Kanzi  3.9.7
Java API
TextBoxConceptMetadata Interface Reference

Metadata definitions for TextBoxConcept. More...

Inheritance diagram for TextBoxConceptMetadata:


class  CursorPositionMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for CursorPositionMessageArguments. More...
class  EditingStateChangedMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for EditingStateChangedMessageArguments. More...
class  InputMethodActionMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for InputMethodActionMessageArguments. More...
class  InputMethodAvailableMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for InputMethodAvailableMessageArguments. More...
class  SelectedTextMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for SelectedTextMessageArguments. More...
class  TextChangedMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for TextChangedMessageArguments. More...
class  TextCompositionStateMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for TextCompositionStateMessageArguments. More...
class  TextContentMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for TextContentMessageArguments. More...
class  TextInsertionMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for TextInsertionMessageArguments. More...
class  TextRangeMessageArguments
 Metadata definitions for TextRangeMessageArguments. More...

Public Attributes

DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments > BackspaceAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node deletes a character using backspace. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments > BackspaceWordAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node deletes the characters until the next word boundary using backspace. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > CancelTextCompositionMessage
 Discards the text composed in an Input Method Editor. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > CharacterCountProperty
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > ClearSelectionMessage
 In a Text Box node clears the current text selection. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > CommitCompositionTextMessage
 Commits to a Text Box node the text composed in an Input Method Editor. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceCompositionTextBackgroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush that highlights the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME). More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > CompositionTextChangedMessage
 Occurs when the text produced in an Input Method Editor is updated in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > CompositionTextCommittedMessage
 Occurs: More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceCompositionTextForegroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush for the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME). More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > CompositionTextProperty
 Reports the text that the user composes in the Text Box using an input method editor (IME). More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.CursorPositionMessageArguments > CursorMovedMessage
 Occurs when the user moves the cursor in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > CursorPositionProperty
 Sets the position of the cursor in the text shown in the Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceCursorPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the cursor instead of the default cursor. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments > DeleteAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node deletes a character using delete. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.DeleteSelectionMessageArguments > DeleteSelectionMessage
 In a Text Box node, erases any currently selected text. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextRangeMessageArguments > DeleteTextMessage
 In a Text Box node, deletes the text between given start and end character indexes. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments > DeleteWordAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node deletes the characters until the next word boundary using delete. More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > DisplayTextProperty
 Reports the text that the Text Box displays. More...
DynamicPropertyType< EchoModeEchoModeProperty
 Sets how the Text Box node shows text: More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextChangedMessageArguments > EditingFinishedMessage
 Occurs when a Text Box node leaves the editing state after the user modified the text content. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextChangedMessageArguments > EditingStartedMessage
 Occurs when the user makes the first modification to the text in a Text Box node that is in the editing state. More...
DynamicPropertyType< TextBoxConceptEnums.EditModeEditModeProperty
 Sets how the Text Box node enters the editing state: More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.EditingStateChangedMessageArguments > EnteredEditingStateMessage
 Occurs when a Text Box node enters the editing state. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifyEditingStateMessageArguments > EnterEditingMessage
 Makes a Text Box node enter the editing state. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifyEditingStateMessageArguments > ExitEditingMessage
 Makes a Text Box node leave the editing state. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HasSelectionProperty
 Indicates whether any of the text in the Text Box node is selected. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > HideTextHintWhenEditingProperty
 Sets whether to hide the placeholder content, which you set using the Text Hint Prefab property, when the Text Box node is in the editing state. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.InputMethodActionMessageArguments > InputMethodActionMessage
 Occurs when the user taps the action button on their on-screen keyboard while editing the text in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< InputMethodActionInputMethodActionProperty
 Sets the label of the user action button on the on-screen keyboard for this Text Box. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.InputMethodAvailableMessageArguments > InputMethodAvailableMessage
 Occurs when an input method becomes available to a Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.InputMethodAvailableMessageArguments > InputMethodUnavailableMessage
 Occurs when the input method that is composing text in a Text Box node becomes unavailable. More...
DynamicPropertyType< InputTypeInputTypeProperty
 Sets the input type of the input methods that provide the input layout to let the user enter and edit text of specific type in the Text Box node: More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextContentMessageArguments > InsertTextAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node adds text at the cursor position. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextInsertionMessageArguments > InsertTextMessage
 In a Text Box node, inserts text at a specified character index. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > IsComposingTextProperty
 Reports the text composition state of the Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > IsEditingProperty
 Reports the editing state of the Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.EditingStateChangedMessageArguments > LeftEditingStateMessage
 Occurs when a Text Box node leaves the editing state. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > MaximumTextLengthProperty
 Sets the maximum length of text that the user can insert in the Text Box node. More...
AbstractMetaclass metaclass = new AbstractMetaclass("Kanzi.TextBoxConcept")
 Metaclass for TextBoxConcept.
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorBackwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor backward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorForwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor forward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorHomeMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor ahead of the first character of the text content. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorToEndMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor after the last character of the text content. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorToNextWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor forward to the next word boundary. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments > MoveCursorToPreviousWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the cursor backward to the previous word boundary. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionEndBackwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection backward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionEndForwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection forward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionEndToNextWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection forward to the start of the next word. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionEndToPreviousWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection backward to the start of the previous word. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionStartBackwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection backward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionStartForwardMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection forward by one character. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionStartToNextWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection forward to the start of the next word. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > MoveSelectionStartToPreviousWordMessage
 In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection backward to the start of the previous word. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > PasswordEchoTimeoutProperty
 Sets the time in milliseconds that an inserted character is visible before being masked when using the password echo mode. More...
DynamicPropertyType< String > PasswordMaskingCharacterProperty
 Sets the character that masks each character that the application user enters when using the password echo mode. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Boolean > ReadOnlyProperty
 Sets whether the Text Box node is editable. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > SelectAllMessage
 In a Text Box node selects all text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceSelectionBackgroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush that highlights the selected text. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.SelectedTextMessageArguments > SelectionChangedMessage
 Occurs when the user changes the text selection in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.CursorPositionMessageArguments > SelectionClearedMessage
 Occurs when the user clears or resets the text selection in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > SelectionEndCursorPositionProperty
 The position of the cursor that marks the end of text selection in the Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceSelectionEndPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the end of text selection instead of the default handle. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceSelectionForegroundBrushProperty
 Sets the brush for the selected text. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > SelectionStartCursorPositionProperty
 The position of the cursor that marks the beginning of text selection in the Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.SelectedTextMessageArguments > SelectionStartedMessage
 Occurs when the user starts selecting text in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceSelectionStartPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the beginning of text selection instead of the default handle. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextRangeMessageArguments > SelectTextMessage
 In a Text Box node, selects the text between given start and end character indexes. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > SelectToEndMessage
 In a Text Box node selects the text from the cursor position to the end of the text. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > SelectToHomeMessage
 In a Text Box node selects the text from the start of the text to the cursor position. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments > SelectWordAtCursorMessage
 In a Text Box node selects the word at the cursor position. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextChangedMessageArguments > TextChangedMessage
 Occurs when the user changes the text in a Text Box node. More...
DynamicMessageType< TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments > TextCompositionCanceledMessage
 Occurs: More...
DynamicPropertyType< ResourceTextHintPrefabProperty
 Sets the prefab template for showing placeholder content when the Text Box node is empty. More...
DynamicPropertyType< TextKeyNavigationDirectionTextKeyNavigationDirectionProperty
 Sets the text key navigation direction. More...
DynamicPropertyType< Integer > WordCountProperty

Detailed Description

Metadata definitions for TextBoxConcept.

Member Data Documentation

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments> BackspaceAtCursorMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.BackspaceAtCursor",

In a Text Box node deletes a character using backspace.

For example, in text that uses a left-to-right script it deletes the character on the left side of the cursor.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments> BackspaceWordAtCursorMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.BackspaceWordAtCursor",

In a Text Box node deletes the characters until the next word boundary using backspace.

For example, in text that uses a left-to-right script it deletes the characters between the cursor position and the closest word boundary on the left side of the cursor.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments> CancelTextCompositionMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.CancelTextComposition",

Discards the text composed in an Input Method Editor.

This action works only when the Text Box node, which the action targets, is in the editing state.

DynamicPropertyType<Integer> CharacterCountProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.CharacterCount", Integer.class)
DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments> ClearSelectionMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.ClearSelection",

In a Text Box node clears the current text selection.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments> CommitCompositionTextMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.CommitCompositionText",

Commits to a Text Box node the text composed in an Input Method Editor.

This action works only when the Text Box node, which the action targets, is in the editing state.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> CompositionTextBackgroundBrushProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.CompositionTextBackgroundBrush", Resource.class)

Sets the brush that highlights the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME).

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments> CompositionTextChangedMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.CompositionTextChanged",

Occurs when the text produced in an Input Method Editor is updated in a Text Box node.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments> CompositionTextCommittedMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.CompositionTextCommitted",


  • When the text produced in an Input Method Editor is committed to the cached text in a Text Box node.
  • When a trigger executes the Commit Composition Text action.
DynamicPropertyType<Resource> CompositionTextForegroundBrushProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.CompositionTextForegroundBrush", Resource.class)

Sets the brush for the text that the user composes using an input method editor (IME).

DynamicPropertyType<String> CompositionTextProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.CompositionText", String.class)

Reports the text that the user composes in the Text Box using an input method editor (IME).

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.CursorPositionMessageArguments> CursorMovedMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.CursorMoved",

Occurs when the user moves the cursor in a Text Box node.

DynamicPropertyType<Integer> CursorPositionProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.CursorPosition", Integer.class)

Sets the position of the cursor in the text shown in the Text Box node.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> CursorPrefabProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.CursorPrefab", Resource.class)

Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the cursor instead of the default cursor.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments> DeleteAtCursorMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.DeleteAtCursor",

In a Text Box node deletes a character using delete.

For example, in text that uses a left-to-right script it deletes the character on the right side of the cursor.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.DeleteSelectionMessageArguments> DeleteSelectionMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.DeleteSelection",

In a Text Box node, erases any currently selected text.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextRangeMessageArguments> DeleteTextMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.DeleteText",

In a Text Box node, deletes the text between given start and end character indexes.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.CharacterRemovalMessageArguments> DeleteWordAtCursorMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.DeleteWordAtCursor",

In a Text Box node deletes the characters until the next word boundary using delete.

For example, in text that uses a left-to-right script it deletes the characters between the cursor position and the closest word boundary on the right side of the cursor.

DynamicPropertyType<String> DisplayTextProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.DisplayText", String.class)

Reports the text that the Text Box displays.

DynamicPropertyType<EchoMode> EchoModeProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.EchoMode", EchoMode.class)

Sets how the Text Box node shows text:

  • Normal makes the inserted characters visible.
  • No Echo makes the inserted characters invisible.
  • Password makes the inserted character visible for a certain amount of time and then masks the character. Use the Password Masking Character property to set the masking character. The default is a bullet symbol. Use the Password Echo Timeout property to set the time in milliseconds that an inserted character is visible before masking.
DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextChangedMessageArguments> EditingFinishedMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.EditingFinished",

Occurs when a Text Box node leaves the editing state after the user modified the text content.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextChangedMessageArguments> EditingStartedMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.EditingStarted",

Occurs when the user makes the first modification to the text in a Text Box node that is in the editing state.

Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.EditMode", TextBoxConceptEnums.EditMode.class)

Sets how the Text Box node enters the editing state:

  • Automatic makes the Text Box enter the editing state when focused, and leave the editing state when focus is lost.
  • Triggered requires the user to trigger the Text Box to enter and leave the editing state.
DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.EditingStateChangedMessageArguments> EnteredEditingStateMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.EnteredEditingState",

Occurs when a Text Box node enters the editing state.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifyEditingStateMessageArguments> EnterEditingMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.EnterEditing",

Makes a Text Box node enter the editing state.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifyEditingStateMessageArguments> ExitEditingMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.ExitEditing",

Makes a Text Box node leave the editing state.

DynamicPropertyType<Boolean> HasSelectionProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.HasSelection", Boolean.class)

Indicates whether any of the text in the Text Box node is selected.

DynamicPropertyType<Boolean> HideTextHintWhenEditingProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.HideTextHintWhenEditing", Boolean.class)

Sets whether to hide the placeholder content, which you set using the Text Hint Prefab property, when the Text Box node is in the editing state.

To hide the placeholder content only when the user enters text in the Text Box node, disable this property.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.InputMethodActionMessageArguments> InputMethodActionMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.InputMethodAction",

Occurs when the user taps the action button on their on-screen keyboard while editing the text in a Text Box node.

DynamicPropertyType<InputMethodAction> InputMethodActionProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.InputMethodAction", InputMethodAction.class)

Sets the label of the user action button on the on-screen keyboard for this Text Box.

By default uses the label of the default input method of the operating system.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.InputMethodAvailableMessageArguments> InputMethodAvailableMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.InputMethodAvailable",

Occurs when an input method becomes available to a Text Box node.

For example, an on-screen keyboard becomes available when it appears on the screen.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.InputMethodAvailableMessageArguments> InputMethodUnavailableMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.InputMethodUnavailable",

Occurs when the input method that is composing text in a Text Box node becomes unavailable.

For example, an on-screen keyboard becomes unavailable when the user hides it.

DynamicPropertyType<InputType> InputTypeProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.InputType", InputType.class)

Sets the input type of the input methods that provide the input layout to let the user enter and edit text of specific type in the Text Box node:

  • Default for the default input type of the input method editor.
  • Numeric for numbers
  • Email for email addresses
  • URL for URL addresses
DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextContentMessageArguments> InsertTextAtCursorMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.InsertTextAtCursor",

In a Text Box node adds text at the cursor position.

Set the value of the Text property to the text that you want to add.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextInsertionMessageArguments> InsertTextMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.InsertText",

In a Text Box node, inserts text at a specified character index.

DynamicPropertyType<Boolean> IsComposingTextProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.IsComposingText", Boolean.class)

Reports the text composition state of the Text Box node.

DynamicPropertyType<Boolean> IsEditingProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.IsEditing", Boolean.class)

Reports the editing state of the Text Box node.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.EditingStateChangedMessageArguments> LeftEditingStateMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.LeftEditingState",

Occurs when a Text Box node leaves the editing state.

DynamicPropertyType<Integer> MaximumTextLengthProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.MaximumTextLength", Integer.class)

Sets the maximum length of text that the user can insert in the Text Box node.

The unit is a UTF-8 character and the buffer byte length can be greater for multi-byte characters.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments> MoveCursorBackwardMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.MoveCursorBackward",

In a Text Box node moves the cursor backward by one character.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments> MoveCursorForwardMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.MoveCursorForward",

In a Text Box node moves the cursor forward by one character.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments> MoveCursorHomeMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.MoveCursorHome",

In a Text Box node moves the cursor ahead of the first character of the text content.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments> MoveCursorToEndMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.MoveCursorToEnd",

In a Text Box node moves the cursor after the last character of the text content.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments> MoveCursorToNextWordMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.MoveCursorToNextWord",

In a Text Box node moves the cursor forward to the next word boundary.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.MoveCursorMessageArguments> MoveCursorToPreviousWordMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.MoveCursorToPreviousWord",

In a Text Box node moves the cursor backward to the previous word boundary.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments> MoveSelectionEndBackwardMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.MoveSelectionEndBackward",

In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection backward by one character.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments> MoveSelectionEndForwardMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.MoveSelectionEndForward",

In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection forward by one character.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments> MoveSelectionEndToNextWordMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.MoveSelectionEndToNextWord",

In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection forward to the start of the next word.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments> MoveSelectionEndToPreviousWordMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.MoveSelectionEndToPreviousWord",

In a Text Box node moves the handle at the end of text selection backward to the start of the previous word.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments> MoveSelectionStartBackwardMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.MoveSelectionStartBackward",

In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection backward by one character.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments> MoveSelectionStartForwardMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.MoveSelectionStartForward",

In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection forward by one character.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments> MoveSelectionStartToNextWordMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.MoveSelectionStartToNextWord",

In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection forward to the start of the next word.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments> MoveSelectionStartToPreviousWordMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.MoveSelectionStartToPreviousWord",

In a Text Box node moves the handle at the beginning of text selection backward to the start of the previous word.

DynamicPropertyType<Integer> PasswordEchoTimeoutProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.PasswordEchoTimeout", Integer.class)

Sets the time in milliseconds that an inserted character is visible before being masked when using the password echo mode.

To use the password echo mode, set the Echo Mode property to Password Echo.

DynamicPropertyType<String> PasswordMaskingCharacterProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.PasswordMaskingCharacter", String.class)

Sets the character that masks each character that the application user enters when using the password echo mode.

To use the password echo mode, set the Echo Mode property to Password.

DynamicPropertyType<Boolean> ReadOnlyProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.ReadOnly", Boolean.class)

Sets whether the Text Box node is editable.

When you enable this property, you can set the text only through the Text property and the user cannot edit the text in the Text Box node.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments> SelectAllMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.SelectAll",

In a Text Box node selects all text.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> SelectionBackgroundBrushProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.SelectionBackgroundBrush", Resource.class)

Sets the brush that highlights the selected text.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.SelectedTextMessageArguments> SelectionChangedMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.SelectionChanged",

Occurs when the user changes the text selection in a Text Box node.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.CursorPositionMessageArguments> SelectionClearedMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.SelectionCleared",

Occurs when the user clears or resets the text selection in a Text Box node.

DynamicPropertyType<Integer> SelectionEndCursorPositionProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.SelectionEndCursorPosition", Integer.class)

The position of the cursor that marks the end of text selection in the Text Box node.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> SelectionEndPrefabProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.SelectionEndPrefab", Resource.class)

Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the end of text selection instead of the default handle.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> SelectionForegroundBrushProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.SelectionForegroundBrush", Resource.class)

Sets the brush for the selected text.

DynamicPropertyType<Integer> SelectionStartCursorPositionProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.SelectionStartCursorPosition", Integer.class)

The position of the cursor that marks the beginning of text selection in the Text Box node.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.SelectedTextMessageArguments> SelectionStartedMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.SelectionStarted",

Occurs when the user starts selecting text in a Text Box node.

DynamicPropertyType<Resource> SelectionStartPrefabProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.SelectionStartPrefab", Resource.class)

Sets the prefab template that defines the appearance of the selection handle at the beginning of text selection instead of the default handle.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextRangeMessageArguments> SelectTextMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.SelectText",

In a Text Box node, selects the text between given start and end character indexes.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments> SelectToEndMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.SelectToEnd",

In a Text Box node selects the text from the cursor position to the end of the text.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments> SelectToHomeMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.SelectToHome",

In a Text Box node selects the text from the start of the text to the cursor position.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxMetadata.ModifySelectionMessageArguments> SelectWordAtCursorMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.SelectWordAtCursor",

In a Text Box node selects the word at the cursor position.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextChangedMessageArguments> TextChangedMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.TextChanged",

Occurs when the user changes the text in a Text Box node.

DynamicMessageType<TextBoxConceptMetadata.TextCompositionStateMessageArguments> TextCompositionCanceledMessage
Initial value:
new DynamicMessageType<>("Message.TextBoxConcept.TextCompositionCanceled",


  • When the text composition in a Text Box node is canceled by Input Method that is in text composition state.
  • When a trigger executes the Cancel Text Composition action.
DynamicPropertyType<Resource> TextHintPrefabProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.TextHintPrefab", Resource.class)

Sets the prefab template for showing placeholder content when the Text Box node is empty.

DynamicPropertyType<TextKeyNavigationDirection> TextKeyNavigationDirectionProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>(
"TextBoxConcept.TextKeyNavigationDirection", TextKeyNavigationDirection.class)

Sets the text key navigation direction.

DynamicPropertyType<Integer> WordCountProperty
Initial value:
new DynamicPropertyType<>("TextBoxConcept.WordCount", Integer.class)