Kanzi  3.9.7
Kanzi Engine API
kanzi::interop::TextureCreateInfo Struct Reference

Struct which contains all the parameters that are needed for texture creation. More...

#include <kanzi/interop/core.ui/graphics/texture.hpp>

Public Attributes

SamplerAddressingMode addressingMode
 Texture addressing mode. More...
unsigned int depth
 Reserved for future use. More...
GraphicsCompareFunction depthCompareFunction
 Depth comparison function. More...
GraphicsFormat format
 Format for texture. More...
unsigned int height
 Height for the base level of texture. More...
std::vector< BitmapImageWrapper * > images
 Images that are used to create the texture. More...
SamplerFilter magnificationFilter
 Texture minification filter. More...
GPUResourceMemoryType memoryType
 Memory type for the texture. More...
SamplerFilter minificationFilter
 Texture magnification filter. More...
unsigned int mipmapLevelCount
 Number of mipmap levels for the texture. More...
SamplerMipmapMode mipmapMode
 Mipmap mode for the texture. More...
TextureType type
 Texture type. More...
unsigned int width
 Width for the base level of texture. More...

Detailed Description

Struct which contains all the parameters that are needed for texture creation.

Member Data Documentation

GraphicsFormat kanzi::interop::TextureCreateInfo::format

Format for texture.

Default CreateInfo constructor initializes this to GraphicsFormatNone, which is not valid value for Texture::create().

Not all devices support all texture formats, and not all formats support all features. You can check with validate() that create info has combination of format and features that are supported by your graphics driver.
TextureType kanzi::interop::TextureCreateInfo::type

Texture type.

Default CreateInfo constructor initializes this to TypeInvalid, which is not valid value for Texture::create().

See also
unsigned int kanzi::interop::TextureCreateInfo::width

Width for the base level of texture.

Default CreateInfo constructor initializes this to 0, which is not valid value for Texture::create().

Combination of mipmapMode, mipmapLevelCount, width and height must be valid when calling Texture::create().
unsigned int kanzi::interop::TextureCreateInfo::height

Height for the base level of texture.

Default CreateInfo constructor initializes this to 0, which is not valid value for Texture::create().

Combination of mipmapMode, mipmapLevelCount, width and height must be valid when calling Texture::create().
unsigned int kanzi::interop::TextureCreateInfo::depth

Reserved for future use.

Set to 1.

Depth for the base level of texture.

Default CreateInfo constructor initializes this to 1.

unsigned int kanzi::interop::TextureCreateInfo::mipmapLevelCount

Number of mipmap levels for the texture.

Default CreateInfo constructor initializes this to 1, meaning there is only base level image and no mipmap images.

Combination of mipmapMode, mipmapLevelCount, width and height must be valid when calling Texture::create().
GPUResourceMemoryType kanzi::interop::TextureCreateInfo::memoryType

Memory type for the texture.

If Gpu is not included, texture will not be deployed when created.

If Ram is not included, texture will not contain images after it has been deployed.

Default CreateInfo constructor initializes this to GpuOnly.

See also
SamplerMipmapMode kanzi::interop::TextureCreateInfo::mipmapMode

Mipmap mode for the texture.

Default CreateInfo constructor initializes this to Sampler::MipmapModeBase.

Default setting for mipmap and filter settings are optimized for textures that are shown without scaling. If your texture is shown with scaling, consider changing mipmapMode and filter settings to minimize aliasing.
Combination of mipmapMode, mipmapLevelCount, width and height must be valid when calling Texture::create().
See also
SamplerFilter kanzi::interop::TextureCreateInfo::minificationFilter

Texture magnification filter.

Default CreateInfo constructor initializes this to Sampler::FilterNearest.

Default setting for mipmap and filter settings are optimized for textures that are shown without scaling. If your texture is shown with scaling, consider changing mipmapMode and filter settings to minimize aliasing.
See also
SamplerFilter kanzi::interop::TextureCreateInfo::magnificationFilter

Texture minification filter.

Default CreateInfo constructor initializes this to Sampler::FilterNearest.

Default setting for mipmap and filter settings are optimized for textures that are shown without scaling. If your texture is shown with scaling, consider changing mipmapMode and filter settings to minimize aliasing.
See also
SamplerAddressingMode kanzi::interop::TextureCreateInfo::addressingMode

Texture addressing mode.

Default CreateInfo constructor initializes this to Sampler::AddressingModeClamp.

Default setting for addressingMode makes the texture not repeat. If you want texture to repeat, you must change addressingMode.
See also
GraphicsCompareFunction kanzi::interop::TextureCreateInfo::depthCompareFunction

Depth comparison function.

Default CreateInfo constructor initializes this to GraphicsCompareFunctionDisabled.

std::vector<BitmapImageWrapper*> kanzi::interop::TextureCreateInfo::images

Images that are used to create the texture.

If you set texture type to two dimensional, images must contain zero or one image. If you set texture type to cube map, images must contain zero or six images.

Default CreateInfo constructor initializes this to empty.

See also

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