Kanzi  3.9.7
Kanzi Engine API
kanzi::ScrollViewConcept Class Reference

ScrollViewConcept is the base class that provides the functionality for the ScrollView2D and ScrollView3D classes. More...

#include <kanzi/ui/node/concept/scroll_view.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for kanzi::ScrollViewConcept:


class  ScrollDirectionMessageArguments
class  ScrollDownMessageArguments
 Message arguments used by the ScrollDownMessage. More...
class  ScrollEdgeMessageArguments
class  ScrolledMessageArguments
class  ScrollEndMessageArguments
 Message arguments used by the ScrollEndMessage. More...
class  ScrollFinishedMessageArguments
class  ScrollHomeMessageArguments
 Message arguments used by the ScrollHomeMessage. More...
class  ScrollLeftMessageArguments
 Message arguments used by the ScrollLeftMessage. More...
class  ScrollMessageArguments
class  ScrollPageDownMessageArguments
 Message arguments used by the ScrollPageDownMessage. More...
class  ScrollPageMessageArguments
class  ScrollPageUpMessageArguments
 Message arguments used by the ScrollPageUpMessage. More...
class  ScrollPositionMessageArguments
class  ScrollRightMessageArguments
 Message arguments used by the ScrollRightMessage. More...
class  ScrollStartedMessageArguments
class  ScrollTargetMessageArguments
class  ScrollUpMessageArguments
 Message arguments used by the ScrollUpMessage. More...
class  SetScrollMessageArguments
class  SetScrollTargetMessageArguments
class  SnapMessageArguments
class  SnapRequestMessageArguments
class  UserScrollFinishedMessageArguments
class  UserScrollStartedMessageArguments
class  ZoomedMessageArguments

Public Types

enum  AllowedScrollAxis { XAxis, YAxis, AllAxes }
 Enumeration for AllowedScrollAxisProperty which sets the axis on which you want to allow a Scroll View node to scroll. More...
enum  PanState { PanInitial, PanStarted, PanCancelling, PanCanceled }
 Enumeration for the state of pan. More...
enum  ScrollDirection { ScrollUp, ScrollDown, ScrollLeft, ScrollRight }
 Enumeration for the available directions when scrolling by step. More...
enum  ScrollEdge { ScrollHome, ScrollEnd }
 Enumeration for the available directions when scrolling to the edge of a Scroll View. More...
enum  ScrollPage { ScrollPageUp, ScrollPageDown }
 Enumeration for the available directions when scrolling a Scroll View node by page. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr makeEditorInfo ()

