Kanzi  3.9.7
Java API
StandardPbrMaterialMetadata Interface Reference

Metadata definitions for StandardPbrMaterial. More...

Public Attributes

DynamicPropertyType< Float > AlphaCutoffProperty
 Sets the cutoff threshold for alpha cutting. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBABaseColorFactorProperty
 Sets the base color for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceBaseColorTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains the base color for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceBrdfLookUpTableProperty
 Gets the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) lookup table for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ClearCoatNormalScaleProperty
 Sets the clear coat normal scale for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceClearCoatNormalTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains a clear coat normal map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ClearCoatRoughnessFactorProperty
 Sets the roughness of the outer clear coat layer for the material: 0 represents a smooth, glossy surface, and 1 represents a rough, diffuse surface. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceClearCoatRoughnessTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains a clear coat roughness map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ClearCoatStrengthFactorProperty
 Sets the clear coat strength for the material: 0 represents a material with no clear coat, and 1 represents a full strength clear coat. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceClearCoatStrengthTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains a clear coat strength map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBADetailBaseColorFactorProperty
 Sets the detail base color for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailBaseColorTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains the base color for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > DetailClearCoatNormalScaleProperty
 Sets the detail clear coat normal scale for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailClearCoatNormalTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains a clear coat normal map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailClearCoatRoughnessTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains a clear coat roughness map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailClearCoatStrengthTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains a clear coat strength map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBADetailDiffuseFactorProperty
 Sets the detail diffuse color for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailDiffuseTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains the diffuse color for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBADetailEmissiveFactorProperty
 Sets the color of the light that is emitted from a detail texture for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailEmissiveTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains the light emitted from the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailGlossinessTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains a glossiness map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailMetallicTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains a metallic map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > DetailNormalScaleProperty
 Sets the detail normal scale for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailNormalTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains a normal map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > DetailOcclusionStrengthProperty
 Sets the detail occlusion strength for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailOcclusionTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains an occlusion map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailRoughnessTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains a roughness map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBADetailSpecularFactorProperty
 Sets the detail specular color for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDetailSpecularTextureProperty
 Sets the detail texture that contains the specular color for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2DetailTextureOffsetProperty
 Sets the detail texture offset for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Vector2DetailTextureTilingProperty
 Sets the detail texture tiling factor for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBADiffuseFactorProperty
 Sets the diffuse color for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceDiffuseTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains the diffuse color for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBAEmissiveFactorProperty
 Sets the color of the light that is emitted from the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceEmissiveTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains the light emitted from the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > EnvironmentAmbientFactorProperty
 Sets the strength of the cubemap texture to use for ambient environment light. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceEnvironmentAmbientTextureProperty
 Sets the cubemap to use for the ambient environment light for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > EnvironmentReflectionFactorProperty
 Sets the strength of the cubemap texture to use for specular environment light. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceEnvironmentReflectionTextureProperty
 Sets the cubemap to use for the specular environment light for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ExposureProperty
 Sets the exposure compensation for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > GlossinessFactorProperty
 Sets the glossiness of the material: 0 represents a rough, diffuse surface, and 1 represents a smooth, glossy surface. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceGlossinessTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains a glossiness map for the material. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.StandardPbrMaterial")
 Metaclass for StandardPbrMaterial.
DynamicPropertyType< Float > MetallicFactorProperty
 Sets the metalness of the material: 0 represents a non-metallic or dielectric object, and 1 represents a metallic object. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceMetallicTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains a metallic map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > NormalScaleProperty
 Sets the normal scale for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceNormalTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains a normal map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > OcclusionStrengthProperty
 Sets the occlusion strength for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceOcclusionTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains an occlusion map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > RoughnessFactorProperty
 Sets the roughness of the material: 0 represents a smooth, glossy surface, and 1 represents a rough, diffuse surface. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceRoughnessTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains a roughness map for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > SpecularAntiAliasingStrengthProperty
 Sets the strength of the specular anti-aliasing effect. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > SpecularAntiAliasingThresholdProperty
 Sets the upper limit for the amount of specular anti-aliasing effect to apply. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ColorRGBASpecularFactorProperty
 Sets the specular color for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceSpecularTextureProperty
 Sets the texture that contains the specular color for the material. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Float > ToneMapLinearScaleProperty
 Sets the scale for the linear tonemap option for the material. More...

