Kanzi  3.9.2
Java API
FocusManagerMetadata Interface Reference

Metadata definitions for FocusManager. More...


interface  FocusEnteredFocusScopeMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for FocusEnteredFocusScopeMessageArguments. More...
interface  FocusLeftFocusScopeMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for FocusLeftFocusScopeMessageArguments. More...
interface  InputOutsideOverlayMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for InputOutsideOverlayMessageArguments. More...
interface  MoveFocusMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for MoveFocusMessageArguments. More...
interface  OverlayBroughtToFrontMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for OverlayBroughtToFrontMessageArguments. More...
interface  OverlayGainedFocusMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for OverlayGainedFocusMessageArguments. More...
interface  OverlayLostFocusMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for OverlayLostFocusMessageArguments. More...
interface  OverlaySentToBackMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for OverlaySentToBackMessageArguments. More...
interface  PostFocusMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for PostFocusMessageArguments. More...
interface  PreFocusMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for PreFocusMessageArguments. More...
interface  ScopeStateChangeMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for ScopeStateChangeMessageArguments. More...

Public Attributes

AbstractMessageType AboutToGainFocusMessage
 Kanzi sends this message before a focusable node receives focus. More...
AbstractMessageType AboutToLoseFocusMessage
 Kanzi sends this message before the focused node loses focus. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > CyclicFocusNavigationProperty
 Sets whether the focus chain navigation within the focus scope is cyclic. More...
AbstractMessageType FocusEnteredFocusScopeMessage
 When focus enters a focus scope, Kanzi sends this message to the focus scope node that contains the node that gains focus. More...
AbstractMessageType FocusGainedMessage = new AbstractMessageType("Message.FocusGained")
 Kanzi sends this message to the node that received focus.
AbstractMessageType FocusLeftFocusScopeMessage
 When focus leaves a focus scope, Kanzi sends this message to the focus scope node that contains the node that loses focus. More...
AbstractMessageType FocusLostMessage = new AbstractMessageType("Message.FocusLost")
 Kanzi sends this message to the node that lost focus.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > FocusOrderProperty
 Sets the focus chain order of the node within the focus scope. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > FocusScopeTypeProperty
 Sets the type of the focus scope node: More...
AbstractMessageType InputOutsideOverlayMessageMessage
 Kanzi sends this message to the foremost auto-closing overlay focus scope when the user input occurs outside this overlay scope area. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.FocusManager")
 Metaclass for FocusManager.
AbstractMessageType MoveScopeFocusBackwardMessage
 When a focus scope node receives this message, it moves the focus to the previous focusable node of the focus scope. More...
AbstractMessageType MoveScopeFocusForwardMessage
 When a focus scope node receives this message, it moves the focus to the next focusable node of the focus scope. More...
AbstractMessageType OverlayBroughtToFrontMessage
 Occurs when an overlay focus scope becomes the foremost overlay scope in the overlay focus scope stack. More...
AbstractMessageType OverlayGainedFocusMessage
 When an overlay scope gains focus, Kanzi sends this message to the overlay scope node that contains the node that gains focus. More...
AbstractMessageType OverlayLostFocusMessage
 When an overlay scope loses focus, Kanzi sends this message to the overlay scope node that contains the node that loses focus. More...
AbstractMessageType OverlaySentToBackMessage
 Occurs when an overlay focus scope is no longer the foremost overlay scope in the overlay focus scope stack. More...
AbstractMessageType ScopeBroughtToFrontMessage
 Occurs when an overlay focus scope is brought to front. More...
AbstractMessageType ScopeSentToBackMessage
 Occurs when a foremost overlay focus scope is sent to back. More...

Detailed Description

Metadata definitions for FocusManager.

Member Data Documentation

◆ AboutToGainFocusMessage

AbstractMessageType AboutToGainFocusMessage
Initial value:
new AbstractMessageType("Message.AboutToGainFocus")

Kanzi sends this message before a focusable node receives focus.

◆ AboutToLoseFocusMessage

AbstractMessageType AboutToLoseFocusMessage
Initial value:
new AbstractMessageType("Message.AboutToLoseFocus")

Kanzi sends this message before the focused node loses focus.

◆ CyclicFocusNavigationProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Boolean> CyclicFocusNavigationProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("FocusManager.CyclicFocusNavigation", Boolean.class)

Sets whether the focus chain navigation within the focus scope is cyclic.

When you enable this property:

  • When the user navigates in the forward direction and the focus reaches the last focusable UI element of the focus scope, the focus navigation moves to the first focusable UI element.
  • When the user navigates in the backward direction and the focus reaches the first focusable UI element of the focus scope, the focus navigation moves to the last focusable UI element.

◆ FocusEnteredFocusScopeMessage

AbstractMessageType FocusEnteredFocusScopeMessage
Initial value:
new AbstractMessageType("Message.FocusEnteredFocusScope")

When focus enters a focus scope, Kanzi sends this message to the focus scope node that contains the node that gains focus.

◆ FocusLeftFocusScopeMessage

AbstractMessageType FocusLeftFocusScopeMessage
Initial value:
new AbstractMessageType("Message.FocusLeftFocusScope")

When focus leaves a focus scope, Kanzi sends this message to the focus scope node that contains the node that loses focus.

◆ FocusOrderProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Integer> FocusOrderProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("FocusManager.FocusOrder", Integer.class)

Sets the focus chain order of the node within the focus scope.

◆ FocusScopeTypeProperty

DynamicPropertyType<Integer> FocusScopeTypeProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("FocusManager.FocusScopeType", Integer.class)

Sets the type of the focus scope node:

  • Group groups focusable nodes.
  • Fence keeps the focus chain navigation inside the scope and does not allow the focus chain navigation to enter or leave that scope.
  • Modal overlay blocks the key and touch input that originates outside of its boundaries and keeps the focus navigation within the scope boundaries.
  • Auto-Closing Modal overlay loses focus when key or touch input originates from a node that is outside of its node tree, and suppresses that input.
  • Modeless overlay propagates the key and touch input that originates outside of its boundaries to the nodes outside of its boundaries.
  • Auto-Closing Modeless overlay loses focus when key or touch input originates from a node that is outside of its boundaries, and propagates that input.

◆ InputOutsideOverlayMessageMessage

AbstractMessageType InputOutsideOverlayMessageMessage
Initial value:
new AbstractMessageType("Message.InputOutsideOverlayMessage")

Kanzi sends this message to the foremost auto-closing overlay focus scope when the user input occurs outside this overlay scope area.

◆ MoveScopeFocusBackwardMessage

AbstractMessageType MoveScopeFocusBackwardMessage
Initial value:
new AbstractMessageType("Message.MoveScopeFocusBackward")

When a focus scope node receives this message, it moves the focus to the previous focusable node of the focus scope.

◆ MoveScopeFocusForwardMessage

AbstractMessageType MoveScopeFocusForwardMessage
Initial value:
new AbstractMessageType("Message.MoveScopeFocusForward")

When a focus scope node receives this message, it moves the focus to the next focusable node of the focus scope.

◆ OverlayBroughtToFrontMessage

AbstractMessageType OverlayBroughtToFrontMessage
Initial value:
new AbstractMessageType("Message.FocusManager.OverlayBroughtToFront")

Occurs when an overlay focus scope becomes the foremost overlay scope in the overlay focus scope stack.

◆ OverlayGainedFocusMessage

AbstractMessageType OverlayGainedFocusMessage
Initial value:
new AbstractMessageType("Message.OverlayGainedFocus")

When an overlay scope gains focus, Kanzi sends this message to the overlay scope node that contains the node that gains focus.

◆ OverlayLostFocusMessage

AbstractMessageType OverlayLostFocusMessage
Initial value:
new AbstractMessageType("Message.OverlayLostFocus")

When an overlay scope loses focus, Kanzi sends this message to the overlay scope node that contains the node that loses focus.

◆ OverlaySentToBackMessage

AbstractMessageType OverlaySentToBackMessage
Initial value:
new AbstractMessageType("Message.FocusManager.OverlaySentToBack")

Occurs when an overlay focus scope is no longer the foremost overlay scope in the overlay focus scope stack.

◆ ScopeBroughtToFrontMessage

AbstractMessageType ScopeBroughtToFrontMessage
Initial value:
new AbstractMessageType("Message.FocusManager.ScopeBroughtToFront")

Occurs when an overlay focus scope is brought to front.

Deprecated. Use Overlay Brought To Front instead.

◆ ScopeSentToBackMessage

AbstractMessageType ScopeSentToBackMessage
Initial value:
new AbstractMessageType("Message.FocusManager.ScopeSentToBack")

Occurs when a foremost overlay focus scope is sent to back.

Deprecated. Use Overlay Sent to Back instead.