProperty |
| The value used for clearing the depth buffer.
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | DepthBufferTestEnabledProperty |
| Whether to enable the depth test.
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | DepthBufferWriteEnabledProperty |
| Sets whether to enable the writing of the depth buffer.
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | FlushAfterRenderProperty |
| This determines if GPU pipeline is flushed after rendering of this composer has occurred, to prevent GPU pipeline stall.
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | FrustumCullingOnProperty |
| Sets whether to use frustum culling.
AbstractMetaclass | metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.LegacyRenderPass") |
| Metaclass for LegacyRenderPass.
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | RenderOnceProperty |
| Sets whether this render pass is rendered only once.
DynamicPropertyType< String > | RenderPassCameraProperty |
| The camera that is used for rendering this render pass.
DynamicPropertyType< Resource > | RenderPassMaterialProperty |
| The material that overrides all the materials in the objects that are rendered by this render pass.
DynamicPropertyType< Resource > | RenderPassObjectSourceProperty |
| The object source for the render pass.
DynamicPropertyType< Resource > | RenderPassRenderTargetColor0Property |
| Sets where this render pass renders.
DynamicPropertyType< Resource > | RenderPassRenderTargetColor1Property |
| Sets where this render pass renders.
DynamicPropertyType< Resource > | RenderPassRenderTargetColor2Property |
| Sets where this render pass renders.
DynamicPropertyType< Resource > | RenderPassRenderTargetColor3Property |
| Sets where this render pass renders.
DynamicPropertyType< Resource > | RenderPassRenderTargetDepthStencilProperty |
| Render Target Depth Stencil.
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | RenderPassRenderTargetGenerateMipmapProperty |
| Sets whether the render target texture generates mipmaps after the render pass.
DynamicPropertyType< LegacyRenderPassEnums.InvalidateAttachments > | RenderPassRenderTargetInvalidateAttachmentsProperty |
| Which attachments, if any, should be invalidated after the render pass.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > | RenderPassRenderTargetMipmapLevelProperty |
| Render Target Mipmap Level.
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | RenderPassRenderTargetResolveProperty |
| Sets whether the render target is multisample resolved after the render pass.
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | RenderPassScissorEnabledProperty |
| Whether scissor area is enabled in render pass or not.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | RenderPassScissorHeightProperty |
| Height of the scissor area.
DynamicPropertyType< KzuViewportCoordinateType > | RenderPassScissorTypeProperty |
| Whether the border settings of the scissor area are relative (range 0-1) or absolute (pixel coordinates).
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | RenderPassScissorWidthProperty |
| Width of the scissor area.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | RenderPassScissorXProperty |
| X coordinate of the left border of the scissor area.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | RenderPassScissorYProperty |
| Y coordinate of the top border of the scissor area.
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | StencilBufferClearEnabledProperty |
| Sets whether to clear the stencil buffer.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > | StencilBufferClearValueProperty |
| The value used for clearing the stencil buffer.
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | StencilBufferTestEnabledProperty |
| Whether or not the stencil test is enabled.
DynamicPropertyType< GraphicsStencilOperation > | StencilFailOperationProperty |
| Operation that is performed when the stencil test fails.
DynamicPropertyType< GraphicsCompareFunction > | StencilFunctionProperty |
| The function used to control whether a fragment is discarded by the stencil test.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > | StencilFunctionReferenceMaskProperty |
| Specifies a mask in legacy render passes that is ANDed with both the reference value and the stored stencil value when the test is done.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > | StencilFunctionReferenceValueProperty |
| Specifies the reference value for the stencil test in legacy render passes.
DynamicPropertyType< GraphicsStencilOperation > | StencilPassDepthFailOperationProperty |
| Operation that is performed when the stencil test fails and the depth test passes.
DynamicPropertyType< GraphicsStencilOperation > | StencilPassDepthPassOperationProperty |
| Operation that is performed when both the stencil and depth test pass.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | ViewportHeightProperty |
| The height of the render area on the render target.
DynamicPropertyType< KzuViewportCoordinateType > | ViewportTypeProperty |
| When absolute, the viewport settings are read in pixel coordinates, when relative the settings are read as proportional values from top-left (0,0) corner to bottom-right (1,1) corner.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | ViewportWidthProperty |
| The width of the render area on the render target.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | ViewportXProperty |
| The X coordinate in v to render the render pass on the render target.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | ViewportYProperty |
| The Y coordinate in which to render the render pass on the render target.
Legacy Render Pass is phased out in favor of specialized render passes that perform individual operations, which are combined in a Legacy Render Pass into a single render pass.