Base class for Kanzi nodes. More...
Classes | |
enum | ContentStretch |
Content stretch option. More... | |
enum | DepthAlignment |
Depth alignment options. More... | |
enum | HorizontalAlignment |
Horizontal alignment options. More... | |
interface | MessageSubscriptionFunction |
Defines the message handler invoked when a node receives a message it listens to. More... | |
class | MessageSubscriptionToken |
Message subscription token that identifies a message subscription. More... | |
enum | VerticalAlignment |
Vertical alignment options. More... | |
Public Member Functions | |
ObjectRef< TResourceType > | acquireResource (ResourceID resourceId) throws ObjectNotFoundException |
Acquires a resource from the node or the node's closest ancestor having the resource id in the resource dictionary. More... | |
ResourceDictionary | acquireResourceDictionary () |
Gets a resource dictionary of a node. More... | |
ResourceManager.AcquireTask | acquireResourcesAsync (ResourceID resourceId, ResourceManager.AcquireTask.Callback callback) |
Posts an asynchronous task to acquire a resource. More... | |
boolean | addAbstractChild (Node child) |
Adds a node as child of this node. More... | |
void | addAnonymousResource (Resource resource) |
Adds anonymous resource (such as style) for object node resources. More... | |
void | addInputManipulator (InputManipulator inputManipulator) |
Attaches an input manipulator to the node. More... | |
MessageSubscriptionToken | addMessageFilter (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction) |
Adds a message filter where the filter is a function. More... | |
MessageSubscriptionToken | addMessageHandler (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction) |
Adds a message handler where the handler is a function. More... | |
MessageSubscriptionToken | addMessageHandler (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction, Node messageSourceFilter) |
Adds a message handler where the handler is a function. More... | |
void | addNodeComponent (NodeComponent component) |
Transfers the ownership of a node component to an object node. More... | |
void | addNodeComponentWithOwner (NodeComponent component, KanziObject owner) |
Transfers the ownership of a node component to an object node and sets the owner of the node component. More... | |
void | addResource (ResourceID resourceId, String resourceUrl) |
Adds a resource manager resource to an object node. More... | |
void | addResourceDictionary (ResourceDictionary resourceDictionary) |
Adds a nested resource dictionary to the resource dictionary of a node. More... | |
MessageSubscriptionToken | addTunnelingMessageFilter (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction) |
Adds a message filter where the filter is a function. More... | |
MessageSubscriptionToken | addTunnelingMessageHandler (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > messageHandlerFunction, Node messageSourceFilter) |
Adds a message handler where the handler is a function and you explicitly define the accepted source. More... | |
void | attachRecursive () |
Attaches a node and its children recursively. | |
void | clearChangeFlag (PropertyTypeChangeFlag flag) |
Clears a change flag. More... | |
boolean | containsResource (ResourceID resourceId) |
Returns if object node resource dictionary contains the resource with given ID. More... | |
void | detachRecursive () |
Detaches a node and its children recursively. | |
void | dispatchMessage (MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > messageType, MessageArgumentsType arguments) |
Dispatches a message from this node with specified arguments. More... | |
String | findResourceUrl (ResourceID resourceId) |
Tries to find Resource URL for Resource ID from this node. More... | |
Node | getAbstractChild (int index) |
Returns node at given child index. More... | |
int | getAbstractChildCount () |
Returns number of child nodes. More... | |
int | getAbstractChildIndex (Node node) |
Returns index of given node in list of child nodes. More... | |
float | getActualDepth () |
Gets the value of ActualDepthProperty. More... | |
float | getActualHeight () |
Gets the value of ActualHeightProperty. More... | |
float | getActualWidth () |
Gets the value of ActualWidthProperty. More... | |
float | getDepth () |
Gets the value of DepthProperty. More... | |
Vector2 | getDepthMargin () |
Gets the value of DepthMarginProperty. More... | |
float | getHeight () |
Gets the value of HeightProperty. More... | |
Vector2 | getHorizontalMargin () |
Gets the value of HorizontalMarginProperty. More... | |
String | getLocale () |
Gets the value of LocaleProperty. More... | |
String | getName () |
Gets the value of NameProperty. More... | |
float | getOpacity () |
Gets the value of OpacityProperty. More... | |
Node | getParent () |
Gets parent of this node. More... | |
String | getPath () |
Gets the value of PathProperty. More... | |
ResourceDictionary | getResourceDictionary () |
If a node has a resource dictionary, returns the resource dictionary of that node. More... | |
Resource | getStateManager () |
Gets the value of StateManagerProperty. More... | |
Resource | getStyle () |