Static Public Attributes

static MessageType< ScrollDirectionMessageArgumentsScrollDirectionMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll one step in a given direction. More...
static MessageType< ScrollDownMessageArgumentsScrollDownMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll down the distance that you set using the StepMultiplierProperty. More...
static MessageType< ScrollEdgeMessageArgumentsScrollEdgeMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll to the top or bottom of that Scroll View node. More...
static MessageType< ScrolledMessageArgumentsScrolledMessage
 Scroll View sends this message whenever the Scroll View node scrolls. More...
static MessageType< ScrollEndMessageArgumentsScrollEndMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll to the end of that Scroll View node. More...
static MessageType< ScrollFinishedMessageArgumentsScrollFinishedMessage
 Scroll View sends this message when scrolling ends, regardless of how the scrolling ended. More...
static MessageType< ScrollHomeMessageArgumentsScrollHomeMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll to the beginning of that Scroll View node. More...
static MessageType< ScrollLeftMessageArgumentsScrollLeftMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll left the distance that you set using the StepMultiplierProperty. More...
static MessageType< ScrollPageDownMessageArgumentsScrollPageDownMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll down the distance of the layout height of that Scroll View node. More...
static MessageType< ScrollPageMessageArgumentsScrollPageMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll the distance of the layout height of that Scroll View node. More...
static MessageType< ScrollPageUpMessageArgumentsScrollPageUpMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll up the distance of the layout height of that Scroll View node. More...
static MessageType< ScrollRightMessageArgumentsScrollRightMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll right the distance that you set using the StepMultiplierProperty. More...
static MessageType< ScrollStartedMessageArgumentsScrollStartedMessage
 Scroll View sends this message when scrolling starts, regardless of how the scrolling started. More...
static MessageType< ScrollUpMessageArgumentsScrollUpMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll up the distance that you set using the StepMultiplierProperty. More...
static MessageType< SetScrollMessageArgumentsSetScrollMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View to go a scroll position immediatelly without scrolling. More...
static MessageType< SetScrollTargetMessageArgumentsSetScrollTargetMessage
 Send this message to a Scroll View to scroll to a specific position in that Scroll View node. More...
static MessageType< SnapRequestMessageArgumentsSnapRequestMessage
 Scroll View sends this message when scrolling stops, but the Scroll View node needs to snap to the nearest item. More...
static MessageType< UserScrollFinishedMessageArgumentsUserScrollFinishedMessage
 Scroll View sends this message when user interaction causes the scrolling to end. More...
static MessageType< UserScrollStartedMessageArgumentsUserScrollStartedMessage
 Scroll View sends this message when user interaction causes the scrolling to start. More...
static MessageType< ZoomedMessageArgumentsZoomedMessage
 Scroll View sends this message when zoom in or zoom out occurs. More...
static PropertyType< float > MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionXProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionX argument to set the x axis coordinate for the new scroll position of a Scroll View node. More...
static PropertyType< float > MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionYProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionY argument to set the y axis coordinate for the new scroll position of a Scroll View node. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPosition argument to set the x and y axis coordinates for the new scroll position of a Scroll View node. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollSpeedProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollSpeed argument to set the scrolling speed of a Scroll View node. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollTargetProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollTarget argument to set the scroll target for a Scroll View node. More...
static PropertyType< int > MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollDirectionProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollDirection argument to set the scrolling direction for a Scroll View node. More...
static PropertyType< int > MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPageProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPage argument to set the direction in which a Scroll View node scrolls when you instruct it to scroll by the layout height of that Scroll View node. More...
static PropertyType< int > MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollEdgeProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollEdge argument to set the direction in which a Scroll View node scrolls when you instruct it to scroll to either of the edges. More...
