Kanzi  3.9.3
Java API
ScrollView3DMetadata Interface Reference

Metadata definitions for ScrollView3D. More...

Inheritance diagram for ScrollView3DMetadata:

Public Attributes

AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.ScrollView3D")
 Metaclass for ScrollView3D.
- Public Attributes inherited from Node3DMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< Matrix4x4FinalTransformationProperty
 The combined location, orientation and scale of the node and its ancestor nodes. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > FrustumCullMarginProperty
 The margin of the frustum cull radius of the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< SRTValue3DLayoutTransformationProperty
 The location, orientation and scale of the node relative to its parent node. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.Node3D")
 Metaclass for Node3D.
DynamicPropertyType< SRTValue3DRenderTransformationProperty
 The location, orientation, and scale of the node relative to its parent node. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from NodeMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ActualDepthProperty
 The calculated size of the node in depth direction when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ActualHeightProperty
 The calculated height of the node when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ActualWidthProperty
 The calculated width of the node when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > ClipChildrenProperty
 Sets whether to clip the child nodes of thos node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > ContentStretchProperty
 Sets how the content that belongs to this node is stretched (as opposed to manipulating the actual node size). More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > CreatedFromKZBProperty
 Kanzi internally uses this property to distinguish objects like bindings and triggers created in code from objects that are loaded from a kzb file. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > DepthAlignmentProperty
 The alignment in depth direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2DepthMarginProperty
 Sets the depth distance between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > DepthProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Depth", Float.class)
 The size of the node in depth direction when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > EffectivelyEnabledProperty
 Indicates whether this node and its ancestor nodes are enabled. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > EnabledProperty
 Whether this node is enabled. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > FocusableProperty
 Indicates whether the node can receive focus. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > FocusedProperty
 Indicates whether the node has keyboard focus. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > FocusStateProperty
 Reports the focus state of a node: More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceFontFamilyProperty
 The font family used to render the text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > HeightProperty
 The height of the node when used in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HitTestableContainerProperty
 When enabled, Kanzi uses the layout bounds as geometry for hit testing. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HitTestableProperty
 When enabled, users can pick the node from the default Camera node of the active Scene node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > HorizontalAlignmentProperty
 The alignment in horizontal direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2HorizontalMarginProperty
 Sets the horizontal space between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HoverProperty
 Indicates whether a node is the foremost hit testable node under the cursor. More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > LocaleProperty
 The locale of the node. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.Node")
 Metaclass for Node.
DynamicPropertyType< String > NameProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Name", String.class)
 Node name.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > OpacityProperty
 Opacity of the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > PathProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Path", String.class)
 Full path to the node.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > Projection2DTo3DScaleProperty
 Sets the scale factor to project pixels to 3D size. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceStateManagerProperty
 Sets the State Manager to the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceStyleProperty
 Sets a style to the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > VerticalAlignmentProperty
 The alignment in vertical direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2VerticalMarginProperty
 Sets the vertical space between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > VisibleAmountInParentProperty
 Sets the amount the node is inside its parent. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > VisibleProperty
 When disabled, Kanzi does not render the node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > WidthProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Width", Float.class)
 The width of the node when used in a layout. More...
- Public Attributes inherited from ScrollViewConceptMetadata
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > AllowedScrollAxisProperty
 Sets the axis on which you want to allow this Scroll View node to scroll. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > DraggingAccelerationCoefficientProperty
 Sets the acceleration of the node controlled by a Scroll View node while you drag that Scroll View node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > DraggingDragCoefficientProperty
 Sets the amount that drag affects the movement of the node controlled by a Scroll View node while you drag that Scroll View node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > DraggingImpulseFactorProperty
 Sets the amount of impulse generated from the pointing device movement when dragging a Scroll View node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > LoopingXEnabledProperty
 Sets the node controlled by a Scroll View node to start scrolling from the beginning when the scroll reaches the scroll bounds on the x axis. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > LoopingYEnabledProperty
 Sets the node controlled by a Scroll View node to start scrolling from the beginning when the scroll reaches the scroll bounds on the y axis. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > MaximumNumberOfTouchesProperty
 Sets the maximum number of touch points allowed for a Scroll View pan. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.ScrollViewConcept")
 Metaclass for ScrollViewConcept.
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > MinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty
 Sets the required number of touch points pressed for a Scroll View node pan to start. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > RecognitionThresholdProperty
 Sets the amount a pointing device must move for the scrolling to start on a Scroll View node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2ScrollBoundsMaximumProperty
 Sets the coordinates of the bottom-right corner of the scroll bounds rectangle. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2ScrollBoundsMinimumProperty
 Sets the coordinates of the top-left corner of the scroll bounds rectangle. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollDirectionMessageArguments > ScrollDirectionMessage
 Sets the scroll delta to one step and starts scrolling in that direction. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollDownMessageArguments > ScrollDownMessage
 Sets the scroll delta to one step down and starts scrolling in that direction. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollEdgeMessageArguments > ScrollEdgeMessage
 Sets the scroll target to the edge of a Scroll View node and starts scrolling in that direction. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrolledMessageArguments > ScrolledMessage
 Occurs when the scroll position of a Scroll View node changes. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollFinishedMessageArguments > ScrollEndedMessage
 Occurs when the scroll position of a Scroll View node stops changing. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollEndMessageArguments > ScrollEndMessage
 Sets the scroll delta to end and starts scrolling in that direction. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollHomeMessageArguments > ScrollHomeMessage
 Sets the scroll delta to home and starts scrolling in that direction. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > ScrollingProperty
 Whether a Scroll View node is currently scrolling (read-only). More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollLeftMessageArguments > ScrollLeftMessage
 Sets the scroll delta to one step left and starts scrolling in that direction. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollPageDownMessageArguments > ScrollPageDownMessage
 Sets the scroll delta to one page down and starts scrolling in that direction. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollPageMessageArguments > ScrollPageMessage
 Sets the scroll delta to one page and starts scrolling in that direction. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollPageUpMessageArguments > ScrollPageUpMessage
 Sets the scroll delta to one page up and starts scrolling in that direction. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2ScrollPositionProperty
 Sets the scroll position of the Scroll View along the x and y axes as a relative position within the scroll view area. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollRightMessageArguments > ScrollRightMessage
 Sets the scroll delta to one step right and starts scrolling in that direction. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2ScrollSpeedProperty
 The current scroll speed (read-only). More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollStartedMessageArguments > ScrollStartedMessage
 Occurs when the scroll position of a Scroll View node starts changing. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2ScrollTargetPositionProperty
 The current target scroll value (read-only). More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ScrollUpMessageArguments > ScrollUpMessage
 Sets the scroll delta to one step up and starts scrolling in that direction. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > SensitivityProperty
 Sets the amount the position changes relative to the movement of the pointer that starts the swiping. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.SetScrollMessageArguments > SetScrollMessage
 Sets the scroll position of a Scroll View node. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.SetScrollTargetMessageArguments > SetScrollTargetMessage
 Sets the scrolling target of the scroll view. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > SlidingAccelerationCoefficientProperty
 Sets the acceleration of the node controlled by a Scroll View node after you release the pointer with which you swipe. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > SlidingDragCoefficientProperty
 Sets the amount that drag affects the movement of the node controlled by a Scroll View node after you release the pointer with which you swipe. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.SnapRequestMessageArguments > SnapRequestMessage
 Occurs when a Scroll View node requests snapping target from the hosting component. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > StepMultiplierProperty
 Sets the smallest distance that a Scroll View scrolls. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > SwipeDistanceProperty
 Sets the distance that a swipe sends the scroll value, relative to the pointing device speed. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.UserScrollFinishedMessageArguments > UserScrollEndedMessage
 Occurs when the user stops scrolling a Scroll View node. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.UserScrollStartedMessageArguments > UserScrollStartedMessage
 Occurs when the user starts scrolling a Scroll View node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > ZoomAffectsScrollingProperty
 Controls whether the scroll position is scaled, according to the zoom level. More...
DynamicMessageType< ScrollViewConceptMetadata.ZoomedMessageArguments > ZoomedMessage
 Occurs when the zoom level of a Scroll View node changes. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > ZoomEnabledProperty
 Sets whether to install a pinch manipulator that generates zoom messages. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ZoomMaximumProperty
 Sets the maximum zoom level. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ZoomMinimumProperty
 Sets the minimum zoom level. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ZoomProperty
 Sets the current zoom level. More...

Detailed Description

Metadata definitions for ScrollView3D.