Gets the value of StyleProperty. More... | |
Vector2 | getVerticalMargin () |
Gets the value of VerticalMarginProperty. More... | |
float | getWidth () |
Gets the value of WidthProperty. More... | |
void | invalidateArrange () |
Invalidates arrange for the node. | |
void | invalidateDraw () |
Invalidates draw flag for the node. | |
void | invalidateFinalTransform () |
Invalidates final transform for node. | |
void | invalidateMeasure () |
Invalidates measure for the node. | |
void | invalidateRender () |
Invalidates render for the node. | |
boolean | isAnyChangeFlagSet (EnumSet< PropertyTypeChangeFlag > flags) |
Checks if any of a set of change flags is set. More... | |
boolean | isAnyChildChangeFlagSet (EnumSet< PropertyTypeChangeFlag > flags) |
Checks if any of a set of change flags is set on a child. More... | |
boolean | isAttached () |
Checks if node is attached to ui tree. More... | |
boolean | isAttaching () |
Checks if node is in the process of attaching to ui tree. More... | |
boolean | isChangeFlagSet (PropertyTypeChangeFlag flag) |
Checks if a change flag is set. More... | |
boolean | isChildChangeFlagSet (PropertyTypeChangeFlag flag) |
Checks if a change flag is set on a child. More... | |
boolean | isClipChildren () |
Gets the value of ClipChildrenProperty. More... | |
boolean | isDetaching () |
Checks if node is in the process of getting detached from ui tree. More... | |
boolean | isEffectivelyEnabled () |
Returns whether a node and its ancestor nodes are enabled. More... | |
boolean | isEffectivelyFocusable () |
Returns whether a node and its ancestor focus scope nodes are focusable. More... | |
boolean | isEffectivelyVisible () |
Returns whether a node and its ancestor nodes are visible. More... | |
boolean | isEnabled () |
Gets the value of EnabledProperty. More... | |
boolean | isFocusable () |
Gets the value of the FocusableProperty. More... | |
boolean | isFocused () |
Sets whether a node is an active focus node and can receive keyboard messages. More... | |
boolean | isHitTestable () |
Gets the value of HitTestableProperty. More... | |
boolean | isHitTestableContainer () |
Gets the value of HitTestableContainerProperty. More... | |
boolean | isHover () |
Gets the value of HoverProperty. More... | |
boolean | isInitialized () |
Checks if initialize() has been called. More... | |
boolean | isInvalidArrange () |
Check if the node needs arrange. More... | |
boolean | isInvalidDraw () |
Tells if node draw flag is invalid. More... | |
boolean | isInvalidFinalTransform () |
Tells if final transform flag is invalid for node. More... | |
boolean | isInvalidMeasure () |
Check if the node needs measure. More... | |
boolean | isInvalidRender () |
Returns if node render flag is invalid. More... | |
boolean | isNamed (String name) |
Checks if node has a given name. More... | |
boolean | isVisible () |
Gets the value of VisibleProperty. More... | |
Iterable< NodeComponent > | iterateNodeComponents () |
Gets an Iterable object used to iterate the Node Components. More... | |
T | lookupNode (String path) |
Returns a node of specified type by looking it up with specified path or alias. More... | |
NodeComponent | lookupNodeComponentByName (String name) |
Look up a Node Component by Name. More... | |
KanziObject | lookupObject (String path) |
Returns a KanziObject by looking it up with specified path or alias. More... | |
void | notifyResourceDictionaryModified () |
Forces the re-evaluation of resource IDs in a node tree. More... | |
boolean | removeAbstractChild (Node child) |
Removes child node from this node. More... | |
void | removeAnonymousResource (Resource resource) |
Removes anonymous resource from object node resources. More... | |
void | removeBinding (AbstractBindingRuntime bindingRuntime) |
Removes a binding runtime added earlier. More... | |
void | removeBindingsWithOwner (KanziObject owner) |
Removes binding runtimes owned by a KanziObject. More... | |
void | removeInputManipulator (InputManipulator inputManipulator) |
Detaches an input manipulator from the node. More... | |
void | removeMessageHandler (MessageSubscriptionToken token) |
Removes a message subscription. More... | |
void | removeNodeComponent (NodeComponent component) |
Removes the ownership of a node component from an object node. More... | |
void | removeNodeComponentWithOwner (KanziObject owner) |
Removes all node component bindings with the specified owner. More... | |
void | removeResource (ResourceID resourceId) |
Removes a resource with given ID from object node resource dictionary. More... | |
void | setActualDepth (float value) |
Sets the value of ActualDepthProperty. More... | |
void | setActualHeight (float value) |
Sets the value of ActualHeightProperty. More... | |
void | setActualWidth (float value) |
Sets the value of ActualWidthProperty. More... | |
void | setAutoHeight () |
Sets node to automatically determine height. | |
void | setAutoWidth () |
Sets node to automatically determine width. | |
AbstractBindingRuntime | setBinding (AbstractBinding binding) |
Sets a binding. More... | |
AbstractBindingRuntime | setBinding (AbstractBinding binding, PropertyType<?> propertyType) |
