Kanzi 3.9.10
kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass > Class Template Reference

ParallelActivityHostConcept implementation class. More...

#include <kanzi/ui/node/concept/activity/parallel_activity_host_impl.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >:

Public Types

using NodeTypeSharedPtr
- Public Types inherited from kanzi::ActivityHostConcept
enum class  ActivationStatus { PreparingForActivation , ParallelAnimation , ExclusiveAnimation }
 Specifies possible stages for internal tracking of activation of an Activity. More...
using ActivityInfoContainer
enum class  DeactivationStatus { ExclusiveAnimation , ParallelAnimation , WaitingForRelease }
 Specifies possible stages for internal tracking of deactivation of an Activity. More...
- Public Types inherited from kanzi::ParallelActivityHostConcept
using ParallelActivityHostContent
 Container for the content information for a ParallelActivityHost.
enum class  ParallelActivityHostFocusingPolicy { WhenHostHasFocus , AlwaysFocus , NeverFocus }
 Specifies the focusing policy that Kanzi applies to an activating Activity in a Parallel Activity Host. More...

Public Member Functions

void activate (const ActivityHostConcept::ActivityInfo &activityInfo, string_view restOfActivationPath)
 Activates a child Activity node.
void deactivate (string_view name)
 Deactivates a child Activity node.
void deserialize (string_view data) override
 ActivityElement::deserialize implementation.
void onFinishedExclusiveDeactivatingAnimationInternal (const ActivityConcept::StatusChangedInternalMessageArguments &args)
 Message handler for FinishedExclusiveDeactivatingAnimationInternal message.
void onFinishedParallelActivatingAnimationInternal (const ActivityConcept::StatusChangedInternalMessageArguments &args)
 Message handler for FinishedParallelActivatingAnimationInternal message.
void onFinishedParallelDeactivatingAnimationInternal (const ActivityConcept::StatusChangedInternalMessageArguments &args)
 Message handler for FinishedParallelDeactivatingAnimationInternal message.
void setActivationModifier (string_view activityName, BindingTokenWeakPtr weakModifier) override
 ActivityHostConcept::setActivationModifier implementation.
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ActivityHostConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >
void notifyChildrenNodeTreeAvailable () override
 ActivityElement::notifyChildrenNodeTreeAvailable implementation.
string serialize () override
 ActivityElement::serialize implementation.
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ActivityElementImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >
const NodegetNode () const override
 Gets the underlying Node object.
NodegetNode () override
 Gets the underlying Node object.
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ActivityElement
vector< NodeSharedPtr >::const_iterator beginChildHosts () const
 Returns the begin iterator to the registered child Activity Host.
vector< NodeSharedPtr >::const_iterator endChildHosts () const
 Returns the end iterator to the registered child Activity Host.
NodefindChildHost (string_view hostName)
 Finds a child Activity Host by name.
vector< string > getCommands () const
 Gets the list of commands handled by code behind of this activity element.
ActivityHistoryManagergetHistoryManager () const
 Gets the history manager of this activity element.
ActivityElementgetParentElement ()
 Gets the parent ActivityElement type node.
bool isLeafActivityNode () const
 Returns whether an ActivityElement has a child Activity Host.
void setCodeBehind (CodeBehindSharedPtr codeBehind)
 Attaches a code behind object.
void setCodeBehind (const Metaclass *metaclass)
 Instantiates and attaches a code behind object by specifying its metaclass.
virtual ~ActivityElement ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ActivityHostConcept
virtual ~ActivityHostConcept ()=default
- Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ParallelActivityHostConcept
virtual ~ParallelActivityHostConcept ()=default

Static Public Member Functions

static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ActivityElement
static string getFirstElement (string_view activationSequence)
 Gets the first element of the activation sequence.
static string getRestToForward (string_view activationSequence)
 Gets the remainder of the activation sequence.
template<typename Type >
static bool isActivityElement (const Type &object)
 Returns whether an object is an ActivityElement.
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ActivityHostConcept
template<typename Type >
static bool isActivityHost (const Type &object)
 Determines if an object is an ActivityHost.
static bool isActivityHostMetaclass (const Metaclass *metaclass)
 Checks whether the given Metaclass is an ActivityHostConcept metaclass or contains it as a mixin metaclass.
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ParallelActivityHostConcept
static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()
 Returns the PropertyType editor information for a Parallel Activity Host Concept.

