EasingFunction | getEasingFunction () const |
| Gets the easing function that defines the interpolation curve. More...
AnimationEasingMode | getEasingMode () const |
| Gets the easing mode that defines how to apply the easing function to the interpolation. More...
PropertyField | getInterpolatedPropertyField () const |
| Gets the property field whose value to interpolate. More...
AbstractPropertyType | getInterpolatedPropertyType () const |
| Gets the property type whose value to interpolate. More...
chrono::milliseconds | getInterpolationDuration () const |
| Gets the duration of the interpolation in milliseconds. More...
InterpolationIfInterruptedMode | getInterpolationIfInterruptedMode () const |
| Gets the mode of handling the interpolation if it is interrupted. More...
string | getObjectPath () const |
| Gets the path to the object whose property to interpolate. More...
void | setEasingFunction (EasingFunction easingFunction) |
| Sets the easing function that defines the interpolation curve. More...
void | setEasingMode (AnimationEasingMode easingMode) |
| Sets the easing mode that defines how to apply the easing function to the interpolation. More...
void | setInterpolationDuration (chrono::milliseconds interpolationDuration) |
| Sets the duration of the interpolation in milliseconds. More...
void | setInterpolationIfInterruptedMode (InterpolationIfInterruptedMode mode) |
| Sets the mode of handling the interpolation if it is interrupted. More...
TimeInterval | calculateClipInterval () |
| Calculates clip interval of timeline. More...
optional< chrono::milliseconds > | calculateDuration () |
| Calculates the duration of the timeline. More...
unsigned int | calculateIterationCount () |
| Calculates number of iterations in timeline. More...
optional< chrono::milliseconds > | calculateIterationDuration () |
| Calculates iteration duration. More...
TimelinePlaybackSharedPtr | createPlayback (TimelinePlaybackContext &context) |
| Creates playback for timeline. More...
optional< chrono::milliseconds > | getClipDuration () const |
| Gets the clip duration of the timeline (in milliseconds). More...
chrono::milliseconds | getClipStartTime () const |
| Gets the clip start time of the timeline (in milliseconds). More...
DirectionBehavior | getDirectionBehavior () const |
| Gets the direction behavior of a timeline. More...
float | getDurationScale () const |
| Gets the duration scale of timeline. More...
float | getMinimumDurationScale () const |
| Gets minimum duration scale. More...
unsigned int | getRepeatCount () const |
| Gets the repeat count of the timeline (zero indicates infinite repeats). More...
chrono::milliseconds | getStartTime () const |
| Gets the start time of the timeline (in milliseconds). More...
void | setClipDuration (optional< chrono::milliseconds > duration) |
| Sets the clip duration of the timeline (in milliseconds). More...
void | setClipStartTime (chrono::milliseconds clipStartTime) |
| Sets the clip start time of the timeline (in milliseconds). More...
void | setDirectionBehavior (DirectionBehavior directionBehavior) |
| Sets the direction behavior of a timeline. More...
void | setDurationScale (float scale) |
| Sets the duration scale of timeline. More...
void | setRepeatCount (unsigned int repeatCount) |
| Sets the repeat count of the timeline (zero indicates infinite repeats). More...
void | setStartTime (chrono::milliseconds startTime) |
| Gets the start time of the timeline (in milliseconds). More...
AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtr | applyObjectStyle (kanzi::StyleSharedPtr style) |
| Applies a style to an object. More...
void | applyObjectStyles () |
| Apply all styles for an object node. More...
Domain * | getDomain () const |
| Returns the domain the object belongs to. More...
const Metaclass * | getDynamicMetaclass () const override |
| Returns the metaclass of the dynamic type of the object. More...
MainLoopScheduler * | getMainLoopScheduler () const |
| Returns the MainLoopScheduler instance of the associated Domain. More...
detail::MessageDispatcher * | getMessageDispatcher () const |
| Returns the message dispatcher of the object. More...
ResourceManager * | getResourceManager () const |
| Returns the resource manager of the object. More...
ScriptingContextSharedPtr | getScriptingContext () const |
| Gets the scripting context of the object. More...
| Object (Domain *domain) |
void | setScriptingContext (ScriptingContextSharedPtr context) |
| Sets the scripting context of the object. More...
void | unapplyObjectStyle (AppliedStyleEntrySharedPtr appliedStyleEntry) |
void | unapplyObjectStyles () |
| Unapplies and removes all applied styles. More...
| ~Object () override |
bool | isTypeOf (const Metaclass *objectType) const |
| Determines if the type of this object is the given type or derived from it. More...
virtual | ~MetaObject () |
template<typename DataType > |
void | addPropertyModifier (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::ModifierCallback callback, void *owner) |
template<typename DataType > |
void | addPropertyNotificationHandler (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::NotificationCallback callback, void *owner) |
template<typename DataType > |
void | addPropertyValueSource (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::TypedValueSource *valueSource, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence, void *ownerPointer) |
template<typename DataType > |
void | addPropertyValueSource (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::TypedValueSource *valueSource, PropertyValuePrecedence precedence, AbstractPropertyTypeDescriptor::ValueSourceOwner *owner) |
PropertyStorageContainer::iterator | beginPropertyStorage () |
| Returns the begin iterator to the internal property storage container. More...
PropertyStorageContainer::const_iterator | beginPropertyStorage () const |
| Returns the begin iterator to the internal property storage container. More...
void | clearPropertyFlag (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, uint32_t flag) |
void | copyLocalValue (const PropertyObject &other, AbstractPropertyType propertyType) |
| Copies local value of single property from another object. More...
void | copyLocalValues (const PropertyObject &other) |
| Copies all local values from another object. More...
PropertyStorageContainer::iterator | endPropertyStorage () |
| Returns the end iterator to the internal property storage container. More...
PropertyStorageContainer::const_iterator | endPropertyStorage () const |
| Returns the end iterator to the internal property storage container. More...
template<typename DataType > |
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType | getAbstractProperty (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType) const |
template<typename DataType > |
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType | getAbstractPropertyBase (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType) const |
template<typename DataType > |
optional< typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType > | getOptionalAbstractProperty (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType) const |
template<typename DataType > |
optional< typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType > | getOptionalProperty (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const |
| Evaluates the property value in the same way as the overload above but does not default to the value in property metadata if there are no inputs to the property value. More...
template<typename DataType > |
optional< typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType > | getOptionalPropertyBase (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const |
| Returns the current value of a property disregarding modifiers, but does not default to the value in property metadata if there are no inputs to the property value. More...
template<typename DataType > |
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType | getProperty (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const |
| Returns the current value of a property type. More...
template<typename DataType > |
PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ReturnType | getPropertyBase (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const |
| Returns the current value of a property disregarding modifiers. More...
template<typename DataType > |
size_t | getPropertyNotificationHandlerCount (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType) const |
| Gets number of current notification handlers for given property type. More...
bool | hasBaseValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const |
| Evaluates whether there are any inputs into the property value, disregarding modifiers. More...
bool | hasLocalValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const |
| Evaluates whether there is a local value set for the property. More...
bool | hasNonClassValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const |
| Evaluates whether there is a value of any precedence higher than class default value set for the property. More...
bool | hasValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) const |
| Evaluates whether there are any inputs into the property value. More...
bool | isPropertyFlagSet (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, uint32_t flag) const |
virtual void | onPropertyChanged (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, PropertyNotificationReason reason) |
| Virtual function to handle property change notifications. More...
| PropertyObject () |
void | removeKzbProperties (flat_set< AbstractPropertyType > *keepProperties) |
| Remove all KZB properties that are not included in a given set. More...
void | removeKzbProperties () |
| Remove all KZB properties. More...
template<typename DataType > |
void | removeLocalPropertyValueSource (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::TypedValueSource *valueSource, void *ownerPointer) |
void | removeLocalValue (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) |
| Removes the local value associated with the property. More...
template<typename DataType > |
void | removePropertyModifier (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::ModifierCallback callback, void *owner) |
template<typename DataType > |
void | removePropertyNotificationHandler (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::NotificationCallback callback, void *owner) |
template<typename DataType > |
void | removePropertyValueSource (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Descriptor::TypedValueSource *valueSource, void *ownerPointer) |
template<typename DataType > |
void | setAbstractProperty (AbstractPropertyType abstractPropertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ParameterType value) |
template<typename DataType > |
void | setProperty (const PropertyType< DataType > &propertyType, typename PropertyType< DataType >::Traits::ParameterType value) |
| Sets the local value of a property type. More...
void | setPropertyFlag (AbstractPropertyType propertyType, uint32_t flag) |
void | validatePropertyModifiers (AbstractPropertyType propertyType) |
virtual | ~PropertyObject () |