Sets a binding. More... | |
AbstractBindingRuntime | setBinding (AbstractBinding binding, PropertyType<?> propertyType, PropertyField propertyField) |
Sets a binding. More... | |
AbstractBindingRuntime | setBindingWithOwner (AbstractBinding binding, KanziObject owner, PropertyType<?> propertyType) |
Sets a binding with owner. More... | |
AbstractBindingRuntime | setBindingWithOwner (AbstractBinding binding, KanziObject owner, PropertyType<?> propertyType, PropertyField propertyField) |
Sets a binding with owner. More... | |
void | setChangeFlag (PropertyTypeChangeFlag flag) |
Sets a change flag. More... | |
void | setClipChildren (boolean value) |
Sets the value of ClipChildrenProperty. More... | |
void | setDepth (float value) |
Sets the value of DepthProperty. More... | |
void | setDepthMargin (Vector2 value) |
Sets the value of DepthMarginProperty. More... | |
void | setEnabled (boolean value) |
Sets the value of the EnabledProperty. More... | |
void | setFocusable (boolean value) |
Sets the value of the FocusableProperty. More... | |
void | setFocused (boolean value) |
Sets the value of the FocusedProperty. More... | |
void | setHeight (float value) |
Sets the value of HeightProperty. More... | |
void | setHitTestable (boolean value) |
Sets the value of HitTestableProperty. More... | |
void | setHitTestableContainer (boolean value) |
Sets the value of HitTestableContainerProperty. More... | |
void | setHorizontalMargin (Vector2 value) |
Sets the value of HorizontalMarginProperty. More... | |
void | setHover (boolean value) |
Sets the value of HoverProperty. More... | |
void | setLocale (String value) |
Sets the value of LocaleProperty. More... | |
AbstractBindingRuntime | setModifierBinding (AbstractBinding binding, PropertyType<?> propertyType) |
Sets a modifier binding. More... | |
AbstractBindingRuntime | setModifierBinding (AbstractBinding binding, PropertyType<?> propertyType, PropertyField propertyField) |
Sets a modifier binding. More... | |
AbstractBindingRuntime | setModifierBindingWithOwner (AbstractBinding binding, KanziObject owner, PropertyType<?> propertyType) |
Sets a modifier binding with owner. More... | |
AbstractBindingRuntime | setModifierBindingWithOwner (AbstractBinding binding, KanziObject owner, PropertyType<?> propertyType, PropertyField propertyField) |
Sets a modifier binding with owner. More... | |
void | setName (String name) |
Sets the value of NameProperty. More... | |
void | setOpacity (float value) |
Sets the value of OpacityProperty. More... | |
void | setResourceDictionary (ResourceDictionary resourceDictionary) |
Replaces the resource dictionary of a node. More... | |
void | setStateManager (Resource value) |
Sets the value of StateManagerProperty. More... | |
void | setStyle (Resource value) |
Sets the value of StyleProperty. More... | |
void | setVerticalMargin (Vector2 value) |
Sets the value of VerticalMarginProperty. More... | |
void | setVisible (boolean value) |
Sets the value of VisibleProperty. More... | |
void | setWidth (float value) |
Sets the value of WidthProperty. More... | |
ObjectRef< TResourceType > | tryAcquireResource (ResourceID resourceId) |
Acquires a resource from the node or the node's closest ancestor having the resource id in the resource dictionary. More... | |
Node | trySetFocus () |
Tries to move the focus on this node. More... | |
void | validateArrange () |
Validates arrange for the node. | |
void | validateDraw () |
Validates draw flags for the node. | |
void | validateMeasure () |
Validates measure for the node. | |
void | validateRender () |
Validates render for the node. | |
![]() | |
boolean | equals (Object object) |
Domain | getDomain () |
Returns the domain the object belongs to. More... | |
Metaclass | getDynamicMetaclass () |
Returns the metaclass of the dynamic type of the object. More... | |
long | getNative () |
Gets a pointer to the backing C++ instance. More... | |
TDataType | getOptionalProperty (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType) |
Returns the current value of a property type, but does not use the default value if there are no inputs to the property value. More... | |
TDataType | getProperty (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType) |
Returns the current value of a property type. More... | |
EnumType | getProperty (PropertyType< Integer > propertyType, Class< EnumType > enumClass) |
Returns the current value of an integer property type converted to a matching constant from specified enumeration. More... | |
int | hashCode () |
boolean | hasValue (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType) |
Evaluates whether there are any inputs into the property value. More... | |
boolean | isStale () |
Test if the object is stale i.e. More... | |
void | removeLocalValue (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType) |
Removes the local value associated with the property. More... | |
void | setProperty (PropertyType< TDataType > propertyType, TDataType value) |
Sets the local value of a property type. More... | |
void | setProperty (PropertyType< Integer > propertyType, EnumType value) |
Sets the local value of an integer property type using a constant from an enumeration. More... | |
