Kanzi 3.9.10
kanzi::wayland::WaylandInterface< T, NativeHandle, Listener > Class Template Reference

Represents a generic Wayland interface handle with managed lifetime. More...

#include <kanzi/core.ui/platform/windowing_ng/wayland/wayland_interface.hpp>

Public Types

using ListenerType
 Generic alias to query for appropriate listener type.

Public Member Functions

template<typename L = Listener>
bool addListener (enable_if_t<!is_same< L, void >::value, const L & > listener, void *data) const noexcept
 Adds a listener to Wayland object.
KZ_NO_DISCARD unsigned int askVersion () const noexcept
 Requests compositor which interface version we use.
KZ_NO_DISCARD NativeHandle * getNativeHandle () const noexcept
 Gets the underlying native handle.

Static Public Member Functions

static KZ_NO_DISCARD unsigned int askVersion (NativeHandle *handle) noexcept
 Requests compositor which interface version we use.

Detailed Description

template<typename T, typename NativeHandle, typename Listener = void>
class kanzi::wayland::WaylandInterface< T, NativeHandle, Listener >

Represents a generic Wayland interface handle with managed lifetime.

Uses CRTP pattern. The user is encouraged to derive from it and pass itself as a template parameter.

Template Parameters
TCRTP derived class.
NativeHandleNative Wayland handle type.
ListenerNative Wayland listener type associated with interface.
Kanzi 3.9.8

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ ListenerType

template<typename T , typename NativeHandle , typename Listener = void>
using kanzi::wayland::WaylandInterface< T, NativeHandle, Listener >::ListenerType

Generic alias to query for appropriate listener type.

Member Function Documentation

◆ askVersion() [1/2]

template<typename T , typename NativeHandle , typename Listener = void>
static KZ_NO_DISCARD unsigned int kanzi::wayland::WaylandInterface< T, NativeHandle, Listener >::askVersion ( NativeHandle * handle)

Requests compositor which interface version we use.

Current interface version.

◆ askVersion() [2/2]

template<typename T , typename NativeHandle , typename Listener = void>
KZ_NO_DISCARD unsigned int kanzi::wayland::WaylandInterface< T, NativeHandle, Listener >::askVersion ( ) const

Requests compositor which interface version we use.

Current interface version.

◆ getNativeHandle()

template<typename T , typename NativeHandle , typename Listener = void>
KZ_NO_DISCARD NativeHandle * kanzi::wayland::WaylandInterface< T, NativeHandle, Listener >::getNativeHandle ( ) const

Gets the underlying native handle.

Native Wayland handle.

◆ addListener()

template<typename T , typename NativeHandle , typename Listener = void>
template<typename L = Listener>
bool kanzi::wayland::WaylandInterface< T, NativeHandle, Listener >::addListener ( enable_if_t<!is_same< L, void >::value, const L & > listener,
void * data ) const

Adds a listener to Wayland object.

Template Parameters
LListener type.
listenerListener to attach.
dataData pointer to receive when the listener is called.
On success, true, otherwise false.

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