| A =(18) |
| Identifies the A key.
| Alt =(105) |
| Identifies the Alt modifier key.
| ArrowDown =(66) |
| Identifies the arrow down key.
| ArrowLeft =(67) |
| Identifies the arrow left key.
| ArrowRight =(68) |
| Identifies the arrow right key.
| ArrowUp =(65) |
| Identifies the arrow up key.
| B =(19) |
| Identifies the B key.
| Backspace =(45) |
| Identifies the backspace key.
| BackTab =(48) |
| Identifies the Back Tab key.
| Break =(54) |
| Identifies the Break key.
| ButtonA =(116) |
| Identifies the A button on game controllers.
| ButtonB =(117) |
| Identifies the B button on game controllers.
| ButtonC =(118) |
| Identifies the C button on game controllers.
| ButtonL1 =(122) |
| Identifies the L1 button on game controllers.
| ButtonL2 =(123) |
| Identifies the L2 button on game controllers.
| ButtonMode =(130) |
| Identifies the mode button on game controllers.
| ButtonR1 =(124) |
| Identifies the R1 button on game controllers.
| ButtonR2 =(125) |
| Identifies the R2 button on game controllers.
| ButtonSelect =(126) |
| Identifies the select button on game controllers.
| ButtonStart =(127) |
| Identifies the start button on game controllers.
| ButtonThumbL =(128) |
| Identifies the ThumbL button on game controllers.
| ButtonThumbR =(129) |
| Identifies the ThumbR button on game controllers.
| ButtonX =(119) |
| Identifies the X button on game controllers.
| ButtonY =(120) |
| Identifies the Y button on game controllers.
| ButtonZ =(121) |
| Identifies the Z button on game controllers.
| C =(20) |
| Identifies the C key.
| CapsLock =(50) |
| Identifies the CapsLock key.
| Comma =(11) |
| Identifies the comma key.
| Control =(104) |
| Identifies the Control modifier key.
| D =(21) |
| Identifies the D key.
| DecimalSeparator =(16) |
| Allows for the key mapping of a locale specific decimal separator.
| Delete =(56) |
| Identifies the Delete key.
| Divide =(64) |
| Identifies the slash key.
| E =(22) |
| Identifies the E key.
| End =(58) |
| Identifies the End key.
| Enter =(46) |
| Identifies the Enter key.
| Escape =(49) |
| Identifies the Escape key.
| F =(23) |
| Identifies the F key.
| F1 =(85) |
| Identifies the F1 function key.
| F10 =(94) |
| Identifies the F10 function key.
| F11 =(95) |
| Identifies the F11 function key.
| F12 =(96) |
| Identifies the F12 function key.
| F2 =(86) |
| Identifies the F2 function key.
| F3 =(87) |
| Identifies the F3 function key.
| F4 =(88) |
| Identifies the F4 function key.
| F5 =(89) |
| Identifies the F5 function key.
| F6 =(90) |
| Identifies the F6 function key.
| F7 =(91) |
| Identifies the F7 function key.
| F8 =(92) |
| Identifies the F8 function key.
| F9 =(93) |
| Identifies the F9 function key.
| G =(24) |
| Identifies the G key.
| H =(25) |
| Identifies the H key.
| Home =(57) |
| Identifies the Home key.
| I =(26) |
| Identifies the I key.
| Insert =(55) |
| Identifies the Insert key.
| J =(27) |
| Identifies the J key.
| K =(28) |
| Identifies the K key.
| L =(29) |
| Identifies the L key.
| LeftAlt =(108) |
| Identifies the left Alt modifier key.
| LeftControl =(109) |
| Identifies the left Control modifier key.
| LeftShift =(110) |
| Identifies the left Shift modifier key.
| LeftSuper =(111) |
| Identifies the left Super key.
| M =(30) |
| Identifies the M key.
| Max =(131) |
| Specifies the number of logical key values.
| Menu =(107) |
| Identifies the menu key on keyboards where the key is available.
| Minus =(62) |
| Identifies the minus key.
| Multiply =(63) |
| Identifies the asterisk key.
| N =(31) |
| Identifies the N key.
| Number0 =(1) |
| Identifies the 0 key.
| Number1 =(2) |
| Identifies the 1 key.
| Number2 =(3) |
| Identifies the 2 key.
| Number3 =(4) |
| Identifies the 3 key.
| Number4 =(5) |
| Identifies the 4 key.
| Number5 =(6) |
| Identifies the 5 key.
| Number6 =(7) |
| Identifies the 6 key.
| Number7 =(8) |
| Identifies the 7 key.
| Number8 =(9) |
| Identifies the 8 key.
| Number9 =(10) |
| Identifies the 9 key.
| NumLock =(51) |
| Identifies the NumLock key.
| Numpad0 =(69) |
| Identifies the 0 key from the numeric keypad.
| Numpad1 =(70) |
| Identifies the 1 key from the numeric keypad.
| Numpad2 =(71) |
| Identifies the 2 key from the numeric keypad.
| Numpad3 =(72) |
| Identifies the 3 key from the numeric keypad.
| Numpad4 =(73) |
| Identifies the 4 key from the numeric keypad.
| Numpad5 =(74) |
| Identifies the 5 key from the numeric keypad.
| Numpad6 =(75) |
| Identifies the 6 key from the numeric keypad.
| Numpad7 =(76) |
| Identifies the 7 key from the numeric keypad.
| Numpad8 =(77) |
| Identifies the 8 key from the numeric keypad.
| Numpad9 =(78) |
| Identifies the 9 key from the numeric keypad.
| NumpadComma =(83) |
| Identifies the comma key from the numeric keypad.
| NumpadDivide =(79) |
| Identifies the slash key from the numeric keypad.
| NumpadEnter =(84) |
| Identifies the Enter key from the numeric keypad.
| NumpadMinus =(82) |
| Identifies the minus key from the numeric keypad.
| NumpadMultiply =(80) |
| Identifies the asterisk key from the numeric keypad.
| NumpadPlus =(81) |
| Identifies the plus key from the numeric keypad.
| O =(32) |
| Identifies the O key.
| P =(33) |
| Identifies the P key.
| PageDown =(60) |
| Identifies the PageDown key.
| PageUp =(59) |
| Identifies the PageUp key.
| Period =(12) |
| Identifies the period key.
| Pipe =(14) |
| Identifies the pipe key.
| Plus =(61) |
| Identifies the plus key.
| PrintScreen =(52) |
| Identifies the PrintScreen key.
| Q =(34) |
| Identifies the Q key.
| Quote =(15) |
| Identifies the quote key.
| R =(35) |
| Identifies the R key.
| RightAlt =(112) |
| Identifies the right Alt modifier key.
| RightControl =(113) |
| Identifies the right Control modifier key.
| RightShift =(114) |
| Identifies the right Shift modifier key.
| RightSuper =(115) |
| Identifies the right Super key.
| S =(36) |
| Identifies the S key.
| ScrollLock =(53) |
| Identifies the ScrollLock key.
| Semicolon =(13) |
| Identifies the semicolon key.
| Shift =(103) |
| Identifies the Shift modifier key.
| Softkey1 =(99) |
| Identifies the first softkey button, typically present on a phone layout.
| Softkey2 =(100) |
| Identifies the second softkey button, typically present on a phone layout.
| Softkey3 =(101) |
| Identifies the third softkey button, typically present on a phone layout.
| Softkey4 =(102) |
| Identifies the fourth softkey button, typically present on a phone layout.
| Space =(44) |
| Identifies the white-space key.
| Super =(106) |
| Identifies the Super key.
| T =(37) |
| Identifies the T key.
| Tab =(47) |
| Identifies the Tab key.
| ThousandsSeparator =(17) |
| Allows for the key mapping of a locale specific thousands separator.
| U =(38) |
| Identifies the U key.
| Unknown =(0) |
| Unknown keys are used for unmapped keys.
| V =(39) |
| Identifies the V key.
| VolumeDown =(98) |
| Identifies the volume down key.
| VolumeUp =(97) |
| Identifies the volume up key.
| W =(40) |
| Identifies the W key.
| X =(41) |
| Identifies the X key.
| Y =(42) |
| Identifies the Y key.
| Z =(43) |
| Identifies the Z key.
Platform independent key enumeration.