ObjectRef< TType > | tryCreateObjectRef (Class< TType > clazz) |
Tries to create an owning ObjectRef instance to this KanziObject. More... | |
Static Public Attributes | |
static final Metaclass | metaclass = com.rightware.kanzi.metadata.NodeMetadata.metaclass |
The Metaclass for the class. | |
![]() | |
static final Metaclass | metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.Object") |
The Metaclass for the class. | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | ActualDepthProperty |
The calculated size of the node in depth direction when used in a layout. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | ActualHeightProperty |
The calculated height of the node when used in a layout. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | ActualWidthProperty |
The calculated width of the node when used in a layout. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | ClipChildrenProperty |
Sets whether to clip the child nodes of this node. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > | ContentStretchProperty |
Sets how the content that belongs to this node is stretched (as opposed to manipulating the actual node size). More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | CreatedFromKZBProperty |
Kanzi internally uses this property to distinguish objects like bindings and triggers created in code from objects that are loaded from a kzb file. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > | DepthAlignmentProperty |
The alignment in depth direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2 > | DepthMarginProperty |
Sets the depth distance between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | DepthProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Depth", Float.class) |
The size of the node in depth direction when used in a layout. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | EffectivelyEnabledProperty |
Indicates whether this node and its ancestor nodes are enabled. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | EnabledProperty |
Whether this node is enabled. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | FocusableProperty |
Indicates whether the node can receive focus. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | FocusedProperty |
Indicates whether the node has the key focus. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > | FocusStateProperty |
Reports the focus state of a node: More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Resource > | FontFamilyProperty |
The font family used to render the text. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | HeightProperty |
The height of the node when used in a layout. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | HitTestableContainerProperty |
When enabled, Kanzi uses the layout bounds as geometry for hit testing. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | HitTestableProperty |
When enabled, the node can be hit tested. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > | HorizontalAlignmentProperty |
The alignment in horizontal direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2 > | HorizontalMarginProperty |
Sets the horizontal space between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | HoverProperty |
Indicates whether a node is the foremost hit testable node under the cursor. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< String > | LocaleProperty |
The locale of the node. More... | |
AbstractMetaclass | metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.Node") |
Metaclass for Node. | |
DynamicPropertyType< String > | NameProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Name", String.class) |
Node name. | |
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | OpacityProperty |
Opacity of the node. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< String > | PathProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Path", String.class) |
Full path to the node. | |
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | Projection2DTo3DScaleProperty |
Sets the scale factor to project pixels to 3D size. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Resource > | StateManagerProperty |
Sets the State Manager to the node. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Resource > | StyleProperty |
Sets a style to the node. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > | VerticalAlignmentProperty |
The alignment in vertical direction the node should use when it resides under a layout. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2 > | VerticalMarginProperty |
Sets the vertical space between this node and other nodes that are adjacent to this node in a layout. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | VisibleAmountInParentProperty |
Sets the amount the node is inside its parent. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > | VisibleProperty |
When disabled, Kanzi does not render the node. More... | |
DynamicPropertyType< Float > | WidthProperty = new DynamicPropertyType<>("Node.Width", Float.class) |
The width of the node when used in a layout. More... | |
Base class for Kanzi nodes.
ObjectRef<TResourceType> acquireResource | ( | ResourceID | resourceId | ) | throws ObjectNotFoundException |
Acquires a resource from the node or the node's closest ancestor having the resource id in the resource dictionary.
If the resource id maps to a resource url, but the url doesn't map to any resource, throws an exception.
resourceId | Name of the resource. |
ObjectNotFoundException | Throws a ObjectNotFoundException when the resourceId is not found. |
ResourceDictionary acquireResourceDictionary | ( | ) |
Gets a resource dictionary of a node.
If a resource dictionary does not exist, the function creates it.
ResourceManager.AcquireTask acquireResourcesAsync | ( | ResourceID | resourceId, |
ResourceManager.AcquireTask.Callback | callback | ||
) |
Posts an asynchronous task to acquire a resource.
resourceId | Name of the resource. |
callback | Callback function that this function calls when resource loading is completed. |
boolean addAbstractChild | ( | Node | child | ) |
Adds a node as child of this node.
child | Node to add as child. |
void addAnonymousResource | ( | Resource | resource | ) |
Adds anonymous resource (such as style) for object node resources.
resource | The resource to be added. |
void addInputManipulator | ( | InputManipulator | inputManipulator | ) |
Attaches an input manipulator to the node.
inputManipulator | The input manipulator to add. |
MessageSubscriptionToken addMessageFilter | ( | MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > | messageType, |
MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > | messageHandlerFunction | ||
) |
Adds a message filter where the filter is a function.
The filter is invoked when a message of messageType bubbles through the node the filter is added to.
messageType | The message type to listen to. |
messageHandlerFunction | The function invoked when the node that owns the filter receives a matching message. |
<MessageArgumentsType> | The message arguments class associated with the message type. |
MessageSubscriptionToken addMessageHandler | ( | MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > | messageType, |
MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > | messageHandlerFunction | ||
) |
Adds a message handler where the handler is a function.
The handler is invoked when a message of messageType is signaled in the node the handler is added to.
messageType | The message type to listen to. |
messageHandlerFunction | The function invoked when the node that owns the handler receives a matching message. The source of the message has to be the node itself. |
<MessageArgumentsType> | The message arguments class associated with the message type. |
MessageSubscriptionToken addMessageHandler | ( | MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > | messageType, |
MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > | messageHandlerFunction, | ||
Node | messageSourceFilter | ||
) |
Adds a message handler where the handler is a function.
The handler is invoked when a message of messageType from the source specified is signaled in the node the handler is added to.
messageType | The message type to listen to. |
messageHandlerFunction | The function invoked when the node that owns the handler receives a matching message. |
messageSourceFilter | The handler will only be called when the message is from this source. |
<MessageArgumentsType> | The message arguments class associated with the message type. |
void addNodeComponent | ( | NodeComponent | component | ) |
Transfers the ownership of a node component to an object node.
component | The component being added. |
void addNodeComponentWithOwner | ( | NodeComponent | component, |
KanziObject | owner | ||
) |
Transfers the ownership of a node component to an object node and sets the owner of the node component.
component | The component being added. |
owner | The Kanzi object that owns the lifetime of the component. |
void addResource | ( | ResourceID | resourceId, |
String | resourceUrl | ||
) |
void addResourceDictionary | ( | ResourceDictionary | resourceDictionary | ) |
Adds a nested resource dictionary to the resource dictionary of a node.
Updates all the resource references of the child nodes.
resourceDictionary | The nested resource dictionary. |
MessageSubscriptionToken addTunnelingMessageFilter | ( | MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > | messageType, |
MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > | messageHandlerFunction | ||
) |
Adds a message filter where the filter is a function.
The filter is invoked when a message of messageType tunnels through the node to which you add this filter.
messageType | The message type to listen to. |
messageHandlerFunction | The function invoked when the node that owns the filter receives a matching message. |
<MessageArgumentsType> | The message arguments class associated with the message type. |
MessageSubscriptionToken addTunnelingMessageHandler | ( | MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > | messageType, |
MessageSubscriptionFunction< MessageArgumentsType > | messageHandlerFunction, | ||
Node | messageSourceFilter | ||
) |
Adds a message handler where the handler is a function and you explicitly define the accepted source.
The handler is invoked when a message of messageType tunnels through the node to which you add the handler, but only when you dispatch it from the given source node.
messageType | The message type to listen to. |
messageHandlerFunction | The function invoked when the node that owns the handler receives a matching message. The source of the message has to be the node itself. |
messageSourceFilter | Source node of the messages. |
<MessageArgumentsType> | The message arguments class associated with the message type. |
void clearChangeFlag | ( | PropertyTypeChangeFlag | flag | ) |
Clears a change flag.
flag | The flag to clear |
boolean containsResource | ( | ResourceID | resourceId | ) |
void dispatchMessage | ( | MessageType< MessageArgumentsType > | messageType, |
MessageArgumentsType | arguments | ||
) |
Dispatches a message from this node with specified arguments.
messageType | The type of the dispatched message. |
arguments | The arguments of the dispatched message. |
<MessageArgumentsType> | The message arguments class associated with the message type. |
String findResourceUrl | ( | ResourceID | resourceId | ) |
Node getAbstractChild | ( | int | index | ) |
Returns node at given child index.
index | Index of the node to get. |
int getAbstractChildCount | ( | ) |
Returns number of child nodes.
int getAbstractChildIndex | ( | Node | node | ) |
Returns index of given node in list of child nodes.
node | Node to get child index. |
float getActualDepth | ( | ) |
Gets the value of ActualDepthProperty.
float getActualHeight | ( | ) |
Gets the value of ActualHeightProperty.
float getActualWidth | ( | ) |
Gets the value of ActualWidthProperty.
float getDepth | ( | ) |
Gets the value of DepthProperty.
Vector2 getDepthMargin | ( | ) |
Gets the value of DepthMarginProperty.
float getHeight | ( | ) |
Gets the value of HeightProperty.
Vector2 getHorizontalMargin | ( | ) |
Gets the value of HorizontalMarginProperty.
String getLocale | ( | ) |
Gets the value of LocaleProperty.
String getName | ( | ) |
Gets the value of NameProperty.
float getOpacity | ( | ) |
Gets the value of OpacityProperty.
Node getParent | ( | ) |
Gets parent of this node.
String getPath | ( | ) |
Gets the value of PathProperty.
ResourceDictionary getResourceDictionary | ( | ) |
If a node has a resource dictionary, returns the resource dictionary of that node.
Resource getStateManager | ( | ) |
Gets the value of StateManagerProperty.
Resource getStyle | ( | ) |
Gets the value of StyleProperty.
Vector2 getVerticalMargin | ( | ) |
Gets the value of VerticalMarginProperty.
float getWidth | ( | ) |
Gets the value of WidthProperty.
boolean isAnyChangeFlagSet | ( | EnumSet< PropertyTypeChangeFlag > | flags | ) |
Checks if any of a set of change flags is set.
flags | The set of flags to check |
boolean isAnyChildChangeFlagSet | ( | EnumSet< PropertyTypeChangeFlag > | flags | ) |
Checks if any of a set of change flags is set on a child.
flags | The set of flags to check |
boolean isAttached | ( | ) |
Checks if node is attached to ui tree.
boolean isAttaching | ( | ) |
Checks if node is in the process of attaching to ui tree.
boolean isChangeFlagSet | ( | PropertyTypeChangeFlag | flag | ) |
Checks if a change flag is set.
flag | The flag to check |
boolean isChildChangeFlagSet | ( | PropertyTypeChangeFlag | flag | ) |
Checks if a change flag is set on a child.
flag | The flag to check |
boolean isClipChildren | ( | ) |
Gets the value of ClipChildrenProperty.
boolean isDetaching | ( | ) |
Checks if node is in the process of getting detached from ui tree.
boolean isEffectivelyEnabled | ( | ) |
Returns whether a node and its ancestor nodes are enabled.
boolean isEffectivelyFocusable | ( | ) |
Returns whether a node and its ancestor focus scope nodes are focusable.
The ancestor focus scope lookup stops once a popup-type focus scope is reached.
boolean isEffectivelyVisible | ( | ) |
Returns whether a node and its ancestor nodes are visible.
boolean isEnabled | ( | ) |
Gets the value of EnabledProperty.
boolean isFocusable | ( | ) |
Gets the value of the FocusableProperty.
boolean isFocused | ( | ) |
Sets whether a node is an active focus node and can receive keyboard messages.
In a Kanzi application only one node at a time can have active focus. The default value is false.
boolean isHitTestable | ( | ) |
Gets the value of HitTestableProperty.
boolean isHitTestableContainer | ( | ) |
Gets the value of HitTestableContainerProperty.
boolean isHover | ( | ) |
Gets the value of HoverProperty.
boolean isInitialized | ( | ) |
Checks if initialize() has been called.
boolean isInvalidArrange | ( | ) |
Check if the node needs arrange.
boolean isInvalidDraw | ( | ) |
Tells if node draw flag is invalid.
boolean isInvalidFinalTransform | ( | ) |
Tells if final transform flag is invalid for node.
boolean isInvalidMeasure | ( | ) |
Check if the node needs measure.
boolean isInvalidRender | ( | ) |
Returns if node render flag is invalid.
boolean isNamed | ( | String | name | ) |
Checks if node has a given name.
name | Name to check. |
boolean isVisible | ( | ) |
Gets the value of VisibleProperty.
Iterable<NodeComponent> iterateNodeComponents | ( | ) |
T lookupNode | ( | String | path | ) |
Returns a node of specified type by looking it up with specified path or alias.
path | Path to use for relative lookup. |
<T> | Type of the node. |
IllegalArgumentException | Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the path is malformed. |
NodeComponent lookupNodeComponentByName | ( | String | name | ) |
KanziObject lookupObject | ( | String | path | ) |
Returns a KanziObject by looking it up with specified path or alias.
Object found may be another node or a resource within a node.
path | Relative path to use for lookup. |
IllegalArgumentException | Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the path is malformed. |
void notifyResourceDictionaryModified | ( | ) |
Forces the re-evaluation of resource IDs in a node tree.
If you modify a resource dictionary of a node that is already attached, you can use this function to update the resource properties. Note that you need to use this function only if you modify the dictionary directly through getResourceDictionary() or acquireResourceDictionary(). If you use other Node class functions like addResource(ResourceID, String) or setResourceDictionary(ResourceDictionary), you do not need to call this function.
boolean removeAbstractChild | ( | Node | child | ) |
Removes child node from this node.
child | Child node to remove. |
void removeAnonymousResource | ( | Resource | resource | ) |
Removes anonymous resource from object node resources.
resource | The resource to be removed. |
void removeBinding | ( | AbstractBindingRuntime | bindingRuntime | ) |
Removes a binding runtime added earlier.
bindingRuntime | Binding runtime to remove. |
void removeBindingsWithOwner | ( | KanziObject | owner | ) |
Removes binding runtimes owned by a KanziObject.
owner | The Kanzi Object owning the bindings to be removed. |
void removeInputManipulator | ( | InputManipulator | inputManipulator | ) |
Detaches an input manipulator from the node.
inputManipulator | The input manipulator to remove. |
void removeMessageHandler | ( | MessageSubscriptionToken | token | ) |
Removes a message subscription.
token | The message subscription token which identifies the handler or filter. |
void removeNodeComponent | ( | NodeComponent | component | ) |
Removes the ownership of a node component from an object node.
component | The component being removed. |
void removeNodeComponentWithOwner | ( | KanziObject | owner | ) |
Removes all node component bindings with the specified owner.
owner | The Kanzi object used as the owner |
void removeResource | ( | ResourceID | resourceId | ) |
Removes a resource with given ID from object node resource dictionary.
Does not do anything if resourceID was not found.
resourceId | Resource id of resource to remove. |
void setActualDepth | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the value of ActualDepthProperty.
value | New value. |
void setActualHeight | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the value of ActualHeightProperty.
value | New value. |
void setActualWidth | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the value of ActualWidthProperty.
value | New value. |
AbstractBindingRuntime setBinding | ( | AbstractBinding | binding | ) |
Sets a binding.
Local precedence is used.
binding | Binding to set. |
AbstractBindingRuntime setBinding | ( | AbstractBinding | binding, |
PropertyType<?> | propertyType | ||
) |
Sets a binding.
Local precedence is used.
binding | Binding to set. |
propertyType | Target property type. |
AbstractBindingRuntime setBinding | ( | AbstractBinding | binding, |
PropertyType<?> | propertyType, | ||
PropertyField | propertyField | ||
) |
Sets a binding.
Local precedence is used.
binding | Binding to set. |
propertyType | Target property type. |
propertyField | Property field. |
AbstractBindingRuntime setBindingWithOwner | ( | AbstractBinding | binding, |
KanziObject | owner, | ||
PropertyType<?> | propertyType | ||
) |
Sets a binding with owner.
Local precedence is used.
binding | Binding to set. |
owner | The Kanzi Object owning this binding. |
propertyType | Target property type. |
AbstractBindingRuntime setBindingWithOwner | ( | AbstractBinding | binding, |
KanziObject | owner, | ||
PropertyType<?> | propertyType, | ||
PropertyField | propertyField | ||
) |
Sets a binding with owner.
Local precedence is used.
binding | Binding to set. |
owner | The Kanzi Object owning this binding. |
propertyType | Target property type. |
propertyField | Property field. |
void setChangeFlag | ( | PropertyTypeChangeFlag | flag | ) |
Sets a change flag.
flag | The flag to set |
void setClipChildren | ( | boolean | value | ) |
Sets the value of ClipChildrenProperty.
value | New value. |
void setDepth | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the value of DepthProperty.
value | New value. |
void setDepthMargin | ( | Vector2 | value | ) |
Sets the value of DepthMarginProperty.
value | New value. |
void setEnabled | ( | boolean | value | ) |
Sets the value of the EnabledProperty.
value | New value. |
void setFocusable | ( | boolean | value | ) |
Sets the value of the FocusableProperty.
value | To enable a node to get active focus and participate in focus chain navigation, set to true, |
void setFocused | ( | boolean | value | ) |
Sets the value of the FocusedProperty.
value | To set active focus, set to true. To clear focus, set to false. |
void setHeight | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the value of HeightProperty.
value | New value. |
void setHitTestable | ( | boolean | value | ) |
Sets the value of HitTestableProperty.
value | New value. |
void setHitTestableContainer | ( | boolean | value | ) |
Sets the value of HitTestableContainerProperty.
value | New value. |
void setHorizontalMargin | ( | Vector2 | value | ) |
Sets the value of HorizontalMarginProperty.
value | New value. |
void setHover | ( | boolean | value | ) |
Sets the value of HoverProperty.
value | New value. |
void setLocale | ( | String | value | ) |
Sets the value of LocaleProperty.
value | New value. |
AbstractBindingRuntime setModifierBinding | ( | AbstractBinding | binding, |
PropertyType<?> | propertyType | ||
) |
Sets a modifier binding.
As opposed to value source created by setBinding(), creates a property modifier binding.
binding | Binding to set. |
propertyType | Target property type. |
AbstractBindingRuntime setModifierBinding | ( | AbstractBinding | binding, |
PropertyType<?> | propertyType, | ||
PropertyField | propertyField | ||
) |
Sets a modifier binding.
As opposed to value source created by setBinding(), creates a property modifier binding.
binding | Binding to set. |
propertyType | Target property type. |
propertyField | Property field. |
AbstractBindingRuntime setModifierBindingWithOwner | ( | AbstractBinding | binding, |
KanziObject | owner, | ||
PropertyType<?> | propertyType | ||
) |
Sets a modifier binding with owner.
As opposed to value source created by setBinding(), creates a property modifier binding.
binding | Binding to set. |
owner | The Kanzi Object owning this binding. |
propertyType | Target property type. |
AbstractBindingRuntime setModifierBindingWithOwner | ( | AbstractBinding | binding, |
KanziObject | owner, | ||
PropertyType<?> | propertyType, | ||
PropertyField | propertyField | ||
) |
Sets a modifier binding with owner.
As opposed to value source created by setBinding(), creates a property modifier binding.
binding | Binding to set. |
owner | The Kanzi Object owning this binding. |
propertyType | Target property type. |
propertyField | Property field. |
void setName | ( | String | name | ) |
Sets the value of NameProperty.
name | New name to assign. |
void setOpacity | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the value of OpacityProperty.
value | New value. |
void setResourceDictionary | ( | ResourceDictionary | resourceDictionary | ) |
Replaces the resource dictionary of a node.
Updates all the resource references of the child nodes.
resourceDictionary | The resource dictionary. |
void setStateManager | ( | Resource | value | ) |
Sets the value of StateManagerProperty.
value | New value. |
void setStyle | ( | Resource | value | ) |
Sets the value of StyleProperty.
value | New style. |
void setVerticalMargin | ( | Vector2 | value | ) |
Sets the value of VerticalMarginProperty.
value | New value. |
void setVisible | ( | boolean | value | ) |
Sets the value of VisibleProperty.
value | New value. |
void setWidth | ( | float | value | ) |
Sets the value of WidthProperty.
value | New value. |
ObjectRef<TResourceType> tryAcquireResource | ( | ResourceID | resourceId | ) |
Acquires a resource from the node or the node's closest ancestor having the resource id in the resource dictionary.
resourceId | Name of the resource. |
Node trySetFocus | ( | ) |
Tries to move the focus on this node.
If this node is a focus scope node, this method tries to focus the preserved focus of the focus scope, or tries to focus on the first focusable descendant node of this node.