Detailed Description

Metadata definitions for StandardPbrMaterial.

Member Data Documentation

DynamicPropertyType<Float> AlphaCutoffProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("AlphaCutoff", Float.class)

Sets the cutoff threshold for alpha cutting.

If the alpha value is less than the value of this property, Kanzi discards the fragment. The default value is 0.5.

DynamicPropertyType<ColorRGBA> BaseColorFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("BaseColorFactor", ColorRGBA.class)

Sets the base color for the material.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> BaseColorTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("BaseColorTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the texture that contains the base color for the material.

Use the Base Color Factor property to filter the value from this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> BrdfLookUpTableProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("BrdfLookUpTable", Resource.class)

Gets the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) lookup table for the material.

The BRDF table is a texture that contains precomputed information about how light reflects off a material. You can use it to improve rendering quality.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> ClearCoatNormalScaleProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("ClearCoatNormalScale", Float.class)

Sets the clear coat normal scale for the material.

Use the scale to set the intensity of the Clear Coat Normal Texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> ClearCoatNormalTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("ClearCoatNormalTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the texture that contains a clear coat normal map for the material.

Use the Clear Coat Normal Scale property to scale the texture value.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> ClearCoatRoughnessFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("ClearCoatRoughnessFactor", Float.class)

Sets the roughness of the outer clear coat layer for the material: 0 represents a smooth, glossy surface, and 1 represents a rough, diffuse surface.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> ClearCoatRoughnessTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("ClearCoatRoughnessTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the texture that contains a clear coat roughness map for the material.

Kanzi reads the roughness from the Green channel of the texture. Use the Clear Coat Roughness Factor property to scale the roughness from this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> ClearCoatStrengthFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("ClearCoatStrengthFactor", Float.class)

Sets the clear coat strength for the material: 0 represents a material with no clear coat, and 1 represents a full strength clear coat.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> ClearCoatStrengthTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("ClearCoatStrengthTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the texture that contains a clear coat strength map for the material.

Kanzi reads the strength from the Red channel of the texture. Use the Clear Coat Strength Factor property to scale the strength from this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<ColorRGBA> DetailBaseColorFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailBaseColorFactor", ColorRGBA.class)

Sets the detail base color for the material.

The detail base color is alpha blended with the standard base color.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> DetailBaseColorTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailBaseColorTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the detail texture that contains the base color for the material.

Use the Detail Base Color Factor property to filter the value from this texture. The detail base color is alpha blended with the standard base color. Use the Detail Texture Tiling and Detail Texture Offset properties to set UVs for this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> DetailClearCoatNormalScaleProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailClearCoatNormalScale", Float.class)

Sets the detail clear coat normal scale for the material.

Use the scale to set the intensity of the Detail Clear Coat Normal Texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> DetailClearCoatNormalTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailClearCoatNormalTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the detail texture that contains a clear coat normal map for the material.

Use the Detail Clear Coat Normal Scale property to scale the texture value.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> DetailClearCoatRoughnessTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailClearCoatRoughnessTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the detail texture that contains a clear coat roughness map for the material.

Use the Clear Coat Roughness Factor and Clear Coat Roughness Texture properties to scale the roughness from this texture. Use the Detail Texture Tiling and Detail Texture Offset properties to set UVs for this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> DetailClearCoatStrengthTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailClearCoatStrengthTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the detail texture that contains a clear coat strength map for the material.

Kanzi reads the strength from the Red channel of the texture. Use the Clear Coat Strength Factor and Clear Coat Strength Texture properties to scale the strength from this texture. Use the Detail Texture Tiling and Detail Texture Offset properties to set UVs for this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<ColorRGBA> DetailDiffuseFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailDiffuseFactor", ColorRGBA.class)

Sets the detail diffuse color for the material.

Kanzi alpha blends the detail diffuse color with the standard diffuse color.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> DetailDiffuseTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailDiffuseTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the detail texture that contains the diffuse color for the material.

Use the Detail Diffuse Color Factor property to filter the value from this texture. Kanzi alpha blends the detail diffuse color with the standard diffuse color. Use the Detail Texture Tiling and Detail Texture Offset properties to set UVs for this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<ColorRGBA> DetailEmissiveFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailEmissiveFactor", ColorRGBA.class)

Sets the color of the light that is emitted from a detail texture for the material.

This color affects the local material rendering, but the light is not cast to other objects. The detail emissive light is alpha blended with the standard emissive light. Use the Detail Texture Tiling and Detail Texture Offset properties to set UVs for this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> DetailEmissiveTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailEmissiveTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the detail texture that contains the light emitted from the material.

Use the Detail Emissive Factor property to scale the value from this texture. Use the Detail Texture Tiling and Detail Texture Offset properties to set UVs for this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> DetailGlossinessTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailGlossinessTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the detail texture that contains a glossiness map for the material.

Kanzi reads the glossiness from the Alpha channel of this texture. Use the Glossiness Factor and Glossiness Texture properties to scale the glossiness from this texture. Use the Detail Texture Tiling and Detail Texture Offset properties to set UVs for this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> DetailMetallicTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailMetallicTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the detail texture that contains a metallic map for the material.

Kanzi reads the metalness from the Blue channel of this texture. Use the Metallic Factor and Metallic Texture properties to scale the metalness from this texture. Use the Detail Texture Tiling and Detail Texture Offset properties to set UVs for this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> DetailNormalScaleProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailNormalScale", Float.class)

Sets the detail normal scale for the material.

Use the scale to set the intensity of the Detail Normal Texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> DetailNormalTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailNormalTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the detail texture that contains a normal map for the material.

Use the Detail Normal Scale property to scale the texture value.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> DetailOcclusionStrengthProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailOcclusionStrength", Float.class)

Sets the detail occlusion strength for the material.

Use the strength to set the intensity of the Detail Occlusion Texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> DetailOcclusionTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailOcclusionTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the detail texture that contains an occlusion map for the material.

Kanzi reads the occlusion from the Red channel of this texture. Use the Detail Occlusion Strength property to scale the occlusion from this texture. Use the Detail Texture Tiling and Detail Texture Offset properties to set UVs for this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> DetailRoughnessTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailRoughnessTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the detail texture that contains a roughness map for the material.

Kanzi reads the roughness from the Green channel of the texture. Use the Roughness Factor and Roughness Texture properties to scale the roughness from this texture. Use the Detail Texture Tiling and Detail Texture Offset properties to set UVs for this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<ColorRGBA> DetailSpecularFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailSpecularFactor", ColorRGBA.class)

Sets the detail specular color for the material.

Kanzi alpha blends the detail specular color with the standard specular color.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> DetailSpecularTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailSpecularTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the detail texture that contains the specular color for the material.

Use the Detail Specular Color Factor property to filter the value from this texture. Kanzi alpha blends the detail specular color with the standard specular color. Use the Detail Texture Tiling and Detail Texture Offset properties to set UVs for this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Vector2> DetailTextureOffsetProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailTextureOffset", Vector2.class)

Sets the detail texture offset for the material.

Kanzi adds this value to the UVs to produce a second set of detail UVs to use for all detail texture properties.

DynamicPropertyType<Vector2> DetailTextureTilingProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DetailTextureTiling", Vector2.class)

Sets the detail texture tiling factor for the material.

Kanzi multiplies this value by the UVs to produce a second set of detail UVs to use for all detail texture properties.

DynamicPropertyType<ColorRGBA> DiffuseFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DiffuseFactor", ColorRGBA.class)

Sets the diffuse color for the material.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> DiffuseTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("DiffuseTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the texture that contains the diffuse color for the material.

Use the Diffuse Color Factor property to filter the value from this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<ColorRGBA> EmissiveFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("EmissiveFactor", ColorRGBA.class)

Sets the color of the light that is emitted from the material.

This color affects the local material rendering, but the light is not cast to other objects.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> EmissiveTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("EmissiveTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the texture that contains the light emitted from the material.

Use the Emissive Factor property to scale the value from this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> EnvironmentAmbientFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("EnvironmentAmbientFactor", Float.class)

Sets the strength of the cubemap texture to use for ambient environment light.

Use the Environment Ambient Texture property to set the cubemap texture. The ambient environment light affects diffuse lighting in image based lighting.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> EnvironmentAmbientTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("EnvironmentAmbientTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the cubemap to use for the ambient environment light for the material.

This cubemap affects the diffuse lighting during image based lighting. Use the Environment Ambient Factor property to set the strength of the cubemap texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> EnvironmentReflectionFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("EnvironmentReflectionFactor", Float.class)

Sets the strength of the cubemap texture to use for specular environment light.

Use the Environment Reflection Texture property to set the cubemap texture. The specular environment light affects reflective lighting in image based lighting.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> EnvironmentReflectionTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("EnvironmentReflectionTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the cubemap to use for the specular environment light for the material.

This cubemap affects reflective lighting during image based lighting. Use the Environment Reflection Factor property to set the strength of the cubemap texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> ExposureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("Exposure", Float.class)

Sets the exposure compensation for the material.

The exposure compensation emulates camera exposure by controlling the total amount of light rendered. Use a negative value to darken the rendered image, and a positive value to lighten the image. Exposure is exponential: 1.0 is twice as bright as 0.0, and -1.0 is half as bright as 0.0.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> GlossinessFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("GlossinessFactor", Float.class)

Sets the glossiness of the material: 0 represents a rough, diffuse surface, and 1 represents a smooth, glossy surface.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> GlossinessTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("GlossinessTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the texture that contains a glossiness map for the material.

Kanzi reads the glossiness from the Alpha channel of this texture. Use the Glossiness Factor property to scale the glossiness from this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> MetallicFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("MetallicFactor", Float.class)

Sets the metalness of the material: 0 represents a non-metallic or dielectric object, and 1 represents a metallic object.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> MetallicTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("MetallicTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the texture that contains a metallic map for the material.

Kanzi reads the metalness from the Blue channel of this texture. Use the Metallic Factor property to scale the value from this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> NormalScaleProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("NormalScale", Float.class)

Sets the normal scale for the material.

Use the scale to set the intensity of the Normal Texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> NormalTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("NormalTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the texture that contains a normal map for the material.

Use the Normal Scale property to scale the texture value.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> OcclusionStrengthProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("OcclusionStrength", Float.class)

Sets the occlusion strength for the material.

Use the strength to set the intensity of the Occlusion Texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> OcclusionTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("OcclusionTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the texture that contains an occlusion map for the material.

Use the Occlusion Strength property to scale the occlusion from the texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> RoughnessFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("RoughnessFactor", Float.class)

Sets the roughness of the material: 0 represents a smooth, glossy surface, and 1 represents a rough, diffuse surface.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> RoughnessTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("RoughnessTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the texture that contains a roughness map for the material.

Kanzi reads the roughness from the Green channel of the texture. Use the Roughness Factor property to scale the roughness from this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> SpecularAntiAliasingStrengthProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("SpecularAntiAliasingStrength", Float.class)

Sets the strength of the specular anti-aliasing effect.

Higher value results in blurrier specular highlights. For no specular anti-aliasing, set the value to 0. For full specular anti-aliasing, set the value to 1. The default value is 0.25.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> SpecularAntiAliasingThresholdProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("SpecularAntiAliasingThreshold", Float.class)

Sets the upper limit for the amount of specular anti-aliasing effect to apply.

The default value is 0.18.

DynamicPropertyType<ColorRGBA> SpecularFactorProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("SpecularFactor", ColorRGBA.class)

Sets the specular color for the material.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> SpecularTextureProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("SpecularTexture", Resource.class)

Sets the texture that contains the specular color for the material.

Use the Specular Color Factor property to filter the value from this texture.

DynamicPropertyType<Float> ToneMapLinearScaleProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("ToneMapLinearScale", Float.class)

Sets the scale for the linear tonemap option for the material.

When linear tonemapping is used, Kanzi divides all output color by the value of this property.