Kanzi 3.9.10
PipelineStateRenderPassMetadata Interface Reference

Metadata definitions for PipelineStateRenderPass. More...

Inheritance diagram for PipelineStateRenderPassMetadata:

Public Attributes

DynamicPropertyType< Integer > BlendModeProperty
 Overrides the blend mode set in each node that this render pass renders.
DynamicPropertyType< GraphicsColorWriteModeColorWriteModeProperty
 Sets which channels the render pass writes to the color buffer.
DynamicPropertyType< GraphicsCullModeCullModeProperty
 Sets the culling of the triangle faces in the rendered meshes:
DynamicPropertyType< GraphicsCompareFunctionDepthTestFunctionProperty
 Controls whether the depth test discards a fragment.
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanDepthWriteEnabledProperty
 Sets whether the render pass writes to the depth buffer.
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.PipelineStateRenderPass")
 Metaclass for PipelineStateRenderPass.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2PolygonDepthOffsetProperty
 Sets the polygon depth offset to apply to the element that the Pipeline State Render Pass renders:
DynamicPropertyType< PipelineStateRenderPassEnums.ViewportModeScissorModeProperty
 Sets the scissor test coordinate mode.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector4ScissorProperty
 Sets the scissor test in the current rendering Viewport 2D node.
DynamicPropertyType< GraphicsStencilOperationStencilFailOperationProperty
 Sets the operation that the render pass performs when the stencil test fails.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > StencilMaskProperty
 Sets a mask on which the AND operation is executed with both the reference value and the stored stencil value when the test is done.
DynamicPropertyType< GraphicsStencilOperationStencilPassDepthFailOperationProperty
 Sets the operation that the render pass performs when the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails.
DynamicPropertyType< GraphicsStencilOperationStencilPassDepthPassOperationProperty
 Sets the operation that the render pass performs when both, the stencil and the depth test, pass.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > StencilReferenceValueProperty
 Sets the reference value for the stencil test.
DynamicPropertyType< GraphicsCompareFunctionStencilTestFunctionProperty
 Controls whether the stencil test discards a fragment.
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanStencilWriteEnabledProperty
 Sets whether to enable writing to the stencil buffer.
DynamicPropertyType< PipelineStateRenderPassEnums.ViewportModeViewportModeProperty
 Sets the coordinate type for the Viewport node.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector4ViewportProperty
 Modifies the current rendering Viewport node.
- Public Attributes inherited from RenderPassMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanEnabledProperty
 Whether Kanzi executes this render pass and its child render pass tree.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector4InputViewportAreaProperty
 Reports the viewport area relative to the composition space as passed from the parent render pass.
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.RenderPass")
 Metaclass for RenderPass.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > UpdateOffsetProperty
 Sets a frame offset to the rendering rate that you set with the Update Rate property.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > UpdateRateProperty
 Sets the rate at which to render the Render Pass.
- Public Attributes inherited from ResourceMetadata
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.Resource")
 Metaclass for Resource.

Detailed Description

Metadata definitions for PipelineStateRenderPass.

Member Data Documentation

◆ BlendModeProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Integer> BlendModeProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("PipelineStateRenderPass.BlendMode", Integer.class)

Overrides the blend mode set in each node that this render pass renders.

◆ ColorWriteModeProperty

Initial value:
= new DynamicPropertyType<>(
"PipelineStateRenderPass.ColorWriteMode", GraphicsColorWriteMode.class)

Sets which channels the render pass writes to the color buffer.

To disable the color write, set the property to None.

◆ CullModeProperty

Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("PipelineStateRenderPass.CullMode", GraphicsCullMode.class)

Sets the culling of the triangle faces in the rendered meshes:

  • Back renders the triangles whose normal points towards a Camera node.
  • Front renders the triangles whose normal points away from a Camera node.

◆ DepthTestFunctionProperty

DynamicPropertyType<GraphicsCompareFunction> DepthTestFunctionProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>(
"PipelineStateRenderPass.DepthTestFunction", GraphicsCompareFunction.class)

Controls whether the depth test discards a fragment.

◆ DepthWriteEnabledProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Boolean> DepthWriteEnabledProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("PipelineStateRenderPass.DepthWriteEnabled", Boolean.class)

Sets whether the render pass writes to the depth buffer.

◆ PolygonDepthOffsetProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Vector2> PolygonDepthOffsetProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("PipelineStateRenderPass.PolygonDepthOffset", Vector2.class)

Sets the polygon depth offset to apply to the element that the Pipeline State Render Pass renders:

  • Derivative multiplier sets the multiplier for the depth change derivative for the fragment.
  • Constant multiplier multiplies the smallest measurable unit of depth, dependent on the target platform.

You can use the offset to render decals on the surfaces of filled polygons. Kanzi typically shows nearer the camera those polygons that have a negative offset.

◆ ScissorModeProperty

Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>(
"PipelineStateRenderPass.ScissorMode", PipelineStateRenderPassEnums.ViewportMode.class)

Sets the scissor test coordinate mode.

◆ ScissorProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Vector4> ScissorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("PipelineStateRenderPass.Scissor", Vector4.class)

Sets the scissor test in the current rendering Viewport 2D node.

You can define the scissor in either relative or absolute coordinates, the default is relative. Use the Scissor Mode property to set the coordinate type.

◆ StencilFailOperationProperty

DynamicPropertyType<GraphicsStencilOperation> StencilFailOperationProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>(
"PipelineStateRenderPass.StencilFailOperation", GraphicsStencilOperation.class)

Sets the operation that the render pass performs when the stencil test fails.

◆ StencilMaskProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Integer> StencilMaskProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("PipelineStateRenderPass.StencilMask", Integer.class)

Sets a mask on which the AND operation is executed with both the reference value and the stored stencil value when the test is done.

◆ StencilPassDepthFailOperationProperty

DynamicPropertyType<GraphicsStencilOperation> StencilPassDepthFailOperationProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("PipelineStateRenderPass.StencilPassDepthFailOperation",

Sets the operation that the render pass performs when the stencil test passes, but the depth test fails.

◆ StencilPassDepthPassOperationProperty

DynamicPropertyType<GraphicsStencilOperation> StencilPassDepthPassOperationProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("PipelineStateRenderPass.StencilPassDepthPassOperation",

Sets the operation that the render pass performs when both, the stencil and the depth test, pass.

◆ StencilReferenceValueProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Integer> StencilReferenceValueProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("PipelineStateRenderPass.StencilReferenceValue", Integer.class)

Sets the reference value for the stencil test.

◆ StencilTestFunctionProperty

DynamicPropertyType<GraphicsCompareFunction> StencilTestFunctionProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>(
"PipelineStateRenderPass.StencilTestFunction", GraphicsCompareFunction.class)

Controls whether the stencil test discards a fragment.

◆ StencilWriteEnabledProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Boolean> StencilWriteEnabledProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("PipelineStateRenderPass.StencilWriteEnabled", Boolean.class)

Sets whether to enable writing to the stencil buffer.

◆ ViewportModeProperty

Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("PipelineStateRenderPass.ViewportMode",

Sets the coordinate type for the Viewport node.

◆ ViewportProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Vector4> ViewportProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("PipelineStateRenderPass.Viewport", Vector4.class)

Modifies the current rendering Viewport node.

You can define the Viewport in either relative or absolute coordinates, the default is relative. Use the Viewport Mode property to set the coordinate type.