Protected Member Functions

vector< string > getActivatingNames () override
 ActivityHostConcept::getActivatingNames implementation.
vector< NodeWeakPtrgetActiveOrAttachedActivating () override
 ActivityHostConceptImpl::getActiveOrAttachedActivating implementation.
optional< ActivityHostConcept::ActivityInfogetActivityInfo (string_view name) const override
 ActivityHostConceptImpl::getActivityInfo implementation.
vector< NodeWeakPtrgetAttachedActivityNodes () override
 ActivityHostConceptImpl::getAttachedActivityNodes implementation.
void initialize ()
 Initializes this parallel activity host.
void onActivateActivityOverride (string_view activationPath, bool resetHistory) override
 ActivityHostConcept::onActivateActivityOverride implementation.
void onAttached () override
 Node::onAttached implementation.
void onDetached () override
 Node::onDetached implementation.
void onNodePropertyChanged (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyNotificationReason reason) override
 Node::onNodePropertyChanged implementation.
 ParallelActivityHostImpl (Domain *domain, string_view name)
void resolveFocusWithPolicy (Node &activityNode) override
 ActivityHostConceptImpl::resolveFocusWithPolicy implementation.
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ActivityHostConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >
 ActivityHostConceptImpl (Domain *domain, string_view name)
void clearCurrentActivationTarget () const
 Clears current activation target.
void initialize ()
 Initializes this Activity Host Concept.
void registerInParentActivityElement () final
 ActivityElement::registerInParentActivityElement implementation.
void resolveFocusOnActivated (Node &activityNode)
 Performs the necessary operations to fix the application focus when an Activity has activated in this Activity Host.
void unregisterInParentActivityElement () final
 ActivityElement::unregisterInParentActivityElement implementation.
virtual ~ActivityHostConceptImpl ()=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ActivityElementImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >
 ActivityElementImpl (Domain *domain, string_view name)
void initialize ()
 Initializes the activity element.
void onAttached () override
 Node::onAttached implementation.
virtual void onAttachedOverride ()
 Overrides the onAttached method.
void onDetached () override
 Node::onDetached implementation.
void onNodePropertyChanged (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyNotificationReason reason) override
 Node::onNodePropertyChanged implementation.
 ~ActivityElementImpl () override=default
- Protected Member Functions inherited from kanzi::ActivityElement
optional< ActivityBrowserController::ActivityIDgetActivityID () const
 Gets the unique ID that is used by the implementation of the Activity Browser.
string getPathInParent ()
 Gets the activation path of this activity element relative to its parent.
void initialize ()
 Initializes the activity element.
bool isRootActivityElement () const
 Returns whether an ActivityElement is the root Activity Host node of the Screen node.
void onForceTrigger (const ActivityBrowserController::ForceTriggerMessageArguments &args)
 Message handler for ActivityBrowserController::ForceTriggerMessage.
void onNodeInfoTreeAvailable (const ActivityBrowserController::NodeInfoTreeAvailableArguments &)
 Message handler for ActivityBrowserController::NodeInfoTreeAvailableMessage.
void registerChildHost (string_view hostPath)
 Registers a child host in this activity element.
void setActivityID (optional< ActivityBrowserController::ActivityID > activityID)
 Sets the unique ID that is used by the implementation of the Activity Browser.
void unregisterChildHost (string_view hostName)
 Unregisters a child host from this activity element.
void updateActivityBrowserProperties ()
 Triggers the Activity Browser to update the properties of the Activity Element.

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Attributes inherited from kanzi::ActivityElement
static PropertyType< boolAttachedProperty
static PropertyType< boolPreserveHistoryProperty
 Enables the preservation of Activity property values when that Activity becomes inactive.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from kanzi::ActivityHostConcept
static MessageType< ActivationMessageArgumentsActivateActivityMessage
 You can send ActivateActivity to the Activity Host to activate an Activity.
static MessageType< ActivationMessageArgumentsDeactivateActivityMessage
 You can send DeactivateActivity to the Activity Host to deactivate an Activity.
static MessageType< ActivityPrefabMessageArgumentsActivityPrefabAttachedMessage
 An Activity Host sends this message when it attaches the prefab of the Activity that is activated.
static MessageType< ActivityPrefabMessageArgumentsActivityPrefabDetachedMessage
 An Activity Host sends this message when it attaches the prefab of the Activity that is activated.
static MessageType< RegisterActivityElementInternalMessageArgumentsRegisterHostInternalMessage
 Internal message sent by an Activity Host to its parent Activity or Activity Host to register the Activity Host in the parent.
static MessageType< UnregisterActivityElementInternalMessageArgumentsUnregisterHostInternalMessage
 Internal message sent by an Activity Host to its parent Activity or Activity Host to unregister the Activity Host from the parent.
- Static Public Attributes inherited from kanzi::ParallelActivityHostConcept
static PropertyType< boolBringActivatedToFrontProperty
 Sets whether to show the activated Activity in front within its Parallel Activity Host.
static PropertyType< boolActivationStackProperty
 Sets whether a Parallel Activity Host keeps a child Activity node active to satisfy the request from both ActivateActivityMessage activation and ApplyActivationAction mechanism.
static PropertyType< string > ParallelActivityHostContentProperty
 Describes the content of a Parallel Activity Host node.
static PropertyType< ParallelActivityHostFocusingPolicyFocusOnActivationProperty
 Sets the focusing policy that Kanzi uses to decide whether it tries to set focus to an activating Activity in a Parallel Activity Host.
- Protected Attributes inherited from kanzi::ActivityHostConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >
string m_activationTarget
 The name of the Activity that is the candidate to be the activation target.
bool m_deserializing
 Indicates that this Activity Host is performing property deserialization.
bool m_hostHadFocus
 Indicates that the Activity Host had focus before it started to activate new activation target Activity.