static PropertyType< float > MessageArgumentScrollViewZoomProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewZoom argument to set the zoom level for a Scroll View node. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapPositionProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapPosition argument to set the target of a snap request. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapDirectionProperty
 Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapDirection argument to set the direction of a snap request. More...
static PropertyType< float > RecognitionThresholdProperty
 Use the Recognition Threshold property to set the amount a pointing device must move for the scrolling to start on a Scroll View node. More...
static PropertyType< int > MinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty
 Use the Minimum Number Of Touches property to set the required number of touch points pressed for a Scroll View node pan to start. More...
static PropertyType< int > MaximumNumberOfTouchesProperty
 Use the Maximum Number Of Touches property to set the maximum number of touch points allowed for a Scroll View to pan. More...
static PropertyType< float > SensitivityProperty
 Use the Sensitivity property to set the amount the position changes relative to the movement of the pointer that starts the swiping. More...
static PropertyType< float > SlidingAccelerationCoefficientProperty
 Use the Sliding Acceleration Coefficient property to set the acceleration of the node controlled by a Scroll View node after you release the pointer with which you swipe. More...
static PropertyType< float > SlidingDragCoefficientProperty
 Use the Sliding Drag Coefficient property to set the amount that drag affects the movement of the node controlled by a Scroll View node after you release the pointer with which you swipe. More...
static PropertyType< float > DraggingAccelerationCoefficientProperty
 Use the Dragging Acceleration Coefficient property to set the acceleration of the node controlled by a Scroll View node while you drag that Scroll View node. More...
static PropertyType< float > DraggingDragCoefficientProperty
 Use the Dragging Drag Coefficient property to set the amount that drag affects the movement of the node controlled by a Scroll View node while you drag that Scroll View node. More...
static PropertyType< float > DraggingImpulseFactorProperty
 Use the Dragging Impulse Factor property to set the amount of impulse generated from the pointing device movement when dragging a Scroll View node. More...
static PropertyType< float > SwipeDistanceProperty
 Use the Swipe Distance property to set the distance that a swipe sends the scroll value, relative to the pointing device speed. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollPositionProperty
 Reports the scroll position of the Scroll View node along the x and y axes as a relative position within the Scroll View area. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollTargetPositionProperty
 Use the Scroll Target Position property to set the value for the current scroll target. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollSpeedProperty
 Use the Scroll Speed property to set the current scroll speed. More...
static PropertyType< bool > ScrollingProperty
 Use the Scrolling property to find out whether a Scroll View node is currently scrolling. More...
static PropertyType< bool > ZoomAffectsScrollingProperty
 Use the Zoom Affects Scrolling property to set whether the scroll position is scaled according to the zoom level. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollBoundsMinimumProperty
 Use the Scroll Bounds Minimum property to set the coordinates of the top-left corner of the scroll bounds rectangle. More...
static PropertyType< Vector2ScrollBoundsMaximumProperty
 Use the Scroll Bounds Maximum property to set the coordinates of the bottom-right corner of the scroll bounds rectangle. More...
static PropertyType< bool > LoopingXEnabledProperty
 Use the Looping X Enabled property to set the node controlled by a Scroll View node to start scrolling from the beginning when the scroll reaches the scroll bounds on the x axis. More...
static PropertyType< bool > LoopingYEnabledProperty
 Use the Looping Y Enabled property to set the node controlled by a Scroll View node to start scrolling from the beginning when the scroll reaches the scroll bounds on the y axis. More...
static PropertyType< bool > ZoomEnabledProperty
 Use the Zoom Enabled property to set whether to install a pinch manipulator that generates zoom messages. More...
static PropertyType< float > ZoomProperty
 Use the Zoom property to set the current zoom level. More...
static PropertyType< float > ZoomMinimumProperty
 Use the Zoom Minimum property to set the minimum zoom level. More...
static PropertyType< float > ZoomMaximumProperty
 Use the Zoom Maximum property to set the maximum zoom level. More...
static PropertyType< float > StepMultiplierProperty
 Use the Step Multiplier property to set the smallest distance that a Scroll View scrolls. More...
static PropertyType< AllowedScrollAxisAllowedScrollAxisProperty
 Sets the axis on which you want to allow a Scroll View node to scroll. More...
static PropertyType< bool > ReversedXAxisScrollProperty
 Indicates whether the direction of touch scrolling is reversed on the x axis. More...
static PropertyType< bool > ReversedYAxisScrollProperty
 Indicates whether the direction of touch scrolling is reversed on the y axis. More...

Detailed Description

ScrollViewConcept is the base class that provides the functionality for the ScrollView2D and ScrollView3D classes.

Both of these Scroll View types inherit the ScrollViewConceptImpl, a specialization of the base class:

Scroll View nodes provide an area that receives touch input which is translated to pan and zoom events. You can listen and react to these events by subscribing to the messages that a Scroll View node sends. You can scroll to a specific position in a Scroll View node by sending the Scroll View messages to that Scroll View node.

To disable a Scroll View node, set the Node::EnabledProperty to false. A disabled Scroll View does not respond to input. To visually indicate the disabled state of a Scroll View node, create a state manager and use the Node::EffectivelyEnabledProperty as its controller property. When Kanzi disables a Scroll View node, it cancels the ongoing gestures and preserves the scroll and zoom values of that Scroll View node.

Some Kanzi nodes internally use a Scroll View to achieve a pannable area. For example, the GridListBox2D and TrajectoryListBox3D nodes use a Scroll View.

See also
For details and examples of how to use the Scroll View nodes, see ScrollView2D and ScrollView3D.

Member Enumeration Documentation

Enumeration for the available directions when scrolling by step.


Enumeration for AllowedScrollAxisProperty which sets the axis on which you want to allow a Scroll View node to scroll.


Allow scrolling only on the x axis.


Allow scrolling only on the y axis.


Allow scrolling on both the x and y axes.

Enumeration for the available directions when scrolling a Scroll View node by page.


Enumeration for the available directions when scrolling to the edge of a Scroll View.


Enumeration for the state of pan.


The initial pan state.


Pan started.


Pan is canceling.


Pan canceled.

Member Function Documentation

static PropertyTypeEditorInfoSharedPtr kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::makeEditorInfo ( )

Member Data Documentation

PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionXProperty

Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionX argument to set the x axis coordinate for the new scroll position of a Scroll View node.

Scroll position is a relative position within a Scroll View. The default value is 0.0f.

See also
ScrollMessageArguments::setScrollPositionX(), ScrollMessageArguments::getScrollPositionX()
PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionYProperty

Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionY argument to set the y axis coordinate for the new scroll position of a Scroll View node.

Scroll position is a relative position within a Scroll View. The default value is 0.0f.

See also
ScrollMessageArguments::setScrollPositionY(), ScrollMessageArguments::getScrollPositionY()
PropertyType<Vector2> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPositionProperty

Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPosition argument to set the x and y axis coordinates for the new scroll position of a Scroll View node.

Scroll position is a relative position within a Scroll View. The default value is Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f).

See also
ScrollMessageArguments::setScrollPosition(), ScrollMessageArguments::getScrollPosition()
PropertyType<Vector2> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollSpeedProperty

Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollSpeed argument to set the scrolling speed of a Scroll View node.

The default value is Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f).

See also
ScrollMessageArguments::setScrollSpeed(), ScrollMessageArguments::getScrollSpeed()
PropertyType<Vector2> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollTargetProperty

Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollTarget argument to set the scroll target for a Scroll View node.

Scroll target is a position to which a Scroll View is going to scroll. The default value is Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f).

See also
ScrollMessageArguments::setScrollTarget(), ScrollMessageArguments::getScrollTarget()
PropertyType<int> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollDirectionProperty

Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollDirection argument to set the scrolling direction for a Scroll View node.

The default value is ScrollViewConcept::ScrollDown.

See also
ScrollDirectionMessageArguments::setScroll(), ScrollDirectionMessageArguments::getScroll()
PropertyType<int> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPageProperty

Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollPage argument to set the direction in which a Scroll View node scrolls when you instruct it to scroll by the layout height of that Scroll View node.

The default value is ScrollViewConcept::ScrollPageDown.

See also
ScrollPageMessageArguments::setScroll(), ScrollPageMessageArguments::getScroll()
PropertyType<int> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollEdgeProperty

Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewScrollEdge argument to set the direction in which a Scroll View node scrolls when you instruct it to scroll to either of the edges.

The default value is ScrollViewConcept::ScrollEnd.

See also
ScrollEdgeMessageArguments::setScroll(), ScrollEdgeMessageArguments::getScroll()
PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::MessageArgumentScrollViewZoomProperty

Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewZoom argument to set the zoom level for a Scroll View node.

The default value is 1.0f.

See also
ZoomedMessageArguments::setZoom(), ZoomedMessageArguments::getZoom()
PropertyType<Vector2> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapPositionProperty

Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapPosition argument to set the target of a snap request.

The default value is Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f).

See also
SnapRequestMessageArguments::setSnapPosition(), SnapRequestMessageArguments::getSnapPosition()
PropertyType<Vector2> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapDirectionProperty

Use the MessageArgumentScrollViewSnapDirection argument to set the direction of a snap request.

The default value is Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f).

See also
SnapRequestMessageArguments::getSnapDirection, SnapRequestMessageArguments::getSnapDirection()
PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::RecognitionThresholdProperty

Use the Recognition Threshold property to set the amount a pointing device must move for the scrolling to start on a Scroll View node.

The default value is 5.0f.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setRecognitionThreshold(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getRecognitionThreshold()
PropertyType<int> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::MinimumNumberOfTouchesProperty

Use the Minimum Number Of Touches property to set the required number of touch points pressed for a Scroll View node pan to start.

Scroll View nodes with minimum number of touches greater than one precede the children in touch processing. The default value is 1.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setMinimumNumberOfTouches(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getMinimumNumberOfTouches()
PropertyType<int> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::MaximumNumberOfTouchesProperty

Use the Maximum Number Of Touches property to set the maximum number of touch points allowed for a Scroll View to pan.

The default value is 10.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setMaximumNumberOfTouches(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getMaximumNumberOfTouches()
PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::SensitivityProperty

Use the Sensitivity property to set the amount the position changes relative to the movement of the pointer that starts the swiping.

The higher the value the more the position of the node controlled by a Scroll View node changes. The default value is 1.0f.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setSensitivity(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getSensitivity()
PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::SlidingAccelerationCoefficientProperty

Use the Sliding Acceleration Coefficient property to set the acceleration of the node controlled by a Scroll View node after you release the pointer with which you swipe.

Use low values when you want that node to slowly reach the final position. Use high values when you want that node to quickly reach the final position. The default value is 40.0f.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setSlidingAccelerationCoefficient(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getSlidingAccelerationCoefficient()
PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::SlidingDragCoefficientProperty

Use the Sliding Drag Coefficient property to set the amount that drag affects the movement of the node controlled by a Scroll View node after you release the pointer with which you swipe.

The lower the value the higher the drag and the faster the sliding of the object controlled by the Scroll View node stops. The default value is 80.0f.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setSlidingDragCoefficient(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getSlidingDragCoefficient()
PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::DraggingAccelerationCoefficientProperty

Use the Dragging Acceleration Coefficient property to set the acceleration of the node controlled by a Scroll View node while you drag that Scroll View node.

Use low values when you want that node to slowly reach the final position. Use high values when you want that node to quickly reach the final position. The default value is 80.0f.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setDraggingAccelerationCoefficient(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getDraggingAccelerationCoefficient()
PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::DraggingDragCoefficientProperty

Use the Dragging Drag Coefficient property to set the amount that drag affects the movement of the node controlled by a Scroll View node while you drag that Scroll View node.

The lower the value the higher the drag and the faster the sliding of that node stops. The default value is 150.0f.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setDraggingDragCoefficient(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getDraggingDragCoefficient()
PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::DraggingImpulseFactorProperty

Use the Dragging Impulse Factor property to set the amount of impulse generated from the pointing device movement when dragging a Scroll View node.

The default value is 2.0f.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setDraggingImpulseFactor(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getDraggingImpulseFactor()
PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::SwipeDistanceProperty

Use the Swipe Distance property to set the distance that a swipe sends the scroll value, relative to the pointing device speed.

The default value is 0.005f.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setSwipeDistance(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getSwipeDistance()
PropertyType<Vector2> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollPositionProperty

Reports the scroll position of the Scroll View node along the x and y axes as a relative position within the Scroll View area.

When the user:

  • Pans right and down, the scroll position value decreases.
  • Scrolls right and down, the scroll position value increases.

The default value is Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f). Use this property to set the scroll position immediately, without scrolling. To update the scroll position with a binding, use a TwoWayBinding or ToSourceBinding. During scrolling the Scroll View node internally overrides any one-way binding that targets this property.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setScrollPosition(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getScrollPosition()
PropertyType<Vector2> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollTargetPositionProperty

Use the Scroll Target Position property to set the value for the current scroll target.

Scroll target is a position to which a Scroll View is going to scroll. The default value is Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f).

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setScrollTargetPosition(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getScrollTargetPosition()
PropertyType<Vector2> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollSpeedProperty

Use the Scroll Speed property to set the current scroll speed.

The default value is Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f).

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setScrollSpeed(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getScrollSpeed()
PropertyType<bool> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollingProperty

Use the Scrolling property to find out whether a Scroll View node is currently scrolling.

The default value is False.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setScrolling(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::isScrolling()
PropertyType<bool> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ZoomAffectsScrollingProperty

Use the Zoom Affects Scrolling property to set whether the scroll position is scaled according to the zoom level.

The default value is True.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setZoomAffectsScrolling(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::isZoomAffectsScrolling()
PropertyType<Vector2> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollBoundsMinimumProperty

Use the Scroll Bounds Minimum property to set the coordinates of the top-left corner of the scroll bounds rectangle.

Scroll bounds define where the scrolling begins and ends. The default value is Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f).

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setScrollBoundsMinimum(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getScrollBoundsMinimum(), LoopingXEnabledProperty, LoopingYEnabledProperty
PropertyType<Vector2> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollBoundsMaximumProperty

Use the Scroll Bounds Maximum property to set the coordinates of the bottom-right corner of the scroll bounds rectangle.

Scroll bounds define where the scrolling begins and ends. The default value is Vector2(0.0f, 0.0f).

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setScrollBoundsMaximum(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getScrollBoundsMaximum(), LoopingXEnabledProperty, LoopingYEnabledProperty
PropertyType<bool> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::LoopingXEnabledProperty

Use the Looping X Enabled property to set the node controlled by a Scroll View node to start scrolling from the beginning when the scroll reaches the scroll bounds on the x axis.

When the scroll value reaches the maximum value of the bound, the value changes to the minimum value and the other way around. Use the ScrollBoundsMinimumProperty and ScrollBoundsMaximumProperty properties to set the scroll bounds. The default value is False.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setLoopingXEnabled(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::isLoopingXEnabled(), ScrollBoundsMinimumProperty, ScrollBoundsMaximumProperty
PropertyType<bool> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::LoopingYEnabledProperty

Use the Looping Y Enabled property to set the node controlled by a Scroll View node to start scrolling from the beginning when the scroll reaches the scroll bounds on the y axis.

When the scroll value reaches the maximum value of the bound, the value changes to the minimum value and the other way around. Use the ScrollBoundsMinimumProperty and ScrollBoundsMaximumProperty properties to set the scroll bounds. The default value is False.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setLoopingYEnabled(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::isLoopingYEnabled(), ScrollBoundsMinimumProperty, ScrollBoundsMaximumProperty
PropertyType<bool> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ZoomEnabledProperty

Use the Zoom Enabled property to set whether to install a pinch manipulator that generates zoom messages.

The default value is False.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setZoomEnabled(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::isZoomEnabled()
PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ZoomProperty

Use the Zoom property to set the current zoom level.

The default value is 1.0f.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setZoom(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getZoom()
PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ZoomMinimumProperty

Use the Zoom Minimum property to set the minimum zoom level.

The default value is 0.2f.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setZoomMinimum(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getZoomMinimum()
PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ZoomMaximumProperty

Use the Zoom Maximum property to set the maximum zoom level.

The default value is 6.0f.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setZoomMaximum(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getZoomMaximum()
PropertyType<float> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::StepMultiplierProperty

Use the Step Multiplier property to set the smallest distance that a Scroll View scrolls.

Kanzi uses the property value to multiply the Scroll View dimension for the scroll direction to calculate the smallest scroll distance. The default value is 0.25f.

See also
ScrollViewConceptImpl::setStepMultiplier(), ScrollViewConceptImpl::getStepMultiplier()
PropertyType<AllowedScrollAxis> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::AllowedScrollAxisProperty

Sets the axis on which you want to allow a Scroll View node to scroll.

The default value is AllAxes.

PropertyType<bool> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ReversedXAxisScrollProperty

Indicates whether the direction of touch scrolling is reversed on the x axis.

The default value is False.

Kanzi 3.9.7
PropertyType<bool> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ReversedYAxisScrollProperty

Indicates whether the direction of touch scrolling is reversed on the y axis.

The default value is False.

Kanzi 3.9.7
MessageType<ScrollStartedMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollStartedMessage

Scroll View sends this message when scrolling starts, regardless of how the scrolling started.

MessageType<ScrollFinishedMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollFinishedMessage

Scroll View sends this message when scrolling ends, regardless of how the scrolling ended.

A scroll ends when the interpolators reach the target values and the current position no longer changes.

MessageType<UserScrollStartedMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::UserScrollStartedMessage

Scroll View sends this message when user interaction causes the scrolling to start.

MessageType<UserScrollFinishedMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::UserScrollFinishedMessage

Scroll View sends this message when user interaction causes the scrolling to end.

At this point the user interaction ended, but the scrolling movement can still continue.

MessageType<ZoomedMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ZoomedMessage

Scroll View sends this message when zoom in or zoom out occurs.

MessageType<ScrolledMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrolledMessage

Scroll View sends this message whenever the Scroll View node scrolls.

MessageType<SnapRequestMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::SnapRequestMessage

Scroll View sends this message when scrolling stops, but the Scroll View node needs to snap to the nearest item.

List Box nodes use this message to react to the snap request to snap to the nearest item in a List Box node.

MessageType<ScrollDirectionMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollDirectionMessage

Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll one step in a given direction.

You can set the size of the step with the StepMultiplierProperty.

In Kanzi 3.9.0. Use ScrollUpMessage, ScrollDownMessage, ScrollLeftMessage, and ScrollRightMessage.
MessageType<ScrollPageMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollPageMessage

Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll the distance of the layout height of that Scroll View node.

In Kanzi 3.9.0. Use ScrollPageUpMessage and ScrollPageDownMessage.
MessageType<ScrollEdgeMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollEdgeMessage

Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll to the top or bottom of that Scroll View node.

In Kanzi 3.9.0. Use ScrollHomeMessage and ScrollEndMessage.
MessageType<ScrollUpMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollUpMessage

Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll up the distance that you set using the StepMultiplierProperty.

Kanzi 3.9.0
MessageType<ScrollDownMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollDownMessage

Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll down the distance that you set using the StepMultiplierProperty.

Kanzi 3.9.0
MessageType<ScrollLeftMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollLeftMessage

Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll left the distance that you set using the StepMultiplierProperty.

Kanzi 3.9.0
MessageType<ScrollRightMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollRightMessage

Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll right the distance that you set using the StepMultiplierProperty.

Kanzi 3.9.0
MessageType<ScrollHomeMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollHomeMessage

Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll to the beginning of that Scroll View node.

Kanzi 3.9.0
MessageType<ScrollEndMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollEndMessage

Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll to the end of that Scroll View node.

Kanzi 3.9.0
MessageType<ScrollPageUpMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollPageUpMessage

Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll up the distance of the layout height of that Scroll View node.

Kanzi 3.9.0
MessageType<ScrollPageDownMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::ScrollPageDownMessage

Send this message to a Scroll View node to scroll down the distance of the layout height of that Scroll View node.

Kanzi 3.9.0
MessageType<SetScrollTargetMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::SetScrollTargetMessage

Send this message to a Scroll View to scroll to a specific position in that Scroll View node.

MessageType<SetScrollMessageArguments> kanzi::ScrollViewConcept::SetScrollMessage

Send this message to a Scroll View to go a scroll position immediatelly without scrolling.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: