Kanzi 3.9.10
TrajectoryListBox3DMetadata Interface Reference

Metadata definitions for TrajectoryListBox3D. More...

Inheritance diagram for TrajectoryListBox3DMetadata:

Public Attributes

DynamicPropertyType< BooleanAlignToTangentProperty
 Whether to align the Trajectory List Box 3D items to match the tangent of the trajectory.
DynamicPropertyType< ScrollViewConceptEnums.AllowedScrollAxisAllowedScrollAxisProperty
 Sets the axis on which you want to allow this Trajectory List Box 3D node to scroll.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatCursorOffsetProperty
 Sets the offset of the position to use to select the active item, in proportional range [0,1].
DynamicPropertyType< FloatItemAreaBeginProperty
 Sets the proportional offset where the part of the trajectory meant for the fully visible Trajectory List Box 3D items starts.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatItemAreaEndProperty
 Sets the proportional offset where the part of the trajectory meant for the fully visible Trajectory List Box 3D items ends.
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanLoopingProperty
 Whether to show items in the Trajectory List Box 3D from the beginning after reaching the last item.
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.TrajectoryListBox3D")
 Metaclass for TrajectoryListBox3D.
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanReversedScrollingProperty
 Whether the scroll position in the Trajectory List Box node increases in relation to the direction of the pan gesture.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2ScrollPositionProperty
 Sets the scroll position of the Trajectory List Box 3D along the x and y axes as a relative position within the list box area.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatSpacingProperty
 Sets the distance between the items in the Trajectory List Box 3D.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatTrajectoryListBoxDraggingAccelerationCoefficientProperty
 Sets the acceleration of the Trajectory List Box 3D when the user scrolls the Trajectory List Box 3D by dragging the pointer.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatTrajectoryListBoxDraggingDragCoefficientProperty
 Sets the amount that drag affects the movement of the Trajectory List Box 3D when the user scrolls the Trajectory List Box 3D by dragging the pointer.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatTrajectoryListBoxDraggingImpulseFactorProperty
 Sets the amount of impulse to generate from the pointer movement when the user scrolls the Trajectory List Box 3D by dragging the pointer.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > TrajectoryListBoxMaximumNumberOfTouchesProperty
 Sets the maximum number of touch points allowed on the Trajectory List Box 3D area for scrolling.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > TrajectoryListBoxMinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty
 Sets the minimum number of touch points required on the Trajectory List Box 3D area for scrolling.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatTrajectoryListBoxRecognitionThresholdProperty
 Sets the distance in pixels that the pointer has to move for the scrolling to start in the Trajectory List Box 3D.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatTrajectoryListBoxSensitivityProperty
 Sets the amount that the scroll value changes relative to the movement of the pointer on the scroll view plane of the Trajectory List Box 3D.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatTrajectoryListBoxSlidingAccelerationCoefficientProperty
 Sets the acceleration of the Trajectory List Box 3D after the user releases the pointer with which they scroll the Trajectory List Box 3D.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatTrajectoryListBoxSlidingDragCoefficientProperty
 Sets how much drag affects the movement of the Trajectory List Box 3D after the user releases the pointer with which they scroll the Trajectory List Box 3D.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatTrajectoryListBoxSwipeDistanceProperty
 Sets the distance that a swipe sends the scroll value in the Trajectory List Box 3D, relative to the speed of the pointer.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceTrajectoryProperty
 Sets the trajectory along which the Trajectory List Box 3D arranges its items.
- Public Attributes inherited from Node3DMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< Matrix4x4FinalTransformationProperty
 The combined location, orientation and scale of the node and its ancestor nodes.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatFrustumCullMarginProperty
 The margin of the frustum cull radius of the node.
DynamicPropertyType< SRTValue3DLayoutTransformationProperty
 The location, orientation and scale of the node relative to its parent node.
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.Node3D")
 Metaclass for Node3D.
DynamicPropertyType< SRTValue3DRenderTransformationProperty
 The location, orientation, and scale of the node relative to its parent node.
- Public Attributes inherited from NodeMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< FloatActualDepthProperty
 The calculated size of the node in depth direction when used in a layout.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatActualHeightProperty
 The calculated height of the node when used in a layout.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatActualWidthProperty
 The calculated width of the node when used in a layout.
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanClipChildrenProperty
 Sets whether to clip the child nodes of this node.
DynamicPropertyType< NodeEnums.ContentStretchContentStretchProperty
 Sets how the content that belongs to this node is stretched (as opposed to manipulating the actual node size).
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanCreatedFromKZBProperty
 Kanzi internally uses this property to distinguish objects like bindings and triggers created in code from objects that are loaded from a kzb file.
DynamicPropertyType< NodeEnums.DepthAlignmentDepthAlignmentProperty
 The alignment in depth direction the node should use when it resides under a layout.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2DepthMarginProperty
 Sets the depth distance between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatDepthProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Depth", Float.class)
 The size of the node in depth direction when used in a layout.
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanEffectivelyEnabledProperty
 Indicates whether this node and its ancestor nodes are enabled.
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanEnabledProperty
 Whether this node is enabled.
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanFocusableProperty
 Indicates whether the node can receive focus.
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanFocusedProperty
 Indicates whether the node has the key focus.
DynamicPropertyType< FocusStateFocusStateProperty
 Reports the focus state of a node:
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceFontFamilyProperty
 The font family used to render the text.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatHeightProperty
 The height of the node when used in a layout.
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanHitTestableContainerProperty
 When enabled, Kanzi uses the layout bounds as geometry for hit testing.
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanHitTestableProperty
 When enabled, the node can be hit tested.
DynamicPropertyType< NodeEnums.HorizontalAlignmentHorizontalAlignmentProperty
 The alignment in horizontal direction the node should use when it resides under a layout.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2HorizontalMarginProperty
 Sets the horizontal space between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout.
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanHoverProperty
 Indicates whether a node is the foremost hit testable node under the cursor.
DynamicPropertyType< String > LocaleProperty
 The locale of the node.
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.Node")
 Metaclass for Node.
DynamicPropertyType< String > NameProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Name", String.class)
 Node name.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatOpacityProperty
 Opacity of the node.
DynamicPropertyType< String > PathProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Path", String.class)
 Full path to the node.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatProjection2DTo3DScaleProperty
 Sets the scale factor to project pixels to 3D size.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceStateManagerProperty
 Sets the State Manager to the node.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceStyleProperty
 Sets a style to the node.
DynamicPropertyType< NodeEnums.VerticalAlignmentVerticalAlignmentProperty
 The alignment in vertical direction the node should use when it resides under a layout.
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2VerticalMarginProperty
 Sets the vertical space between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatVisibleAmountInParentProperty
 Sets the amount the node is inside its parent.
DynamicPropertyType< BooleanVisibleProperty
 When disabled, Kanzi does not render the node.
DynamicPropertyType< FloatWidthProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Width", Float.class)
 The width of the node when used in a layout.
- Public Attributes inherited from ListBoxConceptMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< String > ItemContainerGeneratorTypeNameProperty
 Sets the name of the item container generator type to use to provide item containers dynamically for the List Box.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceItemContainerTemplateProperty
 Sets the List Box Item Container prefab that sets the appearance and behavior of the List Box items.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > ItemCountProperty
 Reports the number of items in the List Box, including virtual items.
DynamicPropertyType< String > ItemGeneratorTypeNameProperty
 Sets the name of the item generator type to use to provide items dynamically to the List Box.
DynamicMessageType< ListBoxConceptMetadata.ItemHiddenMessageArgumentsItemHiddenMessage
 Occurs when an item is unloaded from the working memory.
DynamicMessageType< ListBoxConceptMetadata.ItemSelectedMessageArgumentsItemSelectedMessage
 Occurs when an item is selected.
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceItemTemplateProperty
 Sets the prefab to use for the List Box items.
DynamicMessageType< ListBoxConceptMetadata.ItemVisibleMessageArgumentsItemVisibleMessage
 Occurs when an item is loaded to the working memory.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > KeepAliveItemCountProperty
 Sets the size of the buffer for invisible List Box items.
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.ListBoxConcept")
 Metaclass for ListBoxConcept.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > SelectedItemIndexProperty
 Sets the index of the item that is currently selected in the List Box node.
DynamicPropertyType< SelectionBehaviorSelectionBehaviorProperty
 Sets how the List Box behaves when the user selects an item.
- Public Attributes inherited from ListBoxScrollingConceptMetadata
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.ListBoxScrollingConcept")
 Metaclass for ListBoxScrollingConcept.
DynamicMessageType< ListBoxScrollingConceptMetadata.ScrolledMessageArguments > ScrolledMessage
 Occurs when the List Box scrolls.
DynamicMessageType< ListBoxScrollingConceptMetadata.ScrollFinishedMessageArguments > ScrollFinishedMessage
 Occurs when the List Box stops scrolling.
DynamicMessageType< ListBoxScrollingConceptMetadata.ScrollStartedMessageArguments > ScrollStartedMessage
 Occurs when the List Box starts to scroll.
DynamicMessageType< ListBoxScrollingConceptMetadata.TargetChangedMessageArguments > TargetChangedMessage
 Occurs when List Box gets a new target item.
DynamicMessageType< ListBoxScrollingConceptMetadata.UserScrollFinishedMessageArguments > UserScrollFinishedMessage
 Occurs when the application user stops scrolling the List Box.
DynamicMessageType< ListBoxScrollingConceptMetadata.UserScrollStartedMessageArguments > UserScrollStartedMessage
 Occurs when the application user starts to scroll the List Box.

Detailed Description

Metadata definitions for TrajectoryListBox3D.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AlignToTangentProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Boolean> AlignToTangentProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxConcept.AlignToTangent", Boolean.class)

Whether to align the Trajectory List Box 3D items to match the tangent of the trajectory.

◆ AllowedScrollAxisProperty

Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>(
"TrajectoryListBox.AllowedScrollAxis", ScrollViewConceptEnums.AllowedScrollAxis.class)

Sets the axis on which you want to allow this Trajectory List Box 3D node to scroll.

Defined in ui/node/trajectory_list_box3d.cpp as AllowedScrollAxisProperty.

◆ CursorOffsetProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Float> CursorOffsetProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxConcept.CursorOffset", Float.class)

Sets the offset of the position to use to select the active item, in proportional range [0,1].

◆ ItemAreaBeginProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Float> ItemAreaBeginProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxConcept.ItemAreaBegin", Float.class)

Sets the proportional offset where the part of the trajectory meant for the fully visible Trajectory List Box 3D items starts.

Kanzi uses the values of the Item Area Begin and Item Area End properties to calculate the value of the Node.VisibleAmountInParent property for each list item.You can use the VisibleAmountInParent property in shaders to fade out those list items that are not fully visible.

◆ ItemAreaEndProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Float> ItemAreaEndProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxConcept.ItemAreaEnd", Float.class)

Sets the proportional offset where the part of the trajectory meant for the fully visible Trajectory List Box 3D items ends.

Kanzi uses the values of the Item Area Begin and Item Area End properties to calculate the value of the Node.VisibleAmountInParent property for each list item.You can use the VisibleAmountInParent property in shaders to fade out those list items that are not fully visible.

◆ LoopingProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Boolean> LoopingProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBox.Looping", Boolean.class)

Whether to show items in the Trajectory List Box 3D from the beginning after reaching the last item.

◆ ReversedScrollingProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Boolean> ReversedScrollingProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBox.ReversedScrolling", Boolean.class)

Whether the scroll position in the Trajectory List Box node increases in relation to the direction of the pan gesture.

This reverses the direction of scrolling. By default, the scroll position decreases in relation to the pan direction, which makes the list items move toward the direction of the trajectory.

◆ ScrollPositionProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Vector2> ScrollPositionProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxConcept.ScrollPosition", Vector2.class)

Sets the scroll position of the Trajectory List Box 3D along the x and y axes as a relative position within the list box area.

Use this property to move the list to a scroll position immediately, without scrolling. To update the scroll position with a binding, use a two-way or to-source binding.

◆ SpacingProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Float> SpacingProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxConcept.Spacing", Float.class)

Sets the distance between the items in the Trajectory List Box 3D.

◆ TrajectoryListBoxDraggingAccelerationCoefficientProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Float> TrajectoryListBoxDraggingAccelerationCoefficientProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxDraggingAccelerationCoefficient", Float.class)

Sets the acceleration of the Trajectory List Box 3D when the user scrolls the Trajectory List Box 3D by dragging the pointer.

The higher the value, the quicker the Trajectory List Box 3D reaches its final position. The default value is 80.

◆ TrajectoryListBoxDraggingDragCoefficientProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Float> TrajectoryListBoxDraggingDragCoefficientProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxDraggingDragCoefficient", Float.class)

Sets the amount that drag affects the movement of the Trajectory List Box 3D when the user scrolls the Trajectory List Box 3D by dragging the pointer.

The lower the value, the higher the drag and the quicker the scrolling stops. The default value is 150.

◆ TrajectoryListBoxDraggingImpulseFactorProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Float> TrajectoryListBoxDraggingImpulseFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxDraggingImpulseFactor", Float.class)

Sets the amount of impulse to generate from the pointer movement when the user scrolls the Trajectory List Box 3D by dragging the pointer.

◆ TrajectoryListBoxMaximumNumberOfTouchesProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Integer> TrajectoryListBoxMaximumNumberOfTouchesProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxMaximumNumberOfTouches", Integer.class)

Sets the maximum number of touch points allowed on the Trajectory List Box 3D area for scrolling.

◆ TrajectoryListBoxMinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Integer> TrajectoryListBoxMinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxMinimumNumberOfTouches", Integer.class)

Sets the minimum number of touch points required on the Trajectory List Box 3D area for scrolling.

◆ TrajectoryListBoxRecognitionThresholdProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Float> TrajectoryListBoxRecognitionThresholdProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxRecognitionThreshold", Float.class)

Sets the distance in pixels that the pointer has to move for the scrolling to start in the Trajectory List Box 3D.

◆ TrajectoryListBoxSensitivityProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Float> TrajectoryListBoxSensitivityProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxSensitivity", Float.class)

Sets the amount that the scroll value changes relative to the movement of the pointer on the scroll view plane of the Trajectory List Box 3D.

The default value 1 makes the Trajectory List Box 3D scroll the same amount as the user drags the pointer. For example, to set the Trajectory List Box 3D to scroll twice the amount that the user drags the pointer, set the value of the property to 2.

◆ TrajectoryListBoxSlidingAccelerationCoefficientProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Float> TrajectoryListBoxSlidingAccelerationCoefficientProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxSlidingAccelerationCoefficient", Float.class)

Sets the acceleration of the Trajectory List Box 3D after the user releases the pointer with which they scroll the Trajectory List Box 3D.

The higher the value, the quicker the Trajectory List Box 3D reaches the scroll target. The default value is 40.

◆ TrajectoryListBoxSlidingDragCoefficientProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Float> TrajectoryListBoxSlidingDragCoefficientProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxSlidingDragCoefficient", Float.class)

Sets how much drag affects the movement of the Trajectory List Box 3D after the user releases the pointer with which they scroll the Trajectory List Box 3D.

The lower the value, the higher the drag and the quicker the scrolling of the Trajectory List Box 3D stops. The default value is 80.

◆ TrajectoryListBoxSwipeDistanceProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Float> TrajectoryListBoxSwipeDistanceProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxSwipeDistance", Float.class)

Sets the distance that a swipe sends the scroll value in the Trajectory List Box 3D, relative to the speed of the pointer.

◆ TrajectoryProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> TrajectoryProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TrajectoryListBoxConcept.Trajectory", Resource.class)

Sets the trajectory along which the Trajectory List Box 3D arranges its items.