Detailed Description

template<typename TBaseClass, typename TDerivedClass>
class kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >

ParallelActivityHostConcept implementation class.

This is a helper class for parallel activity hosts.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ NodeTypeSharedPtr

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
using kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::NodeTypeSharedPtr

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ ParallelActivityHostImpl()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::ParallelActivityHostImpl ( Domain * domain,
string_view name )


domainThe domain the new node belongs to.
nameThe name of the node.

Member Function Documentation

◆ makeEditorInfo()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::makeEditorInfo ( )

◆ deserialize()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::deserialize ( string_view data)

ActivityElement::deserialize implementation.

Deserializes the currently active child Activity nodes.

Reimplemented from kanzi::ActivityHostConceptImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >.

◆ onFinishedParallelActivatingAnimationInternal()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::onFinishedParallelActivatingAnimationInternal ( const ActivityConcept::StatusChangedInternalMessageArguments & args)

Message handler for FinishedParallelActivatingAnimationInternal message.

argsMessage arguments.

◆ onFinishedParallelDeactivatingAnimationInternal()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::onFinishedParallelDeactivatingAnimationInternal ( const ActivityConcept::StatusChangedInternalMessageArguments & args)

Message handler for FinishedParallelDeactivatingAnimationInternal message.

argsMessage arguments.

◆ onFinishedExclusiveDeactivatingAnimationInternal()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::onFinishedExclusiveDeactivatingAnimationInternal ( const ActivityConcept::StatusChangedInternalMessageArguments & args)

Message handler for FinishedExclusiveDeactivatingAnimationInternal message.

argsMessage arguments.

◆ setActivationModifier()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::setActivationModifier ( string_view activityName,
BindingTokenWeakPtr weakModifier )

◆ activate()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::activate ( const ActivityHostConcept::ActivityInfo & activityInfo,
string_view restOfActivationPath )

Activates a child Activity node.

activityInfoThe Activity information of the node to activate.
restOfActivationPathThe path of the activation sequence to forward to the activated Activity node, once the given Activity node is activated.

◆ deactivate()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::deactivate ( string_view name)

Deactivates a child Activity node.

nameThe name of the Activity node to deactivate.

◆ initialize()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::initialize ( )

Initializes this parallel activity host.

◆ onAttached()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::onAttached ( )

Node::onAttached implementation.

◆ onDetached()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::onDetached ( )

Node::onDetached implementation.

◆ getActivityInfo()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
optional< ActivityHostConcept::ActivityInfo > kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getActivityInfo ( string_view name) const

◆ getActiveOrAttachedActivating()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
vector< NodeWeakPtr > kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getActiveOrAttachedActivating ( )

◆ getAttachedActivityNodes()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
vector< NodeWeakPtr > kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getAttachedActivityNodes ( )

◆ getActivatingNames()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
vector< string > kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::getActivatingNames ( )

◆ resolveFocusWithPolicy()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::resolveFocusWithPolicy ( Node & activityNode)

◆ onActivateActivityOverride()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::onActivateActivityOverride ( string_view activationPath,
bool resetHistory )

ActivityHostConcept::onActivateActivityOverride implementation.

Kanzi 3.9.8 added resetHistory, removed the "final" keyword, and moved to protected.

Implements kanzi::ActivityHostConcept.

◆ onNodePropertyChanged()

template<typename TBaseClass , typename TDerivedClass >
void kanzi::ParallelActivityHostImpl< TBaseClass, TDerivedClass >::onNodePropertyChanged ( AbstractPropertyType propertyType,
PropertyNotificationReason reason )

Node::onNodePropertyChanged implementation.

Kanzi 3.9.8 moved to protected.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: